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Every Poison has an Antidote

The World Everyone Forgot

By InkGalaxies~Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Every Poison has an Antidote
Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

In the decades that followed earth's annihilation the earth's wildlife regained its control growing wild and feral, climbing through the tall buildings that stood still made of granite and metal, stone and concrete. Alida was adept at climbing, and moving from beam to beam, with very little light to guide her way. Often she lost her footing and found herself in a concrete building watching for those Mansters that often took refuge there. She had vague memories of her mother telling her warning stories of the Mansters, formerly men, who like the wildlife turned feral their bodies mutating in death, traveling through the wilderness groaning over the fate preying on the alone.

It’s why Alida cautiously traveled through the highest peaks of the wild feral forest avoiding the vines that moved and snake around the wilderness. Each step taking her closer to the blinking red dot. Technology was rare in this age but not fully obsolete. She hoped wherever this dot led it would be a haven. She hadn’t slept in safety in so long. She readjusted her footing, climbing higher, finally pushing beyond the green leaves and seeing the sky in all its glory for the first time in weeks. The sun was just starting to set painting streaks of peach, violet, and indigo in the sky. A shadowy moon far away but moving ever closer.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Alida closed her eyes nearly groaning at the voice she had thought she’d gotten rid of.

“Hello, Crius.” She said warily. She opened her eyes nearly glaring at the silver eyes that were right in front of her.

“I thought you had better things to do?” she asked. “The days are endless the nights even longer,” Crius said in that damning voice of his.

Alida rolled her eyes. “I think I’ll sink back into the plants if you’re going to be this annoying,” Alida said. Crius smiled, his teeth glinting in the sunset.

“It’s amusing that you find yourself annoyed by my presence,” Crius said. “Technically I’m a figment of your imagination.” He reminded her.

“Less a figment and more a side effect of the remaining chemicals still in the air,” Alida said.

“Still it’s been a while,” Crius said with a smile. “I see you're still searching for the impossible.” He said.

“The impossible?” Alida scoffed. “You are following a trail from an outdated piece of technology, hoping to find some haven that probably doesn't exist,” Crius said.

“I don’t believe that,” Alida said.

“Except that you do?” Crius said tapping the side of Alida’s head. “Figment of your imagination remember?”


Rahim moved the dial, hitting the side of the old-fashioned radio. There was a tap behind him and he glanced to see Suki, looking at him with an unreadable expression on her face.

“Why are you here?” he asked focusing back on the radio ignoring the steaming tin cup of coffee she had rested on the table. A peace offering, no doubt.

“Why are you?” she countered. “Fiddling with old machinery,” Suki said.

“I know you don’t believe in my ideals,” Rahim said tersely. “My belief.” He said.

“We are safe here. All of us.” Suki said, her eyes focusing on the machinery. “There’s no telling what that will bring.” She said.

“If there’s a chance someone remains out there; it is our responsibility to bring them home,” Rahim said.

“What if they're the devil?” Suki demanded.

“Then clearly we’re doing something wrong,” Rahim said.

“Quit bothering him,” Calian said walking in, a box loosely held under an arm. “Out,” he said pointedly. Suki glared at him but left, huffing as she did.

Rahim stopped fiddling with the radio, turning to look at Calian. “I’m surprised you on my side.” He said. Calian looked at him over his glasses. “Or you don’t believe I’m going to find anyone at all,” Rahim said.

“I expect the vision. But I’ve never been one to believe in the impossible.” Calian said with a smile. “Do you know what that dot signifies?” Calian asked walking over to a shelf and pulling out a roll of thick parchment when he unrolled it, Rahim realized it was smart paper, lines crisscrossing weaving together into designs of a heart-shaped locked made of technology and metal.

“This was a gift, one of the last gifts to the royal house of Stormhaven,” Calian said.

Rahim felt a twist in his gut. “The keepers of the tech that destroyed the world?” he asked.

“It was meant as a truce. They received this token of peace. In exchange, they would relinquish the keys to the tech they guarded.” Calian said.

Rahim’s eyes widened at the implication. “It was a lie.” He said his eyes blown wide.

“As you can tell,” Calian said spreading his hands wide. “They used the keys, and destroyed the world, letting everyone believe, the royals were the cause, but it was their people who wanted their powers for themselves. So they used it and we all fell into ruin.” Calian said.

“That blinking dot could be a scavenger like us or it could be the last of the royals come to save us all,” Calian said.

“You believe that? You?” Rahim asked.

“Every poison has an antidote. You just have to seek it.”


Alida stepped down from the trees, finally resting her feet on manmade concrete for the first time in days. She pulled her jacket off, the heart-shaped locket she always wore snagging on it slightly. She adjusted the necklace and zipped up her waterproof vest over it. She didn’t know what tech lay dormant within it, but she knew better than to get it wet. Tech in this time was as rare as a good night’s sleep. Which made it a treasure beyond measure.


About the Creator


I'm a published writer with two novels currently out there in the world, and four others posted on Wattpad. I've always loved the written word, both in the blogosphere and in fiction.

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