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Egyptian Mysterie

The land of UFOs

By iadh gdoudaPublished about a month ago 2 min read

The Giza Plateau in Egypt is home to the Great Pyramid, which is arguably the most enigmatic structure on Earth. As the only surviving wonder of the ancient world, it has inspired endless speculation about its construction and purpose. Ever since the first studies of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, researchers have been amazed by the mathematical knowledge encoded within it, the measurements used, and even the precise placement of the Great Pyramid, which has sparked great interest among Egyptologists.

The Great Pyramid is aligned to within 1/360th of a degree north, a more accurate alignment than any other structure on Earth. Furthermore, its placement appears intentional, as if you draw a great circle from the Great Pyramid through its cardinal and ordinal directions, these circles will pass through more landmass than any other location on Earth, placing the Great Pyramid at the center of the world's landmass.

Since an accurate survey of the Great Pyramid in 1925, mathematicians and researchers have discovered even more profound connections relating to geodetic information encoded in its design. The Great Pyramid was built with a level of technological sophistication far exceeding anything we have today. The measurements used, such as the "cubit," are remarkably precise, corresponding exactly to the 125 millionth of the polar diameter of the Earth. Additionally, the dimensions of the Great Pyramid's base correspond to an exact fraction of latitude and longitude measurements at the equator, making it a scale model of the northern hemisphere.

More recently, using satellite technology, researchers have realized that an advanced formula is encoded in the design of the Great Pyramid. If you take the location of the Great Pyramid as a sequence of numbers, this sequence matches exactly the speed of light traveling through space, measured in meters per second. All of this suggests that vast knowledge about the Earth is encoded in the Great Pyramid, going well beyond mere coincidence.

On the other hand, many spectacular burial sites around the world, such as the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India, and King Pakal's tomb in Palenque, Mexico, have traditionally been seen as the final resting places for ancient rulers. However, some wonder if they served a deeper, perhaps extraterrestrial purpose.

Ancient astronaut theorists question why these massive, ancient, and distant constructions are all connected to notions of spiritual energy, astronomy, and a strong belief in the existence of other spiritual worlds. They speculate that these tombs may have served as portals to reunite the deceased with celestial beings or even as points of passage to other dimensions.

Overall, these theories challenge our traditional understanding of these ancient structures and invite us to explore broader possibilities, including taking a closer look at the mysterious texts of ancient Egypt, such as the pyramid texts at Saqqara, which suggest that the ancient Egyptians believed in a journey to other worlds after death. Additionally, the symbolic significance given to the scarab beetle in Egyptian culture, as well as representations of gods like Osiris in the form of power pillars, further fuel speculation about possible interactions between ancient Egyptians and sophisticated extraterrestrial entities.


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