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Dynamic Theory

" The storm wasn't like anything else I had ever seen." - Jason Perdon

By Joe JoePublished 3 years ago 9 min read

The traveler gazed upon the windy plains of High Man's Point. The playful hills seemed to form waves of Earth. The traveler removed his black ball cap and lowered it at his thigh. Over the face of the cap, read bright bold letters, 173rd Infantry Brigade. He combed back his silver hair, and his shades hid his eyes.

" Well Tim, I am here brother. You described only a half of it to me...It's more amazing than I could ever have imagined."

The traveler turned to the dark Jeep behind him placing his hat back on his head. He reached in the passenger side door, and unbuckled a seatbelt. As he turned back around he revealed an ash urn. He made his way to the edge of the large mountain. He wore a dark athletic jacket and jeans. As he neared the edge of the mountain he spoke softly," You were as tall as this mountain friend, and as sturdy. Unshakeable."

The traveler opened the urn and waited for a strong north wind. The wind danced about the man and his urn. Powerful and majestic was the energy around them. The traveler looked up and the wind began to dart north. He released the ashes.

" Goodbye brother..."

He stood there silently listening to the hum of the wind. He clenched his body and focused on how he remembered his brother in arms. Then the average height man wiped his eyes. "No time for crying," the older hispanic gentleman thought.

He made his way to the driver side door of his Jeep and sat himself in the driver's seat. From his left pocket. A cell phone.

" Major."

" Sergeant, are you sure you want to do this? We have the destination set, but everything is still in the early stages."

" I haven't got anything left, Major."

" Briefing is at 1800 hours.Protocols must be kept."

" I am aware, Major. I will be there within the hour."

" I am sorry for your loss, Sergeant."

The Traveler places his phone into a hidden compartment underneath his steering column and drives down a dirt path leading to a highway. He doesn't speak. He seems to revel in the quiet of the ride.

The lush forested hill protrudes in the distance. The trees sway in the wind, whimsically reaching out to hold the other. Hawks dismount and take flight chasing after a wily rodent. The keen hawk's eye is ravenous and daring. His partner in the hunt folds his wings back. The amazing speed of the hawk's flight is unmatched. A loud squeal rings and is deafened. A loud sound of an energized mechanism begins to signal its function. The vibrating hum shifts the soil around the hill forest. Through the clearing ahead is a massive concave hemisphere in the side. Four steel beams array the bottom and top of the hemisphere. There is a round bay at the center of the colossal piece of tech. A small command center can be seen embedded in the top of the hill.

" How are we looking, Mickey?"

" We need to amplify the magnetic pulse wave a tad bit. Make sure it has enough umph, to catch those crosshairs."

" How is the timing mechanism working?"

" Roy! You know I have got this down to a science! No pun intended."

" The slightest error could be a disaster, Mickey Dee."

" You know I hate that nickname. I should've never told you anything about my childhood."

" Chin up. The show will begin in a few hours."

The door behind the command room leads to a narrow corridor, and down a flight of stairs we find an open room with 8 men. Among them is The Traveler. Two younger Air Force pilots, 2 Naval Intelligence officers, 2 Army Engineers and a Marine MARSOC Gunny.

" Alright gentlemen! Look alive! "

The tall dark haired naval officer shouts to the men. On his chest are a collage of badges and underneath a pin reads," Col. Williams". Next to him is a slightly shorter, freckled man whose pin reads," Maj. Mac Namara".

" The weather is agreeable today, and we can't waste time. You men are about to embark on a frontier never thought possible. As you know we managed to get our hands on a synthetic variant of element 192-Charlie."

" The Russians have found this element in a Vietnamese mountain side to the North. It's unusual properties proved to have Temporal capabilities."

The tall Colonel radiated confidence as he turned to the board behind him, pointing to a map of Vietnam. The board is covered in old photographs of the country. North Vietnam is particularly pointed out in the board.

" Your drop zone is estimated to be 5 clicks outside the Nban Son mountain range. There you should encounter some Russian Spetsnaz forces." Major MacNamara stood strong and spine erect.

" This is only an estimation though gentlemen. We have only ran a few tests with this machine." Williams added.

" So we are really doing this?! I heard the rumors but man it really hits ya at the moment." The auburn haired Staff Sergeant spoke from the table.

" That's right, Dunsmore. Stay focused on your mission protocols! We don't know what the slightest change will do to the time continuum. The Russians created a distortion, a space-time ripple. A chain reaction has people in madness and delirium." Williams' teeth gritted as he spoke.

" We suspect the package will be on a Russian convoy, departing down this road heading to the Chinese border. You will be just west where the road descends out of the mountain. Your gear will be limited to what an American military force would be carrying in 1969. You will be given some explosive ordinance to set an ambush for the convoy." MacNamara disperses information dossiers.

" Inside you will find information on the package. It is a heart-shaped locket. Doesn't look like much but this is the item that has the capability to change the face of the world!"

The Traveler looks at the photograph of the locket. It looks like any ordinary shiny silver locket. It is hard to fathom that such an insignificant looking knick-knack could destroy anything.

