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The Adventure's of Edward and Enigami

By Dylan Published about a year ago 14 min read

It was a cold, dark night during late summer, in the heart of the forest a ferocious red dragon was feasting on a freshly caught sheep from the nearest village. The dragon was the size of a school bus, with terrifying spikes all down its back, sixty sharp pointed teeth, and long sharp claws on each of it's four feet. It's eyes glowing purple and steam blowing from it's nostrils. It had enormous wings on either side and a long pointy tail.

The dragon's name was Enigami, she was a friendly dragon, yet the people of the villages still feared her. Knight's and dragon hunter's sought to slay her to achieve a reward of 100,000 gold coins. Enigami was 3,000 years old, she was very wise and although she would like peace with the humans, she knew it wasn't possible. It didn't help that she would eat sheep, cows, and other livestock from their villages. So, for the past 2,000 years Enigami tried her best to avoid contact with humans, but that would all change after tonight.

Standing twenty feet in front of this magnificently fearsome dragon was a small child. His name was Edward, he was 3 years old and all alone in the middle of the forest during the darkest hour of the night.

For Enigami, it was the strangest thing, the kid showed no fear and just stood completely still and fully aware of the dangerous dragon directly in front of him. Enigami has seen many peculiar things in her time on this earth, yet this one was different from the rest.

For Edward, he was amazed at such a spectacular specimen, a surreal sight in the eyes of the fearless toddler.

"Hewo, my name is Edwood," said Edward.

Enigami slowly stepped towards the young child, she was now face to face with the boy. Edward stuck his hand out and placed his palm on her scaly snout. The breath from her nostril's blew heat across his face like the wind, blowing the hood right off his head. Exposing Edward's curly blonde hair and revealing his deep blue eyes. He began smiling, a big smile with one of his two front teeth missing.

"Are you not afraid of me child?" Asked the puzzled Enigami.

"What weason do I have to be afwaid of you? You awe friendwy awn't you?" Replied the bold child.

"Why of course I am! But I am also a ferocious dragon, humans have been hunting me for centuries, does that not terrify you?" Enigami questions.

Edward just shook his head to signal a "no" and smiled at the friendly dragon.

"Oh..." Enigami began, shocked at the child's response. "Well... What on earth are you doing wandering about in the deep woods all alone this late at night?"

"I had a bad dweam so I went fow a wawk." Edward answered with a shrug.

This left Enigami baffled, the nearest village was almost one hundred kilometer's away. "How long have you been out on your own!" Enigami asked with concern. Edward just shrugged signaling he didn't know.

"It's very dangerous in these woods, especially at night. A small human like you should not venture alone through these woods any time of day." Enigami informed Edward. "You're lucky you met me before your path crossed with something far more dangerous."

"Like what?" Asked Edward.

"We need not worry about it, you're safe here with me." Replied Enigami, "My name is Enigami."

"How nice, it looks like you've found a little pet." A deep mysterious voice said to Enigami.

In-between the tree's behind Edward was a shadowy figure that looked similar to a dragon. As it stepped into a moonlit area it became clear that there was in fact another dragon. This one was black with green glowing eyes. It also had many teeth, sharp claws, and enormous wings.

"Speaking of danger," Enigami began, "What purpose do you have for being here Ezilaer?"

"Does the forest not belong to all creature's of the earth? Am I not permitted to freely travel wherever I so please? Surely you must know it is the time of night for feasts, I am hunting just as you are." Responded Ezilaer, the other dragon. "Look's like you've found me a little appetizer, unless of course you were saving it for desert," he continued.

"You will not harm this child for he is innocent!" Enigami asserted.

"Are thy sheep not innocent, are thy cattle not innocent, are thy goats not innocent, are thy deer not innocent, are..." Ezilaer began before being cut off.

"Alright, I understand your perspective, however he is only a child and deserves not to fall victim to predatorial ways," Enigami calmly responded.

"I believe what you mean to say is OUR predatorially ways, or have you forgotten you are also a mighty dragon," Ezilaer pointed out as he lunged toward the boy with his jaws wide to swallow young Edward.

Enigami struck Ezilaer defending Edward from certain doom. "To say 'also' would imply that you too are a mighty dragon," Enigami began, "Mighty is certainly not the word I would use."

Ezilaer grew furious toward Enigami after those remarks, he launched himself toward her, sinking his teeth into her side. Enigami slashed her sharp claws across Ezilaer's face, leaving behind a large scar.

Edward ran to hide behind a tree as the gigantic dragons ferociously fought in a fierce battle. Flame's blew from both their mouth's, the surrounding forest caught on fire. Tree branches began to fall as the two dragons flew around clawing, biting, and spitting flames in an effort to defeat the other.

