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Eve's Sin (And Eve's Sin Prologue)

By: Kaeden Nelson

By Kaeden NelsonPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
The Tower of Babel where Eve has Eve

Eve's Sin Prologue

I woke up to head to my casual job as head accountant for Brewer Enterprises, a global metal-making company on Acirema. I got dressed, as usual, and I checked my phone. As it turned out, I missed exactly seven calls from Tonya, my sister beneath the ‘boss.’ I put my phone on ‘Do not disturb’ mode while I continued on my way to work. I walked outside, allowing my body to obtain its proper dose of Vitamin D. Those with melanin in their skin struggle to obtain enough in the fall and winter months due to the sun’s absence.

At work, I finally was able to explain to Daniel why I needed the promotion to ‘head’ accountant so bad: It demonstrates power. The more money one has, the more power one has, but money accounts for nothing, which is why it is the most liquid asset. What need do we humans have for power if God is our weapon? Some people may argue a stance similar to that one. Money, though, can be used to buy better clothes, buy a better house, or even labor or money. Money—is a construct of society with no true value in God’s eyes. Nonetheless, God blessed me with it out of His supreme love, so I will earn it.

My parents would be so proud of me when I got home--after I explained to them that I worked hard for my promotion. In time, I explained, and they were proud that I had worked hard for my promotion.

“Ring ring,” went my telephone.

I thought you were on ‘Do not disturb,’” I mumbled, answering the call.

“Hi, Eve! It’s Ton, and my husband, Zamu!” Ton screamed through the phone. “Say ‘hi’ Zamu!”

“Hey, Eve… It’s me,” Zamu whimpered.

Ugh, what do you guys need from me?”

“The boss needs help! We need to bring him back to life!” Tonya cried.

“Who is ‘the boss,’ and why would I help him when I just got my promotion?

“Kaeden, the boss!? The man who’s writing this very story!? You don’t know who THAT is!?” Ton exploded from her vocal-hole.

Tell the boss he’s gonna die. Playing God is a sin anyways,” I sighed, letting her escape again.

“The boss is gonna die!” she whined. “He’ll be gone from us forever! Also, no, I wouldn’t play God; I’m just as Christian as you are!” she continued. “Oh, do you have to be so selfish!?”

I just think you’re being dumb asking me to join you,” I explained. “I have nothing to gain from this whole thing. What do you mean you aren’t playing God, by the way?”

“The boss isn’t actually dead,” Zamu said, sounding more like a man than before. “We use ‘back to life’ as a way to say ‘back to the life of writing.’ We just want him back writing again. Another thing, though, is that the boss is thinking about reviving you at the end of your story, at least he was until he died. If he brings you back to life, it won’t be like playing God because you’re a fictional character, so what’s in it for you is a second life. So, can you please help us out with this, if not for our sake for yours?”

I sighed and responded, “Fine.” The two on the other side of the phone celebrated, as if I had just offered them a new life. I, however, was still struggling to smile. I sinned; I truly did an unholy deed. I killed my fellow man in the pursuit of earthly greed. God will punish me accordingly in Hell, as He should. I was so caught up in impressing my parents, coworkers, and friends that I’d lost sight of the LORD’s way, so I had no right at this point but to face my consequences…

Eve's Sin

There was once a girl named Eve who struggled with sin. She was a religious 20-year old, nonetheless, but she struggled with her ‘inner self,’ Eve. Eve was an innocent girl, knowing not what evils were in the world; she was exactly what her parents wanted her to be.

Eve could not have been farther from that. Eve was what her parents were trying to bury underneath Eve. That monster of a woman was never meant to exist; however, the monster of a woman grew bolder as Eve grew older.

Daniel and Eve were atop a cliff.

“Eve, you killed someone!” Daniel asked onto her. "You violated one of the Ten Commandments of our LORD God!”

“Daniel, you have to understand—“ Eve appeared once more before Eve’s eyes. “—she was in my way. I didn’t mean to do it, but—she made me—forced me to do—what I did. There was nothing just about what—she—did.” Eve attempted to point at herself.

Eve was trembling now; Daniel frozen in terror. Eve was controlling the conversation, pulling into it more sin, but only the woman Eve knew. Eve thought into herself:

(Eve, I hate you! I hate you as though you’re Hell itself! You’re nothing but sin; why are you a part of me!?)

Eve then answered the thoughts of Eve:

(I’m that part of you that you keep locked away in the tower of holiness! Remember!? The tower at Babel that the people built to get up to the LORD is where you tried to keep me locked away.)

Eve grasped her head in confusion, and Daniel asked was she okay. She was okay in the body but not in the mind.

“Daniel! I’m screaming! ¡Estoy gritando, Daniel! I need—nothing; I need more than—nothing.” Eve clenched her head once more as it did pound. She then asked herself:

(How do I make this stop?)

Eve answered her:

(Break the tower.)

(What tower, Eve!?)

“Eve… hey, I’m sorry,” Daniel spake. “I just miss you. Before you were so perfect, I remember the days when—“

—When, what, Daniel!? When I didn’t kill people out of fits of anger? I remember those days, too.”

Daniel continued: “I remember when I used to just love you for you; I remember before you got your promotion—“

“—You mean back when I—was poor?

“I mean, Eve, before you used to strive for things like promotions, when you were—“

“—sinful!? Well, guess what? I’m not asking for forgiveness.”

Eve then fell backward ten feet, then twenty, then twenty-hundred-thousand.

Daniel said upon Eve’s soul: “I loved you, Eve. I loved the true you, the perfect you: I loved the you that was willing to be weak, willing to be poor, willing to be human. Eve, I’m sorry pursuing perfection was your greatest sin. You were so perfect, back when you weren’t trying to be. You didn’t have to hide things. That led to all of your other worst sins.”

Eve had fallen, but she broke Eve’s tower of God-like perfection.

SeriesYoung AdultShort StoryPsychologicalCONTENT WARNING

About the Creator

Kaeden Nelson

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  • Kaeden Nelson (Author)11 months ago

    Share this story with a friend or I'll lose my writing life again.

  • Do you guys think this deserves a content warning? Also, what do you guys think? How about a part two?

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