" Sergeant Major Ramirez here has knowledge of the NVA and Russian Spec Ops. He will aid you men in navigating the jungle and you will listen to his input! Nobody will supersede his orders!"

The Traveler looks up and about, showing his grit. He nods and solemnly goes back over the dossier.

" Alright men! Off to the bay area. Time to rewrite history!" Williams dismisses the group.

The men proceed down a spiral staircase, at the base of the staircase is a sealed door with a biometric security system. A science officer places his right index on the fingerprint pad, then his left thumb. The door slides open, revealing a small corridor with an oval hatch at the end.

The two pilots take their seats in the front. One of them powers up the flight systems, the other runs numbers. Sergeant Major Ramirez, takes a seat on the right row, second seat.

The large oval hatch of the metal crater inside the mountain opens up. The four crosshairs energize and create what seems to be invisible waves. They ripple and curl. The powerplant of the spherical capsule comes to full potential. The magnetic platform is actualized and a click is heard. The capsule shoots forward at incredible speed! The capsule flies out of the metallic crater and begins to form into a tear shape. As it enters the cross hairs, the waves implode and the capsule disappears.

A distortion of the matter appears near just outside Tinh Tao. The ground caves under the pressure of a protruding metallic object as it begins its descent. The hatch opens and the crew emerges.

" Alright troopers, we are here. We need to head East. We have at least an hour to get to the ambush zone. Move out!" Shouts Ramirez.

" Holy shit! We fuckin did it!" Dunsmore quickly slings his M60.

A storm is rolling in over the distant green mountain face east. It covers the mountain top and seems to be rolling down the north face.

" Look at that storm! It's almost alive! Look at the lightning rolling!" Perdon gazes with wide eyes.

" Let's get moving! It looks like someone else is here." Ramirez commands the outfit once more, now agitated.

Forty-five minutes passes as the outfit sets up their mines and claymores around a road leading from the mountain pass. Rain begins to fall. The two fire teams are separated by the dirt road hidden in the thick jungle brush. Their fingers loose above the trigger guard. The wind batters the rain down hard against the ground.

A clunk rattles in the distance, and a heavy box truck rolls down the steep embankment. In the front is a Russian jeep followed by a troop transport. The men reaffirm their grip on their weapons, and wait for the mines to do their job.

" It's go time, boys." The Sergeant Major chatters to his team.

The lead truck moseys along the mountain side, a loud blast hollows out the small jeep! The troop transport rolls on its side as it's front wheels eat the dirt road and it swerves. The smaller transport truck behind them stops as the Russian troops hop out of the cab. They begin to fire their Kolesnikov rifles into the tree lines. The two fire teams stay quiet and low. Waiting. One Russian pulls a grenade from his vest and pulls the pin.

" Let's move forward, on the double." Perdon orders Bravo team to perform a flank from the cover of the jungle. They move swiftly and low, onto the outer left side. They begin to fire pushing them into cover between the trucks. A few of them are hit. They begin to move further down the road near the jungle. An ear shattering explosion sounds off! They are hit by a claymore and shredded.

Sergeant Major Ramirez begins his assault from the front. M60 launches it's projectiles into the frightened Russian element. M16 fire is quickly followed. The Russian's lay waisted! Only one is left crawling, for cover. The two teams converge on him.

He laughs faintly, and speaks in a deep Russian voice. Whole heartily is his tone.

" He says that we can't stop them. They won long ago." Spoke the engineer.

" We got the locket in the back of the truck!" Shouted Perdon in his Texas accent.

Ramirez remembers this day, he is in the south, Agent Orange is being introduced. His friends are all fixing to be mortally wounded silently for years.

" I am in the south today." Ramirez closes his eyes and experiences the rain on his face. Cooling his skin, but can not extinguish the hatred of the heart. " Fuck this place! Damn this jungle! Damn these protocols!"

" We have to go now!" Shouts Perdon!

The men begin to dash back to the capsule. They near the drop zone. The capsule reflects the environment around it. Ramirez stays back and turns to see a whole battalion of enemies.

" Ramirez, get your ass in here now!" Shouts Perdon.

" You will need time to prep for launch, I got you!" Ramirez begins to lay down heavy suppressive fire from the foliage. He hurls a grenade, and makes his mark. The enemy continues it's advance as the hum of the capsule vibrates the ground around it. Ramirez continues to lay down fire and pops smoke. Relocates his position and fires from the far right. The enemy battalion concentrates its fire on his position. The capsule blasts into the upper atmosphere creating a shockwave knocking down the enemy and Ramirez. The enemy overruns Ramirez and he laughs looking at the sky," Just how it was meant to be in the beginning!"

He watches the capsule disappear into a distortion of matter, as the enemy encircles him with bayonets fixed. He sighs, then releases his grip, as he reveals a grenade.


About the Creator

Joe Joe

Finding myself again. In recovery, and remembered how fond I was of writing and poetry. I made many attempts to write books on an old typewriter years ago. I miss that sense of a world inside of me just bursting through my skull.

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    Joe JoeWritten by Joe Joe

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