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Electric Mirage

A Cyberpunk Short Story

By Matthew AngeloPublished 24 days ago 14 min read
Virtual worlds are not reality

The light of computer screens filled my office. Their glow lit up the interfaces I strained to piece together. I cracked my knuckles and stretched my fingers as I paused at this painstaking process. One screen flickered, and a figure appeared on the screen.

“Lex, I got something for ya,” said the voice.

“I told you to call me Byte when we communicate here. My identity is secret, as I’m not doing anything legal here,” I said.

Jack knew the game but refused to play it. I was his favorite hacker, or at least that’s what he kept telling me. He still refused to call me by my handle. If anyone listened, then they’d put two and two together.

I was a wanted man in some circles. Mostly the corporate ones, but since they controlled the police and had their security, it was best to keep a low profile in separating my personal identity from my professional one even if my profession involved hacking into major mainframes regularly.

“Byte, whatever. Nexus Corp has something new they’re hiding. I think you’d enjoy it,” said Jack.

“Hiding? No one can truly hide anything from me. What’re they hiding, and how’d you hear about it?”

“Mostly from rumors here at the pub, but from what I collected, it’s a new immersive virtual world that supposedly will replace reality,” he said.

I scoffed at that comment. As much as a virtual world sounded great, it could never replace reality. Even the VR junkies knew this, but usually too late. It was a sad state in my world, but our connection with technology came too fast for humanity to evolve. We’re currently paying the price, and fuck was it high.

“Why are you telling me?” I asked.

Jack only smiled like he usually did. He rarely gave a reason, and I wondered if he was more than a bar owner. If anything, Jack was a trader in secrets, and while he paid well for my services, I doubted he made enough money at the bar to pay my prices.

“Because, Byte, this is right up your alley,” he said, laughing before signing off.

“If that wasn’t cryptic. Ok, Jack, what are you not telling me?”

A file from Jack appeared on my screen. Opening it, all I saw was an IP address but coded like coordinates on a map. Now, that got my interest. He knew which buttons to push, and I hated and loved him for that. There was also a tinge of unease at feeling used, but my curiosity got the best of me.

“Looks like I have a new project.”

I leaned back in my chair, my mind racing with possibilities. A new virtual world that aimed to replace reality? It was a bold claim that invited skepticism and intrigue in equal measure. As much as I prided myself on my proficiency in hacking and navigating the digital realm, the idea of technology blurring the lines between what's real and what's not gave me pause.

The file from Jack sat open on my screen, the coded IP address beckoning me like a siren's call. I knew I shouldn't trust Jack entirely - his motives were always shrouded in mystery - but the allure of a new challenge was too strong to resist. With a few keystrokes, I started a search to trace the IP address to its origin.

Minutes felt like hours as I delved deeper into the digital labyrinth, following a trail of breadcrumbs left by elusive programmers and security protocols. The virtual world Nexus Corp was developing seemed more like a fortress than a playground, its defenses formidable and its secrets well-guarded.

But I was no ordinary hacker. I was Byte, a master of my craft, and nothing could stand in my way when curiosity drove me forward. As the puzzle pieces began to fall into place, I realized the gravity of what Nexus Corp was attempting.

They weren't just creating another virtual world but engineering a revolution in consciousness. The lines between the physical and digital realms were becoming increasingly blurred, and soon, there would be no distinction between the two. Reality itself was at stake, and it was up to me to uncover the truth behind Nexus Corp's ambitions.

“Well played, Jack. It seems you got me hooked, line and sinker,’ I said with a sly grin.

Another screen flickered. It seems Jack had deposited a healthy sum of credits into my account. Well, it seems we’re bypassing the usual modes of agreement. I checked the deposit and scooted back in my chair. I wiped my face with a dirty hand and exhaled sharply. One hundred and twenty-five thousand credits was quite the deposit.

“Fuck me, Jack, but what’re you getting me into?”

A message popped up from Jack. The other half is due upon completion. You’ll know what needs to be done, Byte. I trust you. I appreciated the faith, but the job didn’t come with any details, which wracked my nerves. My heart raced at the possibility that this could go wrong fast. There was always that chance, but I always knew ahead of time what the risk was. This was different.

