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Episode #37 continuing on with the ghost tour

Decisions, Opportunity or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 15 min read
Episode #37 continuing on with the ghost tour
Photo by Carolina Pimenta on Unsplash

Ralph begins walking again, darkness surrounding him every step of the way. Still stuck at the end of the line, you pray there isn’t another door ahead. Too late! The squeak of a door in front of you sounds. Reaching for Jordan arm just for some form of security, you feel something sneaking up close behind you. So close you can feel it wrapping itself around your left ankle, jumping straight up, letting out a high-pitched scream you never thought was ever possible.

Covering your own mouth with your hands, just as quickly walking backwards, directly into Jordan. “Oh my God Jordan, something grabbed my ankle!” “Is everybody alright back there?” asks Ralph with a calm voice. Jordan answers for you, “We’re good thanks.” Reaching back her hand she grabs yours, “Come on we will close the doors together, lets catch up with the rest.”

You both walk quickly while listening to Ralph explain where he is taking the group next. “Above us is a Restricted area in the hospital. We are not allowed access to this section in the hospital, this is where those who were close to death lived, waiting to die?

The story goes there is a woman who wonders the lands looking for her husband in that very area. Who may also be the mother who looks for her daughter in the Village? Once going through this door, I ask that all be incredibly careful as it is entrance to a stairwell. Please follow me. Oh, and don’t forget to close and lock the door behind you.”

Door squeaks open, you follow close behind sounds of feet shuffling across the room stopping at the door you think back. I never locked that last door, I bet they played a joke on me to teach me a lesson, instantly you feel much more confident. Quickly you lock the door closing it behind you reaching out for Jordan again, just to be safe.

Ralph’s voice echoes from above, “Make your way up only two flights of stairs I will meet you all on the landing.” You can hear him running up the stairs. Then silence.

By Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

Whispers replace Ralph’s voice, hurry up move, get going, come on get out of the way, move faster we are going to lose him. Thinking, wow what are you guys all so worried about? I’m the last person, if you can’t follow him how am I ever going to find him.

“Jordan this is nuts, I’m not running up these stairs its way too damn dark in here.” “Actually, I’m surprised someone hasn’t taken us out by now.” Slowly you follow Jordan up the stairs, making your way safely to the landing joining all those before you. Ralph begins speaking, “Did everybody make it?” With excitement in your voice, “You bet ya and I remembered to lock and close the door behind myself too!”

“Great job, thank you. Now behind this door we will be going through an area in the hospital where people lived with the deadly disease TB, they spent most of their days in bed, but had options of attending the library and walking within only the walls of this hospital. Please follow me this way.”

Which way he went you have no clue as your eyes have yet to adjust to such darkness. Again, you grab Jordan, almost pushing your way through the doorway. When stopping to lock and close the door, your hand racing around finding no lock. You hear Jordan whispering, “What’s taking so long? Hurry I can barely hear them anymore.” Ralph’s voice begins to echo from a distance, “As you can see, these rooms allowed space for two beds.”

Getting closer, daylight breaks through a window showing rest of your way down hallway. Standing in the door frame you observe a not bad sized room. A small dresser divides two hospital beds sitting side by side. An exterior wall contains double glass windows sliding upwards, a small deck extends outside same length as wall. All paint is peeling off every wall, no glass remains in windows, it is very run down yet it seems to carry an essence of peace.


Ralph explains, “Note how this does not slide upwards, rather it slides sideways, as they are doors not windows, like most might think. When opened, beds were wheeled outside on the deck. Doctor’s considered this to be “Rest Care” all who lived here were fed very well, kept in as much comfort as possible, resting or sleeping in the sun was considered to be a very important way to curve their pain.”

You try to imagine what it would be like for your own family to live, waiting to die with no hope in sight. If you were lucky, you might have a friend or family member laying next to you during such a terrifying time. Yet, not wanting them to suffer either.

Ralph continues, “In the beginning doctors believed TB to be hereditary isolating families from society in this clinic, remember this was a hospital where people with tuberculosis made it their home for the rest of their lives, it was not a mental Institution. Now if you all could follow me through this area.”

Ralph walks down the hallways to what looks like maybe an old study area with several shelves half hanging from the walls. He continues, “After WWI veterans took it upon themselves to come out and build a library for those who lived here, giving an opportunity to be not only educated but take themselves to other worlds through novels and short stories.

A section for children was particularly important, as a large amount of children lived and died from TB. This way please, be careful going through the door.” He motions with his hand to follow him through an over sided window looking door he opens sideways, making it seem remarkably similar to a door, only difference was how thin it is. Climbing through first himself.

Whispering, “Jordan, why is he taking us up on the roof of the hospital?” As you reach for the window to hold it open for those in front of you, knowing you are the last one going through. Jordan just smiles as she goes headfirst through window.

Once outside the view is just breath taking! Ralph’s words break your thoughts, “I find this area remarkably interesting, as you can see there is an area over here where one can sit and enjoy this beautiful scenery. I believe this to be the only place where the sick could sit outside once, they were moved into the hospital area.”

