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Draconic Prosperity

Act 1: The Escape

By M.A RectorPublished 2 years ago 10 min read

Chapter 1:

During my regular morning patrol for this moon, I looked down and saw an unusual clearing in the forest floor. I signaled to Hynnaria, the scout leader, and then carefully made my way into the nearby thick to safely take on a more subtle shape. The art of shapeshifting was unique to dragonkin and while a young dragon pup like myself can’t don a perfect disguise, it would be enough to fool onlookers from a distance. Naturally, I felt much more vulnerable as a humanoid, unable to soar the skies, nor defend myself with fiery breath. The smaller form was significantly less cumbersome however, and in this case, a preferred form in the thick forest.

The scaly bottoms of my webbed humanoid feet pressed into the cushion of the forest floor as I took in my surroundings. I enjoyed scout duty and was hoping that Lady Syntraxia, the matron of my tribe, would grant me standing as a scout when I reached my three-hundredth moon. Us pups were only ever allowed to preform a duty for a single moon before switching. This was to make sure that the matron Lady had proper time to assess the abilities of each pup in the brood. Pups were also strictly forbidden to interact with each other until after their three-hundredth moon, so the frequent rotation was necessary. In all my life, I have never even seen another pup, only the whelps who joined me on my assignments and in the classroom.

Lady Syntraxia was part of the elder council. Every few moons, The Lady along with leaders from the other major draconic tribes would fly to Ivarneth’s Rest to ensure peace and prosperity for all dragonkin. Ivarneth was the first matron leader. It was she that defeated the sorcerous humans who had enslaved my ancestors and it was she that created the four principles of draconic prosperity.

Principle 1: The brood is the blood of the tribe.

The most important principle. More a law than a principle, the conceptualization of its meaning would supersede any conflicting scenario.

Principle 2: Thy matron shall guide thy tribe, unequivocally, and with no challenge.

All tribes are led by a matron Lady. They birth no pups or whelps, nor do they indulge in love. They are chosen and trained from birth for the tribe to be their only love, and their entire family.

Principle 3: No pup shall be granted standing until their three-hundredth moon. Upon their three-hundredth moon, the matron shall bequeath purpose and title unto them.

As a pup who has currently seen two-hundred and ninety-nine moons, this principle has been repeated to me more than I can count. Every time I urge Hynnaria to put in a good word for me to become a scout, she repeats this principle back to me. Any day now, I would be granted my standing. Surely, my final assignment being as a scout is a good sign.

Principle 4: Draconic legend shall be safeguarded by the matrons. It is they and only they who breath truth and life into our history.

Our history was boring anyway. The matrons are welcome to be the ones keeping track of such things.

I looked up and saw Hynnaria flying a wide circle near the clearing with the other scouts. I watched for a moment to appreciate the grace and coordination the scouting unit commanded in the skies. Surely Lady Syntraxia would recognize my desire to join them and grant me standing.

I continued towards the clearing, using my agile form to stay low, while moving quickly and quietly. Despite Hynnaria’s thousands of moons experience as a scout, I was more naturally gifted at humanoid movement. I knew she trusted me and I hoped that her repetition of principle three was simply a formality. Nevertheless, if I was on the ground for too long they would have to send backup, so I wanted to prove that I could check this clearing quickly and then get back into the air.

When the sticks and mud of the forest floor started to turn into soft grass, I knew the clearing was approaching. Golden rays of morning sun poked through the canopy and highlighted the sparkling dew on the verdant forest floor. There, in the middle of the grass, lay a small being. It was not moving nor making any noise. I approached it cautiously, but without slowing too much. Upon reaching the center of the clearing I looked down at the small being.

It was a human child. The child was wrapped in a quilt and seemed to be asleep. Very rarely did we see human dispatchments on our scouting, but when we did, Hynnaria would immediately retreat the squadron if we had not been spotted. In the rare case that we were seen, Hynnaria would obliterate the unlucky humans in an all-encompassing inferno. Whenever this happened, I was always rotated to another assignment early, and usually didn’t go out scouting again for many moons.

I knew that this human was a child, but I had never seen a human child before. I wasn’t sure what it was capable of, but somehow it looked innocent. It did not look like it deserved the fiery wrath of Hynnaria’s breath. I also did not want to have any mishaps when I could be getting assignment any day now. I quickly scooped up the human and ran back to the edge of the clearing.

There were no signs of other humans anywhere. Frantically, I looked for a place to hide the child in case Hynnaria were to inspect the clearing.

“And just what do you think you are doing young pup?” Hynnaria said, in humanoid form from the other side of the clearing.

“Hynnaria! I was just about to signal you. I swear!”

“You may be a nimble humanoid, but you forget your superior.”

“I... I am sorry. I don’t know why I picked it up… I just did.”

“I know, I saw everything. Put the human on the ground and return to the skies with the others.”

“What are you going to do to it?”

“That is of no concern to you, young pup. Return to the skies immediately.”

I looked down at the human child and then back up at Hynnaria. The fury in her eyes was terrifying, but it was not the same fury I had seen on outings before. This anger Hynnaria was wearing masked something else. She was afraid.

“Young pup, do not do anything foolish. Perhaps I can put a good word in with the matron Lady. You are a good scout.”

I had wanted nothing my entire life than for Hynnaria to express this to me, but it felt empty. I looked back down at the child, sleeping comfortably in its quilt in my arms. Hynnaria, who I had known for most of my life, treated me like a stranger. She spoke only teachings and principles at me until now. All the whelps in my duties and assignments called each other by their titles and only ever referred to me as a pup. In but only a few moments, I felt more attachment to this human child than I did to Hynnaria or any of my tribe.