Finally after a long and perilous battle, Enigami's claws grasp around Ezilaer and she threw him down toward the ground. With Enigami towering over him, Ezilaer retreated cowardly and flew off into the night sky.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Screamed Edward.

The forest was on fire and the flames surrounded Edward. The little boy was helplessly crying as the flames closed in around him. Smoke began to fill the air, Edward continued to cry for help, and Enigami frantically searched for her newfound friend.

In the middle of a small opening Enigami saw Edward. The tree beside him was on fire and started to snap in half. Enigami quickly flew in and picked up Edward just in the Knick of time as the tree fell where he was sitting. She brought him away from the smoke and fire, then she set him down.

"Where is your village young one?" She said.

"My name is Edwood." He replied.

Enigami laughed and replied, "My apologies, where is your village Ed Wood?"

"Noooo! Its Edwood!" He retorted.

"Where is your village child?" Enigami asked once more.

"I towd you my name is Edwood!" Edward said beginning to get upset.

"Okay, where do you live?" Enigami responded calmly.

"I don't know," Edward shrugged.

"Well, it's for too dangerous for a little human in these woods, hop on my back and I'll protect you," Enigami instructed.

Edward climbed onto her back and Enigami took off.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Edward shouted with glee as they flew through the night sky until the morning sun appeared upon the horizon.


At the village of Lufecrof, a part of the kingdom of Elbicrof, Edward's father woke to the sound of Edward's mother screaming. Edward's father Douglas, was a tall and strong man with long hair and a bushy beard. His hair was brown with grey creeping in. Edward's mother Marie, was a fair and skinny woman with long blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

"What on earth is all the screaming for??" Douglas asked with a yawn.

"It's Edward!!! He's not here!!!" Marie screamed in agony.

"Oh relax. He's probably just wandering around the village somewhere, you how that boy is. That imagination he has is always running wild," responded Douglas.

After searching the village and asking around, nobody could find Edward. Jeffery, a friend of Douglas, was a hunter/tracker and found small footprints heading into the woods.

"You don't think he would've wandered off in the middle of the night do you?" Jeffrey asked Douglas.

"You never know with that boy," he replied, "I'll talk to Warren about sending a search party."

Warren was the village chief, he was a short, heavy-set old man with long grey hair. Warren agreed to send out a search party with Douglas to find the boy. Jeffrey offered to join them.

Alexander was the leader of the party, he was known to many as the greatest dragon slayer in all of Elbicrof. Elisha was his second hand, she was the fiercest woman in all of Elbicrof. They were accompanied by Dan and Marcus, two brother's with a reputation for showing no mercy when slaying dangerous beasts.

They prepare for their journey and set out to find the missing boy.

A few hours after their departure the hunter's reached the fire where Enigami and Ezilaer had their battle. It was still burning and a large chunk of the woods was destroyed by the fire.

"Dragons," Said Elisha.

"I'm sorry Doug, but if your boy was here last night..." Marcus began before... "I know!" being cut off by Douglas.

"The dragon's reside in the mountain's during daylight," Alexander stated. "We can journey there and avenge your son," he continued.


They reached the mountain and sure enough they found a dragon, not only that but to their surprise Edward was with the dragon, and still alive.

"Edward!" Douglas yelled. "Daddy?!?" Edward replied running towards his father.

The hunter's prepared for a noble battle, however, Enigami did not put up a fight. She rather gracefully send's Edward back to his father and intends to leave the humans in peace. Alexander does not feel she deserves to leave in peace, he believes that a dragon is a dragon and she must be slain. Although, rather than slaying Enigami upon the mountain he and the other hunter's take an advantage of such a peaceful opponent, They surround Enigami and tie her down with ropes before she can fly away.

"NOOO! Don't huwt hu!" Edward screamed.

"It's a dragon Edward! They are dangerous and you're lucky to be alive!" His father said.

The took Enigami to an arena just outside the walls of Elbicrof. The king would then host a competition to slay the dragon for a reward. She had a chain around her ankle in a pit surrounded by a stadium of benches.

The crowd let out a roar as the first knight stepped into the arena to face the ferocious dragon. Enigami was not phased by the puny creature and had no intentions on killing him either.

The knight was a young man named Noah, he was trembling at the sight of Enigami.

"Fear not young man, I am but a humble dragon. I see no need for my execution but be it so I will go forth to the next life in peace," said Enigami.

"Yuh-Yuh-You can talk?" Replied Noah.

"Why of course I can, I knew how to talk before your great grandparents walked the earth." She replied.

"And y-you're a woman?" He added.

