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Episode #8 Talked Things over with Jordan & Taking the Stairs

Decisions, Opportunity or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Episode #8 Talked Things over with Jordan & Taking the Stairs
Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

You both leave the bedroom ready to head downstairs for supper. An elevator can be heard slamming against something, as though to hold doors open. From a distance you watch as the elevator doors open then try to close, slamming against nothing and opening yet again. The stairs are in the very same area as the elevator making you feel somewhat uneasy about going that way after all.

“Jordan, what could be possibly cause those elevator doors to do such a thing?” With a smart-ass response, “Gee I don’t know maybe its haunted.” laughing as she walk towards the elevator. “Look there isn’t anything in here, walking into elevator.”

This time the doors close completely, and the elevator takes off! Going up then down and up again. You can hear Jordan each time the elevator races up or down, yelling, “Somebody get me out of here!”

No matter how many times you push that button the elevator does not come back to your floor. Racing down the hallway praying you will run into that same old man.

You yell out, “Hello, sir if you can hear me, can you help me please? My friend is stuck in the elevator! Hello! Sir?” “This way please,” comes a deep rough voice from behind you. “Oh, thank you sir, can you please help my friend?”

He walks without looking back at the elevator, taking out an odd-looking set of keys, all different colors and shapes. He fits one into the keyhole of the elevator and opens the door. Without a word, he turns and walks back down the hallway.

“Oh my God Jordan, are you alright?” “Okay now, thanks. That was very odd. I couldn’t get it to stop moving up and down. How did you possibly open this thing?” Before you can even answer, Jordan says, “Whatever, it doesn’t really matter right? Let’s go for supper, using the stairs! I’m not using that damn elevator again.”

Down the stairs Jordan heads, you right behind, three flights later you find yourselves in what feels like a very dark, damp dungeon. Reaching out hoping to feel something, maybe a wall, a door just something, anything. With a large amount of luck, you find a doorknob, with a quick turn it opens. Darkness continues to engulf the surrounding area, reaching out you touch a wall right away.

“I think I found a closet Jordan, are you having any luck?” “Nope haven’t found anything,” music fills the air, as though you have entered a theatre. “Wow, are you sure that’s a closet you found, that music is pretty loud?”

Jordan walks towards the music walking right into back wall of closet, “Ouch, well I guess it is a closet.” squeak, wall slides sideways to your left.

“Damn Jordan, we should have brought our backpack, perfect place to use a flashlight. Let’s see where it takes us to.” Walking through the wall right into yet another wall.

Feeling around you notice this place is like a hallway between walls, the music gets louder the further down the hallway you go. Yet after what seems like a never-ending hallway you come to a door opening it immediately, expecting to find a dance hall or at the least a music hall.

Only to find an empty room and no music playing! Instead, you can now hear men and women racing around in a kitchen making meals. A light begins to force its way through the darkness, now showing you the way into the kitchen. While making your way through the kitchen, all the kitchen staff just smile at you both as though you should be there.

A woman walks up,"Hi girls. Did you get lost? Are you looking for the mess hall?” Pointing around a corner, she continues “Oh, don’t worry you are not the only ones getting lost today. But please be careful there are so many hidden passageways in this place you could end up lost for hours. Come with me I will help you get to where you’re going.”

Even though you both are not sure if this woman is real or not, you still follow her around the corner, finding yourself coming through the kitchen of the Mess Hall.

By Dan Gold on Unsplash

The Mess Hall is huge, it can seat at least two hundred people, food is in abundance just an amazing spread to indulge in. You and Jordan grab your plates load them up with so much food they are almost overflowing, making it hard to carry your salads and drinks as well.

You make your way to the closest table near the east wall. The scenery through the window is absolutely amazing, oak trees resemble bonsai trees, as it has grown sideways next to a pathway leading around the hospital. On top of a hill sits an old run-down house surrounded with dead berry bushes.

A man walking in stands at front of the room shouting, “Excuse me Please! Everybody if I could have your attention!” The room turns silent, “Thank you. My name is Ralph, and it is my pleasure to inform you that I will be doing a Ghost Tour each evening after supper for those who don’t fear meeting spirits.

Plus, Samantha will be educating those interested in how and why this hospital was built. She will also be telling stories of hauntings on the grounds. Enjoy your stay.” He leaves before anyone is able to even ask a question. "Hey Jordan, what are you into doing tonight?” “Not sure.” Jordan sits looking out the window.

Well what should you and Jordan do tonight? I guess you will have to decide since Jordan seems rather mesmerized with the house that sits on the hill! What are you going to do? Go on the Ghost tour or find out what this hospital that your Gram once worked at was all about?



No matter what decision you make we wish you all Good Luck! Enjoy and have Fun! If you could be so kind as to hit that like and share button that would be awesome. Thanks a go directly to me..Thanks again


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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