Without a single word, I took off running. I knew I could outrun Hynnaria as a humanoid, but I did not have a plan to stay hidden. It didn’t matter now. I didn’t know much about how my tribe operated outside of the day-to-day duties I took part in. When the matron spoke to the tribe I was kept in my quarters. When entertainment was run, I was kept in my quarters. I did not know who my brood mother was nor had I ever even seen another male. Holding this human child in my humanoid arms, was the first time I was even realizing how suffocated I truly was.

Chapter 2:

Hynnaria chased me with vigor, but the thick forest was ultimately too much for her. I heard her burst through the top of the canopy followed by torrents of flame lashing against the forest floor. She would rather burn the entire forest down than to have me escape with this human.

I ducked into a small cave and ran as deep into it as I could. Once my eyesight adjusted to the lack of light, I was able to make out the general shape of the tunnel ahead of me. The human and I would be safe here from Hynnaria’s flames, and with any luck, she’d assume she took care of us entirely.

As I slid my back down against the wall the human child began to stir in my arms. The small creature’s small awkward movements made me smile for some reason, but it then let out a deafening cry. It cried so loudly I thought Hynnaria would hear it over her inferno. I tried to calm the child to no avail, so I raised my hand and placed the tip of my fingertip to the child’s head.

The mystics in my tribe said that pups have no ability for magic like the whelps do. When I was assigned to the mystics, I would only ever fetch pales of water, organize tomes, and watch as the whelps learned all manner of mystic arts. Interestingly, the mystics preferred humanoid forms during these lessons. In fact, I never saw mysticism performed by anyone in their draconic form. While I never learned anything directly, there was a mystic art performed on me at the beginning and end of every day. The mystic would raise her finger to my forehead and breath in as deeply as she could. I would feel all my anger, stress, and frustrations disappear into her breath. She would then exhale a black cloud of smoke.

Staring at the child, I breathed in as deeply as I could. Maybe pup’s really couldn’t perform mysticism, but the wailing cries of this child was enough motivation to try. The crying started to slow. I felt a burning sensation in my throat that was vile and caustic. I started to cough violently as the child’s cries once again shook the cave we hid in. As I coughed I noticed vile black smog coming from my mouth. I got control of myself and once again attempted the mystic art. This time, prepared for the horrid sensation in my throat, I continued to breathe deeply, completely filling my chest. I exhaled a thick black cloud of smoke. I placed my finger back on the child’s head and breathed in again. I continued to exhale clouds of smoke until the smoke lost its opaque blackness and took on a lighter grey.

The child cooed softly and fell back asleep in my arms. For the first time since descending on the clearing, I had a moment of silence. Everything that had happened finally hit me. I had disobeyed Hynnaria and abandoned my tribe. I was hiding in a small cave with a human child. I had just performed a mystic art of which I was told impossible for a pup. The four principles of draconic prosperity, which had seemed so peaceful and resolute, now just felt like a cage. Not only a cage, but one designed specifically for me. How had I not seen this sooner?

“Look at what we have here!” I heard someone say from the darkness of the cavern.

“Who’s there?” I challenged.

“Oh, don’t worry… young pup… I am a friend. Possibly the first you’ve ever had.” The stranger replied.

“Then show yourself, friend.”

A humanoid figure came into view. Under a brown cloak I could see the unmistakable yellow eyes of a dragonkin.

“And how is our matron Lady Syntraxia these days hmm?”

“Who… Who are you?”

“Hey now, come on, is that any way to greet a tribe member? I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but for now, why don’t you just follow me with little ol’ bait there and I’ll fill you in on how much you just messed up, oh I don’t know, two-hundred moons of planning.”

I looked at the figure hesitantly.

“What? You’ve got someplace else to go? Is some other adult male dragon going to pop out of the ground and save you?”

“You’re a male?”

“Yea kid, lot more waiting too if you’d just follow me.”

“Fine.” I got up and started to follow the stranger.

“So first things first, you are going to need a title I assume.”

“How did you know I’m still a pup?

“What? What do you think happens when you hit three-hundred moons?”

“Principle three, you get assigned a title and purpose.”

“Sure sure, and how many adult males have you ever seen wandering around the tribe?”

“Uh, none I guess.”

“And you didn’t think that was suspicious? Where do you think all the male dragons go when they are no longer pups?”

“I guess I just assumed they were kept hidden like the other pups.”

“Kid, there are no other pups. One male dragon per brood. That’s how it is, that’s how it’s always been. The elder council, Syntraxia, they have one purpose. Keep the males docile and stupid. When the pups hit their three-hundredth moon they… well, it’s probably better to just show you.”

The stranger spun around and made hand signs I’d seen the mystics do before pressing his forehead to mine. A bright light exploded in front of me and suddenly I was seeing through the eyes of another. There was Syntraxia, Hynnaria, and the other leaders of my tribe. Male dragons were chained around the neck, arms, legs, and wings. Mystics were drawing warding circles to prevent them from breathing fire, shapeshifting, or anything at all for that matter. Syntraxia was gesturing to certain males. Those males were then taken away somewhere. Syntraxia came up to the dragon I was seeing through. Just as she was about to speak, the vision cut out and I was back in the cave.

“What... what is this?”

“Young pup, this is a revolution.” The stranger put his hand on my shoulder. “My name is Aviatrix. From now on you will be called Tyrexus.”

“Tyrexus.” I said back to him. The weight of his words, and the vision sank into my heart and gave the name meaning. “I want to join your revolution Aviatrix.”

“Tyrexus.” He said firmly. “You already have.”


About the Creator

M.A Rector

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