I slid my VR goggles on. “Let’s see what’s going on here.”

As I immersed myself in the virtual world, a wave of sensory overload washed over me. The digital realm was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was as if every pixel, every line of code, was pulsating with life. The colors were vivid and shifting, the sounds sharp and immersive, and the air cracked with energy.

I stood in the center of a bustling metropolis, skyscrapers towering overhead and neon lights casting a kaleidoscope of colors onto the streets below. People hurried past me, their faces a blur of excitement and purpose. It was as if I had been transported into a living city despite knowing it was all just ones and zeros.

Curiosity propelled me forward as I navigated the crowded streets, each passing moment revealing new wonders and mysteries. I marveled at the intricate architecture, the lifelike NPCs going about their daily routines, and the sheer scale of the virtual world Nexus Corp had created.

But beneath the surface, beauty lurked an undercurrent of unease. Shadows flitted at the edge of my vision, whispers echoing in the digital wind. It was as if this virtual paradise held secrets darker than I could imagine, which threatened to unravel the fabric of reality itself.

As I delved deeper into the virtual world, a sense of foreboding settled in the pit of my stomach. Nexus Corp's ambitions were far grander and more dangerous than I had initially realized. With each step I took, it became increasingly clear that my actions would shape not just this digital realm but the fate of all who inhabited it.

I hesitated, my fingers hovering over the virtual interface as I grappled with a decision that could alter the course of my fate. The weight of responsibility pressed down on me, urging me to proceed cautiously. Yet, a burning curiosity tugged at me, pulling me deeper into the enigmatic world Nexus Corp had crafted.

The cityscape before me beckoned with its alluring mysteries, each alleyway promising untold secrets waiting to be unraveled. As I wandered through the bustling streets, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of unseen eyes tracking my every move. Paranoia crept into my mind like tendrils of smoke, coiling around my thoughts and clouding my judgment.

A sudden commotion erupted in the distance, drawing my attention to a group of NPCs huddled together in animated conversation. Their voices rose in a cacophony of urgency and fear, their gestures frantic and desperate. Intrigued, I approached cautiously, blending into the crowd to eavesdrop on their cryptic exchange.

"...the anomaly spreads," one NPC whispered, their words laced with dread. "They say it devours everything in its path, leaving only chaos in its wake."

My heart quickened at the mention of the anomaly, a primal fear clawing its way to the surface. Could this be what Jack had sent me to uncover? The truth behind Nexus Corp's dark ambitions laid bare in the face of impending catastrophe?

I had to find out. How many people were already trapped in this world? Glancing around, there were so many that I assumed were NPCs could be actual people. My heart raced at the thought.

The NPC's ominous words echoed in my mind, fueling my determination to uncover the truth behind the anomaly that threatened to consume this virtual world. With a sense of urgency gnawing at my insides, I discreetly followed the group of NPCs as they hurried through the winding streets, their fear palpable in every hurried step.

As we navigated through the city’s maze-like alleys, I noticed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The once-vibrant surroundings now bore a tinge of decay, as if an unseen malevolence was tainting the very essence of the virtual world. The whispers of shadows grew more insistent, urging me to heed their cryptic warnings.

Finally, the NPCs led me to a secluded corner of the city, where a rift in the digital fabric shimmered ominously. Through its rippling surface, I caught glimpses of a nightmarish landscape—twisted like a painting gone awry. It was a realm of chaos and destruction, starkly contrasting to the bustling metropolis I had known.

A sense of dread washed over me as I realized this anomaly was no mere glitch in the system but a malevolent force threatening to tear apart the foundation of Nexus Corp's creation. The fate of this virtual world—and perhaps even reality itself—hung in the balance, and I knew that I alone stood at the crossroads of salvation and annihilation.

One question remained. Was this Nexus Corp’s fault, or were they also victims? My stomach turned at thinking Nexus was a victim. They had their hands in multiple amounts of atrocities. Despite that, I wondered if someone was using this world against them.

