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Chapter Two

By Brittney AlexandriaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

November 10


Adam settled into his cozy two-bedroom apartment and sat in front of his computer in frustration. He had been working on his newest novel for months, and he still had no first chapter. Tons of ideas flooded his mind, but he didn't know which ones to start with. His last three books were a breeze, but this new one was the hardest one yet. Staring at the blank word document, he sighed to himself before taking a sip from his coffee mug.

Making his way to the window, he opened the blinds, taking in the sight of the strip. Usually, he would get all of his inspiration from the people he'd observe around this time, walking up and down the busy streets. But this particular day, no one was really out. The streets were practically empty, more than likely because of the recent change in weather. Winter had made its presence known. Sharp winds danced in the air, and the leaves were dead, leaving nothing but naked trees. With even the slightest breath, came small puffs of cold air.

Just as he was about to head back to his desk, he noticed the young bookstore clerk and whom he assumed to be her sister, as they exited the store, making sure to lock up behind them. The two exchanged a few words before her sister walked off, leaving the young woman alone. Checking both ways before crossing the street, she trotted to the other side of the strip and rounded the corner soon after. Watching her up until the very moment she turned the corner, Adam smiled softly to himself. He took yet another sip of steaming hot coffee before closing his blinds and making his way back to his desk to sit and play around with different ideas. Out of everything he wrote down, nothing really jumped out at him, except one small word. Pausing for a brief second, he picked up the sheet of paper, and he smirked to himself upon reading it.


Leaning back in his desk chair, he closed his eyes, and that's when he saw her-the bookstore clerk. Truth is, he'd see her every single time he closed his eyes, and he thought she was God's gift to men. She was the epitome of perfection in his eyes-a true goddess; indeed, she was.

Her honey-brown curls framed her slender face perfectly. Her chocolate brown, almond-shaped eyes were perfectly positioned on either side of her perky, slightly upturned nose-and how could he forget those cherry blossom lips, so full, plump and pink-they were unbearably desirable. Her thick eyebrows tamed and well groomed, and her perfectly toned body was coated in a beautiful, golden-pecan skin tone. Thinking about her just brought him peace. It sent chills down his spine.

Slowly fluttering his eyes open once again, he smiled softly to himself as his mind began to wander, playing with the flood of ideas that clouded his head. For so long, it seemed, he was stuck in the same place, and finally, he felt some sense of direction. As if they had a mind of their own, his hands began to find their way—they glided across his keyboard with such purpose. Once he started, he couldn't stop.


After about two hours of uninterrupted writing, Adam sat back in his chair, sighing to himself. As if he’d been snapped out of a trance, he recollected himself before taking a sip of freshly brewed coffee. Allowing the strong aroma of hazelnut to dance around his nose, Adam smirked to himself upon finally finishing the first two chapters of his book. Exiting out of the document, he saved it shortly after, before closing his laptop and calling it a night.


About the Creator

Brittney Alexandria

Hi, my name’s Brittney, and I'm twenty-five years old! I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Over the years, my passion for writing has increased immensely! My works range from mystery to horror, urban and, romance.

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