You look at an empty area on the roof where two, maybe three chairs might fit. Seems to make sense being right next to the library for this to be an option. You can see every aspect of the grounds and more, Ralph continues, “At the front of the hospital, if you can all turn around, please,” pointing behind you, “Here you can see the house sitting on the hill, that was the Doctor who built this hospital home, where he lived with his family.

As time passed his entire family also became sick with TB, continuing to live there until their death. He built his home in the same fashion as the hospital. Allowing opportunity to give ‘Rest Care’ to his family as well, without having to move them anywhere. At this point the Doctor began to believe the deadly disease was air born not hereditary and all who worked there, was now not allowed to leave. It is also believed there is now an evil entity residing within his home and the doctor now begs for peace!”

By Aniket Mandish on Unsplash

Looking over you notice that area seems to be dead! Nothing living around the house, only part of the grounds without plush green grass and blooming crab apple trees, flowers or bushes. Asking, “Why does everything look so dead over there?”

Ralph answers, “We do not understand fully what has happened in his home, other than it is supposed to be haunted by an evil spirit. There is a pathway to follow if anybody is willing to take a chance and investigate. Some friendly advice, be incredibly careful if you go there at night.”

Next you notice what looks like a little town or village behind you commenting out loud, “Wow there must have been a large amount of people living here at one time. Would that be a little town back there?” pointing behind Ralph.

Ralph explains, “If you can all turn back around, I will explain what this way is. As you can all see there are still a couple of buildings being used in this area. We have the dance hall, used in the past and in the present for the very thing it was built for. Even though people were sick, they still could sing, dance and play music so they would meet in the dance hall to enjoy such abilities at least two times a week.

Next was the Fire Hall, the Doctor made sure everything would be covered while living, at that time, out in the wilderness, miles from any other community. Their fire truck would have been pulled by horses; the stables where once located behind the graveyard. Which is where all livestock were kept as well. To its right is a building that looks similar to a crematorium due to the brick stacks located on top, but this was and still is a power plant. Keeping the hospital grounds and surrounding areas self-sufficient, there was no crematorium.

Continuing right is what once was a church where all were welcome no matter what religion they may have practiced. Behind the church can be found what once was a small vegetable garden for those who lived in this small village, ” pointing to your left.

Your eyes follow his hand, seeing a circle of cabins all fenced in with a small yard facing the center of the circle and two gates located on either side of each cabin leading into the adjacent yard of next cabin. A third gate opens into center of the circle where a rusted old hand pump for well water still sits attached to the ground. Seeing patches of sand and grass as well, you imagine how it may have also been a playground area for kids. You continue listening to Ralph.

“Yes, this hospital was able to accommodate at least 2000 people at one time. There were different levels of TB, so people were placed in different areas of the hospital grounds during their stay. This little village was where families lived when first coming here hoping to keep them together during such trying times.

But say for example, Dad became too ill and needs help caring for himself, but still able to walk or move around, he would be moved to the Lodge next to the hospital and just behind the Village, called the Villa. Being there he was still able to have visitors, to visit and go outside. Once he became even sicker and was in bed more then out of bed he would be moved into the hospital on unrestricted areas, where he would be given a day pass to go visit family, but family was not allowed to enter the hospital to visit him. Nurse Jan is said to still walk these hallways doing her job, seen by many, but she never is able to see the living.

Next stage would be his final stage of life, where he would have been moved into the restricted area in the hospital. Giving no access allowed by anyone who was not medically related. For how beautiful this place is, it was a place of painful death and total despair for all who had called it their home. Which now brings me to another area behind the Church.

A large graveyard, where all who died here were buried, patients and caregivers alike. There is a story of how hard it must have been for the first caretaker responsible for burying the dead. As the disease became more rampant and hundreds where dying so close together, he spent his days and nights gathering the dead to bury them, never finishing his job, dying from the disease himself. It is believed he continues to this day roaming the halls trying to finish that of what he couldn’t.”

You notice a couple of things located still further behind everything, but before you can ask, Ralph keeps talking, “Next to the church is what used to be a school for all the children. There were not any teachers so to say, rather parents would teach the children until they became too sick, at which time another would take over the job.

You hear Jordan ask, “Excuse me Ralph what are all those other houses back in the distance behind everything else with it’s own road coming in from the highway?”

He responds, “Very good question. That street of houses was called the nurses’ homes. All who worked in the hospital lived in those homes with their families, be it a nurse, cook, cleaner or doctor they all lived there. In the beginning they would travel until winter was coming, then it became much easier to just live on the grounds.

When staff became sick, and they still believed it was hereditary the families were moved out to live on the hospital grounds as well. As years passed, sick or not many family members made this hospital their home. Thousands of people walked these grounds at one time or another during those years. If all can now follow me through this window, watch your step.”