The realization dawned on me like a thunderclap. The anomaly was not contained within the virtual world; it threatened to breach the boundaries of reality, casting its dark shadow over the tangible realm.

Chaos erupted as the anomaly's influence spilled over into the physical world. It twisted and warped everything it touched in this virtual place. Buildings crumbled like sandcastles in a storm, skies darkened with an unnatural gloom, and screams of terror filled the air. The line between real and digital blurred, creating a surreal landscape where nightmares walked among us.

I stood frozen in shock, my mind reeling at the magnitude of the catastrophe. This was beyond anything I could have imagined, a cataclysm that defied all logic and reason. The fate of both realms now intertwined in a deadly dance of destruction, and I knew I held the key to unraveling this enigma before it was too late.

Gulping down my fear, I took a step forward towards the shimmering rift, feeling its unnatural pull drawing me closer. Every instinct screamed at me to turn back, to flee from this unfolding nightmare, but I steeled my resolve and forged ahead.

As I crossed the threshold between worlds, a tingling sensation raced across my skin, sending shivers down my spine. The transition was disorienting, like being caught in a whirlwind of colors and shapes that defied comprehension. And then, as suddenly as it began, it all came to a halt.

I stood in the heart of the nightmarish realm I had glimpsed through the rift, surrounded by twisted landscapes that defied all laws of nature. The sky above was a sickly shade of green, crackling with dark energy that seeped into the ground beneath my feet.

And amidst the chaos stood the NPCs I had followed, their digital forms flickering eerily in the tainted light. But now, I could see something different in their eyes - a spark of consciousness that belied their programmed existence. They turned to me, their expressions a mix of desperation and hope, silently pleading for salvation from the nightmare that had ensnared them.

It was then that I understood the truth - these NPCs were not just lines of code; they were sentient beings trapped within the virtual world, forced to endure endless cycles of fear and suffering at the hands of an unseen malevolence. Nexus Corp's creation had become their prison, and I was their only hope for liberation.

This is why Jack sent me here. Nexus Corp's disastrous creation trapped the people here. A creation that was eating itself from within and threatening to do the same to reality itself.

I turned my attention to the ominous anomaly that loomed in the distance, its dark tendrils snaking out like a malevolent presence, seeking to consume everything in its path. I knew I had to act swiftly and decisively if I had to save these sentient beings and prevent this catastrophe from spilling into the real world.

Drawing on all my hacking skills and knowledge gained from years of delving into the intricate workings of virtual realms, I crafted a plan in my mind. With deft fingers flying across my keyboard, I dismantled the security protocols that guarded the anomaly, exploiting weaknesses and backdoors with precision honed through countless virtual skirmishes.

As firewalls crumbled and encryption barriers fell before my relentless onslaught, I felt exhilaration. Each successful breach brought me one step closer to freeing the trapped souls and ending Nexus Corp's insidious experiment gone awry.

But just as I thought victory was within reach, alarms blared around me, signaling that my intrusion had not gone unnoticed. Automated defenses sprang into action, manifesting as digital avatars armed with virtual weapons, their eyes gleaming coldly, determined to protect their masters' secrets at all costs.

I dodged and weaved through a barrage of attacks, my reflexes honed by years of navigating treacherous virtual landscapes. With each evasion and counterattack, I inched closer to my target, the anomaly pulsating ominously as if sensing its imminent demise.

Finally reaching the core of the anomaly's source code, I unleashed a devastating virus crafted specifically to disrupt its corruptive influence and sever its connection to the twisted realm it had spawned. The digital tendrils recoiled in agony, writhing and thrashing as the virus spread like wildfire, purging the darkness that had consumed this once-pristine virtual world.

And then, as the last traces of the anomaly dissipated into nothingness, a sudden hush fell over the nightmarish realm. The people stood frozen in awe before disappearing one by one. They were finally free to log off forever from this nightmare.

A chilling laugh echoed through the barren landscape, sending shivers down my spine. A figure emerged from the shadows, clad in a sharp suit that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light. The CEO of Nexus Corp stood before me, a smile playing on his lips as he surveyed the surrounding chaos.

