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A problem caused by those who ban and burn books they have never read.

By Kat NovePublished 6 months ago 1 min read
Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

“Ms. Donovan, have you even read this book you want to ban?”

“Mrs. Donovan.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I’m Mrs. Sean Donovan, not Ms. Donovan and I don’t read books with filthy language.”

“And you know this without having read it?”


“Well, that offends me.”

“It shouldn’t, but I apologize, Mrs. Fisher.”

“Ms. Fisher. Juliana Fisher. My husband’s last name is Martin.”

Mrs. Donovan snorted, crossed her arms and glared at Juliana. Many in the conference room snickered, while others adopted Donovan’s glare and body language.

“I agree this book is inappropriate for a third grader, but I’d like tell you a true story about young children.”

Donovan unhinged an arm to flap her hand in Juliana’s direction.

“Thank you. Fifty years ago, when I was 18, a neighbor who was six said fuck in front of me.”

The Arm Fold Brigade gasped as one, while others in the room nodded and a few laughed out loud.

“I told the boy not to say that word because he didn’t know what it meant. He then proceeded to explain what it meant in great detail. I’m pretty sure he had a better grasp of the definition than I did.

“Children have always known more than we think they do. Banning books can prevent them from developing critical thinking skills which are important for our community and country. Let's give them the opportunity to become thinking adults.”

Boos and applause followed Juliana to her seat.

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About the Creator

Kat Nove

I'm a native Texan who would rather pour a colony of fire ants down my ear canal than listen to country & western music. Willie Nelson is the exception to this rule.

My website is

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