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Episode #7 head around hospital to check out that odd looking pathway

Decisions, Opportunity or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

You and Jordan make your way down an overgrown dirt path circling around the North side of the hospital. Its almost like a forest from all the different trees and green foliage, such a beautiful sight.

“Isn’t it just glorious here Jordan, look at these trees. Its amazing how they have grown sideways to avoid growing into the hospital, like a bonsai tree!”

You jump up on the trunk of this massive oak tree, walking next to Jordan while she stays on the ground, the tree has grown sideways for a good eight feet before growing straight up to the skies again. Jumping off at that point, laughing as you land next to Jordan. In the distance sits a fence with a gate just waiting to be opened. A well weathered worn sign hangs next to the gate stating, “WELCOME TO THE VILLAGE! THOSE WITH A PASS ONLY PLEASE.”

“Imagine that, Jordan! You must have a pass to get into the Village. Pretty sad once seeing it in person. Imagine wanting to see your family or friends and you can’t because you don’t have a pass?” Jordan responds, “I just can’t imagine living this way at all. It sure is a beautiful place though.”

Just as you approach the gate you notice a woman dressed in an old white hospital gown floating to your left, she looks incredibly sad and confused tossing her head back and forth, yelling out for someone named Alice. Down another overgrown path leading past a couple of old dilapidated buildings, heading right for the backdoor of a building with arrow sign reading, “Recreational room this way”.

Once stepping on the path things change, “Wow Jordan, can you see them?” A young girl also is seen floating down the same path in the opposite direction. “Ya, I see them! This is getting nuts who are they? Where did they come from? Why are they here?” “Well, good questions Jordan, I think best question is where are they going?”

Ahead of you is a yet another overgrown pathway leading to, yet another gate no longer attached to a fence, rather the left side is still staked to the ground and has caused the right side to lean back twisting freely with the wind, almost touching the ground on the left side.

“Wow Jordan, which way should we go?” “Hard decision, yet that overgrown path looks pretty exciting to me. You decide!”

You and Jordan walk swiftly around the broken gate right into being greeted with an essence of calmness, peace and tranquility. A Native man sits cross legged on the ground sprinkling herbs on a small fire in front of him. As if second nature you both sit cross legged opposite him, also in front of the fire.

He explains, “When I was a young boy my father, Chief of my tribe, made peace with the white man doctor to find healing for all those sick and dying. We gave him land to build his hospital grounds and we shared our knowledge of herbs and healing, giving allowance for him to give refuge to any person who needed it.”

While sitting there listening absorbing the warm sun beating down warming all it touches. What a beautiful sight, a massive hill carved into over ten different caves. You notice others have joined the circle around the crackling fire. Jordan sits still quietly next to you completely engaged in his knowledge.

He continues, “These caves behind me once carried massive rocks, with rushing waters from our lake that ran this windmill,” he points, there to your left sits an old, weather worn, wooden windmill.

“This old windmill was used for watering gardens and livestock as well as a way to power their power plant. The white man has a hard time going without power, so their power plant was used to run everything that needed power. As time has passed these caves have formed inside the massive rocks, giving homes to Indian Rugeroos Spirits.

These Indian Spirits are also called Indian Animal Spirits, especially coyotes. Some have witnessed these Ancient Indians change into animals, others have only seen their red or green eyes in the darkness. They are believed to be evil spirits who will growl and chase you from the caves.”

By Mike Lewis HeadSmart Media on Unsplash

He then shares, “Be advised, if you are able to find your way through these caves a blessed reward shall follow. If you are willing to take this challenge, I will need to smudge you with some sage before you leave.

Instantly you state, “I’m interested and so is she,” pointing at Jordan, “Right?” She responds, “Oh yes, for sure! I would love to go.”

The Indian man explains as he smudges you both, “I am burning sage for purity and safety. You will need to use your hands, the Elder shows you how to scoop smoke and rub it over your own aura. Good, now you two shall have a safe journey.”

You and Jordan slowly and carefully half crawl and half climb your way through rocks and dirt going up the side of hills made from massive sandstone rocks. Waters have rushed their way through these rocks over so many years, caves have eroded their way through the most massive ones closer to the top of the hill. The first cave you have encountered is so huge you can stand upright inside it.

You call out, “Jordan, come check this one out! It’s huge, you could live in here!” Jordan comes walking into the cave, “Wow look at this rock, its like being in the shell of a egg. Just much thicker of a shell.” She laughs and uses her arm to show how thick the shell of the rock is, measuring it from her fingers to the top of her elbow.

With a laugh in your voice, “That’s a good comparison, Jordan. We should probably keep moving up higher to those more massive rocks, before the Rugeroos come out and chase us out of here.”

The two of you continue on your way up the side of the hill until you reach the top cave, it is massive! You can’t even touch the rock above your head! "Hey Jordan, Look at this one, it looks like someone has been staying here.” pointing to what looks like an old burnt-out campfire.

“Look at how the water made places for someone to sit or even sleep. Amazing how it was able to even make this!” Jordan points to large hole that resembles a window. You begin smelling the sweet aroma of sage waffling in from another cave "Yikes Jordan, can you smell that?” “If you are meaning the sage? Yes, I sure can.”

"Oh my God, Jordan I think we better get moving before we meet the spirits that turn into Rugeroos, wouldn’t you agree?” “Great idea, lets move on out of here!”

The instant you leave the cave you see them! There are three of them standing inside another cave dancing around a fire, whispering, “Jordan can you see them?” Jordan voice cracks a bit, “I, I wasn’t sure but now I am. We better run now!”

"I don't know Jordan, I think we should stay and see if they change into Rugeroos. That would be absolutely amazing to witness.” “I don’t know! I don't know if I really want to stay. Oh, my goodness, I see them! All six of those red and green eyes.”

You stand there watching as the eyes seem to come closer to you both. You try to move but you can’t. You try to yell out to Jordan, but you can’t. Then you hear them, its a deep unfriendly growl, getting closer and closer. Finally, you can speak, “Jordan lets get out of here! I see a dirt path over there, lets go! Run!

You run as fast as you possibly can down the hill of rocks, stones and dirt coming to the path. Jordan is right behind you, out of breath by the time she reaches you, running the dirt path you come across a large sign hanging giving entrance to another place. Once close enough you were able to read it,


You made it to the Native Lands, this is amazing, like no other place you could imagine! You will do special things while upon the sacred lands, attending a Native Sundance. Ever been to one before? They are amazing! It is a four-day event held by an Elder for the healing of others.

You will learn to make a tee pee, attend a sweat lodge, attend a healing circle, attend a ghost dance and attend the clown dance. Most important you will learn the meaning of a Sundance! You will learn while you have fun and enter a new level of spirituality!


While I have your attention would you be so kind as to share and like my stories for others to have a chance to find their way through the adventures. Thanks for your support, tip jar goes directly to myself. Thanks for Being You! Stay Safe and Smart! Love Peace and Harmony!!


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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