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Elon, We Should Have Talked


By Paula Louise ShenePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Design by Deepa

Nature was humming as she set things in place once again. Time strolled in, asking if she needed help after the latest reboot.

Her deep-throated laugh always soothed his spirit. Finally, he smiled and said, “That would be a no; I got this under control?”

Nature looked at Time, who appeared a bit rough around the edges. She knew he didn’t like to do resets, but he finally agreed that the inhabitants were doing too much damage and the chain needed yanking.

“Yes, dear, everything is under control. The land is replenishing itself, and the life forms are again springing into life as well. I agree that allowing the normal course of things should be the way the replenishing takes place.”

“It was a horrible idea allowing the merging of humans and computer technology,” Time murmured.

“Now, Time, you do realize no one allowed it. It just happened. Elon talked about the evils of the progression of robots and their learning, and the only way to stop was by integrating. He was right, and he was wrong.”

“Nature, sometimes there is no gray area; it was downright wrong.”

“I realize you are upset that we needed to remove the chain from the heart locket and end the cycle of life, but you know they had the worse of the human drive installed. That is the reason they failed. Not the technology Elon had hoped would be used to better humanity.” Nature said in her soothing tones, “Come, Time,” she said, sliding her hand into his, ‘Walk with me.”

Hand in hand, they walked - through the plains, the valleys, and the hills. Then that night, they sat shoulder to shoulder enjoying the light show of the stars; some darting place to place, some seeming to be fiercely in a dance of death, some plunging to land.

The next day continuing their journey, they marveled at the quickness of the population in both animals and humans. Their cycles are faster, locked into Time’s loop.

Time realized this is how Nature calmed him. The beauty and the intricacies of the earth in all aspects. Walking through the zones and learning to accept the quirks of each creature was adaptable. Even with the reboots, he was only now learning to accept that having free will was as much a curse as a blessing for humankind.

Their journey again was finished. Time wanted to stay in Nature’s presence but knew his restlessness was causing him to be on the move. He watched Nature as she prepared to sleep.

Time knew He loved Nature. She too seldom slowed down in her work, and Spring was a busy time of year for her. He had never asked to stay with her.

“Nature, my dear heart, might I stay with you tonight and perhaps help you with your chores when you arise?”

Started by the question, Nature looked him over, “Are you feeling all right? Did you catch anything on our travels? You have never asked to stay with me.”

“I know. It is - I am weary of the constant movement and have not taken the time to smell your roses, a cliché I know, but the truth. You know I love you, Nature, but we hardly are together. Me off doing my thing, you off doing your thing. I can spend some of my space with you. What do you have planned for tomorrow?”

Nature turned back to the bed she was arranging, adding length and width. Finally, she murmured, “Oh, Time, that is so sweet. I will be dealing with the roach beds tomorrow.”

“Roach beds?! Time roared. “Did they survive the reset? Oh, of course, they did!”

“And a good thing they did too! I am hoping the new set of humans will learn to co-exist with them.”

“Are you daft, woman?”

“Hmm… I know you have control of the spaces, Time. Now, you will meet a species that removes the harmful so your beloved humanoid species can thrive. Do you think anything made to thrive would not have its use in nature? It is important, or we will head for another chain yanking, and the heart locket is already into a baby boy blue shade.”

“So soon? Time sighed.

“Yes, they again are killing off all bacteria. Killing off pollinator species, killing off - must I go on?” Nature’s voice cried in sorrow.

“May I see the locket?” Father Time held out his hand, but Nature hesitated.

“No, I feel what you want, and no, you must not. A wise man once told me, ‘let it run its course’ and more in that epoch learned, and they are back helping to stem the tide of the inevitable.”

Nature took Time’s hand and led him to the bed she had prepared. She sat beside him again, looking into the heavens. “We are here to facilitate the creatures. The creatures are here to teach one another. More will learn this time.” Nature said as her eyes closed for sleep.

Time looked at the serenity beaming from her face. “You are such an optimist, my love, and tomorrow you can teach me about… roaches.” Father Time laid softly down and wrapped her in his love. And, Nature smiled.


About the Creator

Paula Louise Shene

Multi-genre writer . Paula Shene: Children’s stories,

PC Shene: Sci-fi/Fantasy:

Articles: lifestyle, psychology, health, How To, Paula Louise Shene.

PLS/PCS for poems: Free Style, Acrostic,Rhyme, dead end

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