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Eclipse War

War Council

By Jonathan La'Frank HairstonPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

There weren’t always dragons in the Valley. However, these were times of war and alliances needed to be made. What better allies could one have than the mightiest creatures in the world? Caliph stood in awe as he watched what could only be the procession of the highest-ranking dragons in all Grenadia. There were ten in total, but the one that caught his eye was the largest and most majestic leading them. He’d heard the other warriors crowded around the camp’s entrance call her Athina. She was massive. He would never say that where she could hear him, out of fear she’d squash him flat. But he could think of no other words to describe her size. Regardless, she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen in his twenty years on this earth. Her scales were a warm golden color and almost heart shaped. Her claws shone like diamonds and were undoubtedly much stronger. She had four horns adorning the top of her head, two short and two long. The way they curved in and upward seemed to form a crown to display her status. Her eyes were the color of sunset, changing as they moved over the crowd below. Her face was stern, confident, but Caliph could sense a hint of kindness in her gaze. One that did not detract from the power she exuded. He would have fallen to his knees the moment she got near had he been a lesser man. Still, he knew he was a mere mortal in her presence. If he was excited simply by hearing that the dragons would be attending the war council, seeing them completely overwhelmed him. Caliph knew this moment would live in his memory for the rest of his life. To have all the free tribes of Grenadia gathered was a momentous task, but for the dragons to agree to attend was a moment unheard of in this age. As he stared at them, Athina in particular, the world sank away. It was as if he were in a trance.

Athina was surveying the camp as she made her way to the war council. She studied the people as she and the nine other dragon elders approached the clearing where the gathering of tribes would be held. The Nightskins, those who requested this council had cleared a large portion of land to receive the dragons along with several other tribes. While Athina and her companions were given ample space to move around the camp, the rest of her kin remained outside. One hundred thousand dragons roamed outside the camp and in the air above it. Dragons of all shapes and sizes and of varying colors clouded the skies and engulfed the land. Athina could sense the apprehension of the humans around her, and some even held a bit of fear. However, they were warriors almost as ancient as the dragons themselves. They would not show any weakness so easily. Even the children, while clearly in awe, held their composure better than most other young ones their age. She was impressed. If their young showed this much resolve, this alliance may have hope yet in the war to come.

“It seems as though there are a few of the Nightskins who recognize true power when they see it,” said the dragon closest to Athina. Though not as large as her, he was no less imposing. His scales were a deep red, almost black. Yet there was a mysterious glow behind them, as if coals were lightly burning just underneath. He had a very muscular frame with a thick neck that had long red fur forming a sort of cowl. He had two long horns that curved inward down the sides of his ears. His eyes were black and almost bottomless, yet they held an eerie sense of “knowing”.

“Yes, Aris.” Athina replied. “I can also sense great potential in some of the young ones here.” She turned her head and Aris’ gaze followed. Having heard their telepathic conversation, the other dragons accompanying them followed suit. There, they saw a young Nightskin warrior; eyes fixed on Athina. While others around him looked here and there caught between the company of dragons passing them and the thousands outside the camp. When their eyes met, Athina felt something she’d thought was lost a millennia ago. “It’s the covenant!”

In shock, the dragons looked at this young Nightskin whose eyes began to cloud over and slowly match those of Athina. The smallest of the dragon accompanying Athina gasped, “Who would have thought that in thousands of years the covenant would show itself again?” Her scales were a pale yellow with a tinge of orange. She had no horns but long spines down her back and protruding from her tail. She was sleek and slender with a well-defined form. “Aurora, I am as surprised as you”, said Athina still staring fixedly at the young Nightskin man whose eyes were still mirroring her own. “We will have to address this at the war council. This turn of events may very well be what strengthens our alliance with the Nightskins.”

The moment her eyes met his, Caliph could feel an immeasurable power soar though him. He was transfixed before, but now he felt like he was being swallowed by her mere presence. His skin became hot, but he felt as if his bones were frozen and cracking. His vision went blank as his eyes rolled in his head. It’s a wonder he managed to remain on his feet, he thought he’d collapse at any moment. “Endure it for now, young one. This will be the true testament to your potential” said a voice in his head. When he finally opened his eyes, Athina was gazing at him. The hint of a knowing smile softening her scaled face. The voice had been hers. It was a soothing voice, powerful but almost motherly in softness. He focused on those words as the pain and shock he’d just experienced subsided.

“What was that” he asked hesitantly. “It is known to my kin as ‘the covenant’,” she replied. “I will tell you more once this is addressed at the council. I am Athina…and you are?”

