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Dreams Come True

Mysterious Package

By Stephanie NethkenPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Dreams Come True
Photo by Kyle Smith on Unsplash

I arrived at the airport at half past ten. My flight wasn’t until four but there’s just something about people watching in an airport that really gives me inspiration for my writing. My gate wasn’t crowded so I took a seat next to this sweet looking old lady. She seemed oddly familiar to me. I shrugged it off and I put my headphones on and began listening to my favorite criminal justice podcast.

I sat for about ten minutes before the old lady tapped me on the shoulder. She asked me if I could watch her belongings while she went to the restroom. I guess I look like a pretty trustworthy person. I smiled politely and replied that I would be happy to look after her stuff. She scooted her Louis Vuitton bag up next to my trusty old duffel bag and handed me a box wrapped in brown paper. She looked me straight in the eyes and said “Guard this with your life, it is very important that it reach its destination by tomorrow morning.” She then walked away and headed toward the restroom.

After about fifteen minutes of her not returning I began to worry. I hadn’t seen her leave the restroom after she had gone in it. I admit that I wasn’t paying that much attention as I was engulfed in the unsolved case of my podcast. But it seemed odd that she hadn’t returned yet. I gathered up our luggage and carefully carried the box to the restroom with me to go and check on her. When I arrived at the restroom she was nowhere to be found. I looked all over the gate and still could not find her. I inquired at the gate counter if anyone had seen this old lady. No one had seen her. I decided to go back to my seat and continue to wait for my flight.

I know what you are thinking. I should have never agreed to watch the lady’s property as the number one rule at the airport is not to take any packages from random strangers. I set myself up for this. But she just seemed like a nice old lady. After holding onto the package for so long I began to fantasize about what was inside of it. Was it a gift for her grandkids or was it crafting supplies? It had now been a few hours and the lady had still not returned. I stopped a security guard that was walking by. I explained to him the situation. He stated that he could take the luggage and the box to lost and found and the lady could pick it up there. I explained the importance of her stating that the box must make it to its destination by tomorrow morning and if it was in lost in found it would never get there on time. I decided to hold on to it a little longer, partly hoping the lady showed up soon but partly because I wanted to see what was inside. If it was so important why did the lady leave it behind?

The airline then began boarding and I decided that I would take the box and the luggage with me and maybe I would see the lady on the plane. My seat was near the rear of the plane so I would be able to see her if she came onto the plane. During the whole boarding process, I never saw her. The flight attendants started their safety demonstrations and we began to take off. The flight from Los Angeles to Singapore is a long one. I began to get sleepy and closed my eyes. After 10 hours into my flight curiosity got the better of me and I needed to open the box.

Inside the box was a picture of me as a little girl. I was probably only a couple of months old. Also in the box was a birth certificate with the name Lee Ming with my birthday. The names of the parents I did not recognize. I began to freak out. Why did this random lady have these things? Where did she go? Am I adopted? So many questions were running through my mind when I saw a white envelope in the bottom of the box. I slowly opened the envelope and began reading the letter that was inside. It read:

My Dearest Leila (my real name or so I thought),

I waited forever for this day to come. Your adoptive parents forbade me to ever speak to you. I am your biological grandmother. Your biological mother was my daughter and queen of Yolanda. Your mother got pregnant by a commoner and was forced to move to Los Angeles for the term of her pregnancy. There she gave birth and was forced by the Yolanda government to give you up for adoption. I tried to reach out to your adoptive parents but they would never let me see you. When you published your last book, I went to the signing and saw you. I overhead you talking to your agent about your trip to Singapore. I immediately booked a flight. I couldn’t explain this to you in person because my life is in danger. I have fled from Yolanda because militants have taken over the country and killed your mother and the king. You are the one true heir and you must take your place as queen to save your people from this military state that Yolanda has become. I have made arrangements for you to travel to Yolanda from Singapore. Once you arrive at the airport look for a man who is wearing brown trousers, a brown coat and a brown derby hat. He will then hand you another package. I hope to see you soon. Trust no one. All my love.

The next thing I remember is the flight attendant waking me up with the box still unopened on my lap. Had it all been just a dream? I gathered my carry on and the package and deboarded the plane. As I walked to the exit of the airport, I saw a man wearing brown trousers, a brown coat and a brown derby hat and he was holding a suspicious looking box wrapped in brown paper.


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    SNWritten by Stephanie Nethken

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