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Encouraging Somebody

"The Journey Within"

By IsraPublished 7 days ago • 3 min read
Encouraging Somebody
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

In a quiet corner of the bustling city, where the noise of life seemed to blur into a distant hum, lived a young woman named Maya. Her days were a mosaic of routines and responsibilities, painted against a backdrop of dreams she had almost forgotten. Maya once harbored ambitions of becoming an artist—a painter whose strokes would whisper stories to those who paused to listen. But somewhere along the way, the colors faded, and the canvas of her life became subdued, overshadowed by practicality and doubt.

One crisp autumn morning, Maya found herself at a quaint café, seeking solace in a steaming cup of coffee. As she absentmindedly stirred her drink, her gaze wandered to a group of children outside the window, giggling as they chased each other through a shower of golden leaves. Their laughter echoed in Maya's heart, stirring memories of a time when joy was simpler, when dreams felt within reach.

Lost in thought, Maya failed to notice the elderly man who had quietly taken the seat across from her. His eyes, though weathered by years, held a warmth that drew her attention. "Excuse me, young lady," he began gently, "but it seems to me that you are carrying a burden heavier than the one you see."

Startled yet intrigued, Maya looked up, meeting the gaze of this unexpected stranger. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" she asked, unsure of how to respond.

The old man chuckled softly. "No, but I know a familiar struggle when I see one. You have dreams, don't you? Dreams that you've tucked away because they seemed too impractical or too distant?"

Maya felt a lump form in her throat, a silent acknowledgment of truths she had tried to bury. "I used to dream of painting," she admitted softly. "But life happened, and now... now it feels like it's too late."

The old man leaned forward, his eyes now alight with a spark of wisdom. "Ah, but Maya, dreams do not have expiration dates. They wait patiently within us, urging us to remember who we are meant to be. Your passion for painting—it is not lost. It only waits for you to rediscover it."

His words struck a chord deep within Maya, resonating with a truth she had long neglected. "But where do I even begin?" she wondered aloud, the weight of uncertainty mingling with a newfound glimmer of hope.

The old man smiled knowingly. "Begin by remembering why you loved it in the first place. Take a brush, dip it in color, and let your heart guide your hand. There is no right or wrong in art, only the expression of your soul."

As Maya listened, a sense of clarity washed over her, like a veil lifting to reveal a path she had once walked but had since forgotten. Perhaps, she thought, it was time to reclaim the artist within her—not as an obligation, but as a gift to herself.

Days turned into weeks, and Maya began to carve out moments for herself amidst the demands of her daily life. In a corner of her apartment, she set up a makeshift studio—a sanctuary where inspiration could flow freely. With hesitant hands and a heart eager to remember, she picked up a brush and allowed herself to paint.

At first, the strokes were tentative, hesitant to break the silence of years spent away from her craft. But with each passing day, confidence grew like the dawn breaking through the night sky. Colors danced on the canvas, telling stories of joy and sorrow, of dreams realized and dreams yet to be fulfilled.


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Versatile writer skilled in both tale & stories. Captivate readers with engaging content & immersive narratives. Passionate about informing, inspiring, & entertaining through words.

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    IsraWritten by Isra

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