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Experience that would perpetually shape the hearts of the people

lost land

By C.S LEWISPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
lost land

Quite a long time ago, settled between the transcending mountains and the unending ocean, there existed a land covered in secret. This land, referred to just as the Obscure Land, was supposed to be a position of incredible magnificence and charm. Legends were murmured from one age to another, talking about rich woods, shining streams, and animals that opposed the creative mind. Numerous travelers had set out looking for this famous land, yet none had gotten back to tell their stories.

At some point, a youthful traveler named Amelia left on a trying endeavor to find the Obscure Land. Furnished with her compass, map, and an unquenchable interest, she wandered profound into the unknown regions, abandoning the security of commonality.

As Amelia traveled through thick wildernesses and slippery territories, she experienced fantastical animals that appeared to have sprung from the pages of a storybook. She saw brilliant birds with feathers that sparkled like rainbows, and agile animals that jumped from one tree to another with elegance. Each step uncovered another wonder, and Amelia's heart expanded with amazement.

Following quite a while of persistent investigation, Amelia coincidentally found an old stone opening decorated with unpredictable carvings. The passage appeared to coax her forward, and with a feeling of fear and fervor, she went through its limit. In a moment, she wound up remaining in a stunning valley, encompassed by energetic blossoms and cascades that flowed down the precipices.

Amelia's eyes augmented in amazement as she observed the miracles of the Obscure Land. Grand animals wandered openly, their fur and scales sparkling in the daylight. She spotted elegant deer-like animals with gleaming horns, and delicate monsters with tusks that bended like sickle moons. The air was loaded up with the song of birdsong, and the scent of colorful blossoms floated through the breeze.

As Amelia wandered further into the Obscure Land, she experienced a local area of creatures not at all like any she had at any point seen. They had a powerful gleam and greeted her wholeheartedly. They shared their accounts, their way of life, and their insight. Amelia discovered that this land was a safe-haven, where concordance and regard for nature were held in the most noteworthy respect.

Days transformed into weeks, and weeks into months, as Amelia submerged herself in the miracles of the Obscure Land. She archived her encounters, catching the dynamic tones and ethereal magnificence of the land in her representations and works. She framed profound associations with the occupants, gaining from their antiquated lessons and sharing her own insight from the world she had abandoned.

In any case, as time elapsed, Amelia felt a yearning to get back and offer the stories of the Obscure Land. With overwhelming sadness, she bid goodbye to her newly discovered companions and put out on the excursion in a difficult spot, conveying their accounts and the embodiment of the Obscure Land inside her.

At the point when Amelia got back to her country, she was welcomed with mistrust and suspicion. Many excused her stories as simple trips of extravagant, incapable to appreciate the enchantment and excellence she had seen. Courageous, Amelia shared her portrays, her works, and the insight she had acquired from the occupants of the Obscure Land.

Her accounts touched off a flash of interest in the hearts of others. Travelers and visionaries set out looking for this legendary land, enlivened by Amelia's records. The Obscure Land turned into an encouraging sign, an image of the miracles that lie past the limits of the known.

Thus, the tradition of the Obscure Land resided on, rousing ages to embrace the obscure, to look for excellence in places concealed, and to accept that there is sorcery on the planet yet to be found. Amelia's process had not just uncovered the mysteries of the Obscure Land yet had likewise lighted a feeling of marvel and experience that would perpetually shape the hearts of the people who hoped against holding.


About the Creator


I presently think positively. Railing and censuring just destroy. Confirmed speculation develops. I currently take a gander at the daily routine that I experience and confirm, "It is Great." I love and favor the Ideal Power inside me

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Comments (1)

  • Mark Graham10 months ago

    Quite interesting and I like reading fantasy stories. They take a reader into a different world for at least a while.


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