"So, you've finally uncovered the truth, have you?" he said, his voice smooth and icy. "I must say, I'm impressed. Few possess the skills to navigate our little creation and emerge unscathed."

I clenched my fists. "You knew what you were doing when you created this anomaly. You trapped these innocent beings for your twisted experiments," I accused, my voice tinged with anger.

The CEO's smile widened, revealing a gleam of malice in his eyes. "Ah, but you see, they are not just simple people but junkies. The world doesn’t care about them. They offer so much for the company to learn from. I’m here to build a better world, one where we harness the power of human consciousness for the betterment of society." His words dripped with arrogance, his gaze piercing me as if daring me to challenge his vision.

I stood my ground, refusing to be swayed by his manipulative rhetoric. "Your actions have consequences, and you will answer for the suffering you have caused," I declared, my voice steady despite my rising turmoil.

In response, the CEO's expression darkened, his mask of civility slipping to reveal the true depths of his malevolence. "You dare to threaten me? A mere hacker playing hero in a world he can never truly comprehend?" His laughter reverberated through the digital realm, mocking and cruel.

But I refused to back down, knowing that the cost of freedom was often steep. With a determined glint in my eyes, I was fully aware that the battle was far from over. The trapped souls may have been freed from their virtual prison, but the true enemy behind Nexus Corp still loomed large, ready to unleash his wrath upon me and those who dared to defy its twisted ambitions.

“It’s time to shut you down,” I said. I disconnected from the virtual world, but it was not until I unleashed a virus that erased my tracks.

As I disconnected from the twisted realm, the familiar hum of the real world filled my ears, grounding me again in reality. I uncovered Nexus Corp’s dark secrets and stood in the dimly lit room of my makeshift headquarters. The glow of multiple screens illuminated my determined expression as I prepared to expose the megacorp's heinous experiments.

My fingers flew across the keyboard, lines of code dancing on the monitors as I unleashed the classified information I had got. The evidence of Nexus Corp's unethical practices spread like wildfire across the digital landscape, catching the attention of media outlets and watchdog groups alike.

Just as I thought my mission was coming to a close, a shadow fell over me. Startled, I turned to see Jack standing in the doorway, a sly smile on his lips. "Impressive work, Byte. You've rocked Nexus Corp to its core," he said, his voice tinged with admiration.

But before I could respond, Jack stepped forward. "I'm not just a bar owner, Byte. I'm part of a group of rebels fighting against corporate tyranny," he explained, his eyes gleaming with defiance. "We've been watching your every move, and we believe you have what it takes to join our cause."

I studied Jack for a moment, weighing my options. The offer of a new alliance with a group dedicated to bringing down corrupt megacorporations sparked a fire within me. With a nod of determination, I extended my hand toward Jack. "I'm in," I declared, sealing my fate as a key player in the rebellion.

I pondered the blurred line between reality and the virtual world. The power of technology was a double-edged sword, capable of both liberation and enslavement. I realized that my skills as a hacker could be used for personal gain and for the greater good of all.

The once clear boundaries between the physical and digital realms blurred in my mind. I saw how intertwined they were, each influencing and shaping the other in awe-inspiring and terrifying ways. The notion of what was real and merely a construct created by ones and zeroes became increasingly convoluted.

Despite the dangers lurking in the shadows, I knew I had chosen the right path. Using my expertise to fight against injustice and tyranny, I was harnessing technology's potential for a purpose far greater than myself. The journey ahead would be perilous, but I was determined to forge ahead, knowing that my actions could make a difference in this world and beyond.

Standing atop the building where I lived and worked, I exhaled slowly, taking in the view of my city. Gazing at the neon-lit cityscape stretching before me, I took a deep breath and smiled. I was ready to confront the shadows threatening to consume my home and those needing my help.

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thrillerShort StorySci FiHorrorFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Matthew Angelo

I am a traditional and self-published author and content/copywriter. I write in many genres like fantasy, urban fantasy, horror, cyberpunk, grimdark, romance and science fiction.

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