Ralph heads down a narrow hallway turning left around the corner stopping at yet another door looking the same as the last one. Opening it and stepping feet first into darkness, stating, “Please be careful, it will seem very dark after being outside, I will wait for all to enter before going further.”

You take it upon yourself to hold the window open for all, saying to Jordan as she climbs through, “Wait for me, you have to help me lock and close the doors, don’t forget.” “Don’t worry I’m staying right here,” grabbing your hand, helping you climb in yourself.

The smell of mouse feces is rather ripe in this room, taking your shirt you cover your nose and mouth. Hearing Ralph state, “Time to move on, excuse the smell, rats and mice have taken over this area of the hospital so it has been blocked off, through this door is another stairwell please don’t run, we will be going down one flight of stairs.”

Squeak, the door opens, you can hear feet moving briskly across the floor. Once reaching the door, your hand lands right on the knob, thrilled to feel it lock, you quickly close the locked door. Grabbing for Jordan, finding her arm, you slowly make your way down one flight of stairs.

Ralph’s voice sounds from directly in front of you, “I first would like to thank who has been locking and closing the doors. This is particularly important. So now will be the start of a new person to close this door.”

You hear a door open next to you commenting, “You are very welcome, and good luck to the next person.” Following him through the door, Jordan right behind you.

Ralph continues, “This is the 3rd level of the hospitals South wing. People have heard the sounds of wheelchairs, beds and the caretaker pushing his cart down these hallways. In this area would be those who where still able to get a day pass for visiting others on the grounds.

The bedrooms are larger, fitting up to four beds and two dressers, maybe even a chair. This area is now used for such people as yourselves staying on the grounds. Please follow me”, you walk quickly keeping up with his voice stopping at an elevator. Ralph asks, “Are we all still together?” “Yes, is heard from end of the line.”

Ralph continues, "Good to hear, next around this corner is where a mother would lock nurses in a single washroom and then leave, roaming the hospital looking for her baby. People say they have seen her, and then have been locked in this washroom so beware.” He then turns back the way he came, “Follow me please.” walking away briskly down the short hallway.

Ralph starts again, “Here we have the only elevator, used by the caretaker to move all the dead bodies to the morgue. They may not have had a crematorium, but they did have a morgue. Please follow me.” He heads around the elevator towards a very thin sliver of light finding a stairwell.

He can be heard saying, “This area is where the morgue once was, and it has now been renovated into the Mess Hall kitchen. Follow me.” You hear Jordan, “What? The kitchen was once the morgue! They make meals in a place where dead people use to once lay? That’s just gross!”

Chuckling, “Come Jordan, it’s no worse then that restaurant our parents take us to, remember, the one that used to be a funeral home.” Continuing your way down what seems to be a very dark hallway no wider then a double bed, walking right into Ralph once finding its end. “Oops sorry” you back up a couple of steps.

“Behind this door is access to the kitchen we will be walking through here, while others are working. From there we will be entering into another stairwell. Come along.” When the door opens it brings forth light showing the way to the kitchen. There is a handful of cooks making meals, filling the air with an aroma of bacon making your stomach growl. They all smile and wave on your way through.

Meeting Ralph at the stairwell he begins to speak, “From here we will be coming to the end of the tour.” Again, he opens a door to pure darkness. Walking through you hear Jazzy music playing. He continues, “This area is said to also be haunted, by those who enjoyed dancing and singing.”

You feel as if this music is giving reference of which way Ralph has gone, the farther you go the louder it becomes. To the point of now hearing not only music but people laughing, cheering and singing along. Sounds of a piano, saxophone, trumpet, guitar, even drums allows you to visualize a huge jazz party with many people having a gay old time.

Still, you are unable to see before you, only hearing Ralph explain, “We have now walked through what was once a hallway to the recreational center and on to the laundry area. Once through this next door you will have an opportunity to investigate other areas of the grounds.

Enjoy your stay and thank you for coming on my Ghost Tour. Just maybe some of you will be able to connect with one or more of the spirits still roaming.” You stop Ralph before opening that last door, “Ralph before finishing this tour can I ask what is in the hills behind the Graveyard with the waterfall?”

His response, “I’m sorry I have never noticed anything in the hills behind the Graveyard, nor have I ever had anyone ask. But feel free to investigate and let us know what you find.” Well that just pulls at your curiosity, saying back, “I will do that for sure, maybe even tonight.”

Instantly Jordan also comments, “Well if you go tonight, it will be by yourself. I’m not going unless it’s daylight.” Ralph opens the last door, giving access to the recreational room.

From here you see there are three ways now to leave the recreational room and continue investigating the grounds before calling it a night. Each of these options are now your next three episodes which one should you choose?




Have not found your way to the end yet? Maybe one of these Episodes will take you to the end! Enjoy and Good Luck! While I have your attention, could you be so kind as to hit the like button, share and tell your friends. Thanks a bunch! Love Peace and Harmony! Thanks for being You! Stay Safe and Smart!!


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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