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Dragon 3: Tide of the Black Moon (1)

Chapter 52 Subspecies (1)

By Carmen W KeithPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Dragon 3: Tide of the Black Moon (1)
Photo by Tim Rebkavets on Unsplash

"Pressure test on the Diecast for the first time! Pipeline pressure 300 atm, valves open!"

"Circuit test first time! Full switch and full load ready, open!"

"Propulsion system test run, 80% power out!"

"Memory metal membrane energized and ready!"

In the dockyard, the Rockflow Institute was doing the final tests on the Diecast, technicians shouted, thousands of cables were connected to the Diecast, and dozens of instruments flashed around it. The dock was adjacent to the power room of the Sumeru, and the concrete insulation walls could not keep out the heat from those boilers in the power room. The dock was over 40 degrees and there was no air circulation at all, but during the pressure test the Dirigible spewed out a Category 12 hurricane, and the hot, dry air flowed at high speed throughout the dock, and there was a terrible ultrasonic noise. They were so focused on their work that they excluded all irrelevant things.

This scene reminds Lu Mingfei of the "Sakura Wars", the Taisho years in the early 20th century, the imperial Chinese strike group, composed of beautiful girls, usually in the song and dance theater to rehearse the drama, once the demon attacked the street will be cracked, the theater under the dock flying out of the steam-powered flying airship, with the girls in magic mobile armor to fly to the battlefield.

Lu Mingfei sat cross-legged in the corner of the dock, next to Chu Zhang who was also sitting cross-legged, the light in the middle of the dock cast their long shadows on the concrete walls.

They had both changed into waterproof combat suits, the surface of which was an extremely thin and fine metal mesh, something that formed an electrostatic barrier to help them withstand the mental impact of the embryo.

Chu Zhang wiped the knife in his hand, on an oil polishing, and then wipe again, over and over again. He did not even need to do so, because his original knife has been broken, now this is the equipment department of gold work group copy, the equipment department of course no mood like the Japanese knife work as the traditional process of a thousand times hammering jade steel and then hand grinding blade, the equipment department used a new super alloy casting molding, and then machine tools to open the edge, and finally polished with diamond grinding wheel. There is no need to do maintenance on the knives made in this way, the superalloy itself is far tougher than jade steel, the blade is not easily damaged, and the hardness of the ordinary grinding stone can not polish the superalloy blade. Even if the blade is damaged, it doesn't matter, the equipment department only needs less than a day to make a new replica or even mass production. Even if Chu Zhang is a good man like Tokugawa Keinin in "Soul of a Servant 4", the equipment department can ensure that he always has a knife to play with and a knife to change.

He is just used to doing so, listening to the sound of the grinding stone rubbing on the knife, he can gradually calm down, just like people doing yoga listening to the sound of the mountains and water feel that people and heaven and earth are one.

Caesar did not sit with them, Caesar is testing the steel platform of the DiBiase. He had come aboard wearing his white captain's uniform, but now he had taken off his shirt because of the heat, revealing his muscular chest, the spotlight shining on him so that he was sweating, his blond hair as red as fire, sweat running down the seams of his muscles. He loudly instructed the technicians on what to do. Many of the technicians at the Rock Stream Institute had not studied at the Cassell Institute and were not proficient in Chinese, so Caesar spoke to them mainly in English and Chinese, interspersed with the new Japanese verbiage he had learned in the past few days. This language was like a pot of mixed cooking, Lu Mingfei could not hear clearly, only saw Caesar sometimes frowning and sometimes giving a thumbs up, and sometimes smiling and patting the technicians' shoulders.

"He's into that feeling, I guess, teamwork, sweating, being important in a group of people by himself." Chu Zhang looked at Caesar's back, "But we both can't give him that feeling."

"The boss is the head of the club, senior brother you are also the head of the club, but you are that different from him. How on earth do you manage the Lionheart Club when you don't go into the crowd at all like that?"

"I never managed the Lionheart Club, managing the Lionheart Club is Lancelot's business." Chu Zhang said indifferently, "One thing Lancelot often instructed me is to talk less in club activities because no matter how hard I try, I am not as good as Caesar can talk. He was born to be a leader, you just flip through the Bible to find a passage he can speak impassioned. Lancelot said that if I didn't talk, it would give the impression that I didn't care to talk much and was a man of action, but if I did and didn't talk as well as Caesar, then the Lionheart Club would lose points on that one."

"Genuine machine ah, but as the president of such by the vice president of evaluation, brother you do not feel hurt self-esteem?"


About the Creator

Carmen W Keith

I love writting.

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