"Well yes, it appears I am," She responded.


Meanwhile, in the crowd Edward sits reunited with his mother and family. "They gonna huwt hu!" He said.

"Who?" His mother asked.

"Enigami," said Edward.

"Who on earth is Enigami??" His father asked.

"The dwagon," Edward said.

"It's okay Edward, dragons are bad and they hurt people," said Anna. A young girl sitting near them and the future wife of Noah.

"But she saved me," said Edward.


A loud roar interrupted their conversation and Noah's battle with the dragon. Everyone looked up and saw upon the mountain another dragon. Ezilaer.

He swooped down breathing fire into the arena, Noah dropped his sword and ran. Marcus and Dan were suited up in knight's armour and ran out to attack Ezilaer. Marcus threw a spear and it missed Ezilaer, Dan drew his sword and Ezilaer ate grabbed a hold of Dan with his mighty teeth and threw him in the air before swallowing him whole. Marcus began to run away and Ezilaer grasped onto him with his claws and flew him up into the sky. Then Ezilaer dropped Marcus and he fell to his death.

Ezilaer then swooped down and spat fire over the crowd as it quickly dispersed. Archer's and knight's grabbed there weapons and attempted to take down the vicious beast. However, they were no match, even Elisha the fierce warrior was burnt to a crisp.

"We need to get out of here!" Douglas yelled grabbing Edward. "But Enigami can hewlp!" Edward said. "This is no time for fairy tales!" Jeffrey told Edward right before he was hit by Ezilaer's tail and sent over the edge of the arena.

"Jeff!" Douglas yelled. "We need to go!" Said Marie. "But wat about Enigami?" Edward asked. His parents ignored him and ran towards the exit, his dad carrying Edward over his shoulder.

Anna was still there and she wondered if Edward was telling the truth. The dragon was destroying the kingdom and killing everybody so she thought that maybe she could help and Edward might be right. So Anna climbed down the wall into the pit and set Enigami free from her chains.

"Please help us!" Said Anna.

"Of course, thank you for setting me free," replied Enigami before flying away to defend the kingdom.

"Ezilaer! I command you to stop this instant!" Said Enigami.

"Who are you to command me, you defend these puny creature's and what do they give you in return? A slaughter to be witnessed by the masses." Ezilaer replied.

"They are misguided and untrustful, it is not the fault of the innocent that they shall fear us, but the fault of those like you who instill the fear and their leaders who promote it." Enigami responded hastily.

"You deserve to be slaughtered, can you not see we are meant to overpower the humans, we are meant to rule over the world!" Ezilaer angrily argued.

"I know you don't believe that's true, and if you truly do then you are just as blinded as they are!" Replied Enigami.

"I've had enough of you!" Ezilaer said with pure hatred as he attacked Enigami with full force.

The clawed and scratched at each other, biting each other, and spitting fire at each other. They threw one and other through buildings and against the ground. Enigami did her best to protect the people while Ezilaer did his best to harm them. It was a long, hard battle, fought well by both sides. Finally, Enigami had enough and got behind Ezilaer. "I'm sorry brother," she said sinking her sharp teeth into his neck and twisting it, snapping his neck and ending Ezilaer's life.

The battle was one, but Enigami felt she lost it. She lost the closest thing she had to family. Although, she did find a new family today, Edward's parent's realized they were mistaken for not believing Edward and forgave Enigami. Anna and Noah also accepted Enigami as a friend. In fact, most of the kingdom began to praise Enigami for her heroic battle.

Still, there were a few people that did not feel a warm and welcoming feeling for Enigami. Alexander saw Enigami as a dragon, and not just any dragon but a highly valuable dragon too. That is if he can slay her first.

Alexander drew his sword saying, "No dragon shall escape the clutches of the great Alexander." Enigami looked over at Douglas, he gave her the nod. Enigami grabbed a hold of Alexander and flew him to the top of the mountain and left him there.

She then flew back and walked amongst the humans as they celebrated victory over the fearsome Ezilaer and a newfound companionship with the humble Enigami.

Douglas became the new chief of Lufecrof and renamed it Elbanosaer. The dragon hunters became dragon warriors and fought alongside Enigami.

Edward grew up and became the next king of Elbicrof and renamed it Lufrednow. Anna married Noah and they had a daughter named Alana who grew up to marry Edward and became queen of Lufrednow. Enigami and Edward became an unstoppable force for any opposition seeking to overthrow the kingdom of Lufrednow.

The End.

AdventureFan FictionFantasyShort StoryFable

About the Creator


Hello! I am a writer, poet, rapper, and musician trying to make it in this crazy world! If you like my poem's please leave a like and subscribe!

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