“I am Caliph,” he answered as he continued to lose himself in her eyes. Still confused, he watched as all ten of the dragons started to head toward the area where the war council would be held. All of them had stopped to watch him and Athina’s exchange. Though they can communicate telepathically, her words had only been for him. He beamed with pride and excitement. However, he’d be lying if he denied that he was also a little bit afraid. What was “the covenant” and what did it have to do with him? Sure, he was a promising young member of the Nightskin tribe but there were no records of any prior relationships with dragons. No alliances, no covenants. Any records from before their enslavement by the Moon Demons had been destroyed long ago. Having only been freed for little over 500 years, his people had to rebuild their traditions through whispers of their former history and glory. Their relationships with the earth had to be reforged, let alone relationships with other tribes and species across Grenadia.

It was for that reason the war council had been called. The Nightskins, no, the world was in danger! The Moon Demons spent hundreds of years traveling the world and enslaving tribes and all manner of creatures as they went. While there had been relative peace in the 500 years since those enslaved had won their freedom, tensions began to rise once more. And quickly. The Moon Demons began to return to their violent and hate filled ways. Their aggression toward the “Sunkissed” seemed to boil over in the blink of an eye. They destroyed villages, kidnapped women and children to enslave once more. Their hunger for dominance could not be quelled, and all other beings were considered theirs to rule. Thus, the Nightskins sent word to all Grenadia for aide to stand up against the tyranny of the Moon Demons once and for all. Having fought long and hard for their freedom, the Nightskins refused to bend to their will. Sending emissaries to the Dragons in the north, the Sun Riders to the south, and the Fae Folk to the east, this war council held all their hopes in uniting the world against a common threat.

Caliph watched longingly as Athina and her companions proceeded toward the council grounds. He felt his body almost begin to move of its own free will, yearning to be near Athina. “No, child. You must stay and wait until I call for you.” Athina’s voice was authoritative but calm and comforting, “Once this matter is addressed to the council, we will have plenty of time to become acquainted with one another. I can sense your anxiousness and confusion. Be patient, dear one.”

Caliph hung on every word. He wanted to protest but his intuition told him it would be futile. Who in their right mind would disobey a dragon? The leader of all dragons! Not him, regardless of how badly he wanted to learn more about this “covenant”. So, he watched, the longing and connection still swirling in his eyes.

Welcoming Athina and company to the war council was the Nightskin chief, He was tall, broad and his skin was as the tribe’s name suggests. Dark as night but covered with tribal markings that seemed to emit a glow as bright as the morning sun. Every inch of his massive frame, for a human, seemed to echo the years f strong leadership. Though there were no scars on him. He was powerful but retained a grand and regal aura.

“Welcome, Athina. I am Chief Ungani. It warms my heart as the sun warms the earth that you have agreed to attend this war council. May our plans prove worthy of they dragon’s allyship.” He made a low bow, though all in attendance could tell that it was one of respect, not submission.

Chief Ungani watched as the dragons made themselves comfortable in the spaces allotted them. He then addressed the crowd, now settled at the edge of the war council grounds.

“Most honored guests, and tribesmen. Thank you all for so graciously accepting my summons for this war council. As you all know, the Moon Demons have begun to ravage the lands in earnest. We can surmise, from their actions, that they plan to use the coming Eclipse to their advantage. As you know, we Nightskins, as well as many of our Sunkissed cousins, draw power from the sun. I have received word that the Moon Demons seek to attack all our tribes while we are deprived of our light, our power, and our freedom.” He emphasized those lasts words deeply and looked at all the members of the war council as he did so. “We cannot let that happen! For that reason, it is imperative that we work together, form an alliance and trust in one another. It is only then can we put a stop to the Moon Demon’s tyranny.”

Athina measured his words carefully. She would soon have to speak on the behalf of herself and the dragons. Moreover, she would need to share the news of ‘the covenant’ returning between man and dragon. She felt hope and pride swell from deep within her, and she knew that Caliph would feel it too now that they were bonded by the covenant. She shifted her position and drew herself taller, indicating that she was ready to speak. Having noticed, Chief Ungani cleared his throat, “Hmmm Hmm”. Silence once more filled the area. “The floor recognizes Athina, High Queen of the dragonkin!”

Athina spread her wings and rose to her fullest height, a truly magnificent sight. The air grew still as if every breath had been stolen. She slowly poured her milky sunset eyes over the attendees. As she parted her fanged snout to speak, a large THOOM rang in the distance. It came from outside the camp where the rest of her dragonkin awaited. The crowd turned their heads to see the commotion. Fire, lightning, and debris filled the air outside the camp. Athina could feel as numbers of the dragonkin died. It was an attack! But from whom. As the roars of dragons filled the air over the thunderous sound of fighting, Athina and ger companions used their telepathy to search for the source of such a bold attack.

Using her powers to share the sight of one of her dragonkin, Athina could see a large looming figure in the distance followed by thousands of shadowy figures flying in the darkness behind him.


About the Creator

Jonathan La'Frank Hairston

I’m a traveling thinker and feeler which heavily influences my writing. I have varied interests and ideals from cooking, music, to philosophy, and advocacy. I thrive on in depth conversations and thinking about the human condition.

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    Jonathan La'Frank HairstonWritten by Jonathan La'Frank Hairston

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