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Dimensional Chocolate

Part Two: The Audubon Lake Diaries

By LATANYA N CHATFIELDPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Picture Credit chocablog

My grandfather and I are waiting on my parents to return from their latest mission. I cannot wait until they return so that I can record their findings. Until then the story about the missing family had to have an explainable outcome, so I contacted my Uncle Wren. He is in the family business just like my dad, his brother. We are allowed to talk about the “secret missions” with other family members that are in the family business. Anyone else in our family or friends can never know what we are doing. The way it has been explained to me is that there are certain people that are chosen to see and understand the things that cannot be seen and understood by the masses of people. There are a few families that have special abilities and the birthright to do the work required in these missions.

These families work together to make sure there is a balance in understanding the occurrences because the masses would be freaked out if they knew all that was happening around them in their day-to-day lives. My dad’s family has been doing the work behind the scenes for years and so has my mom’s family. They met on a “secret mission” their families were investigating together. So basically, my future is written in permanent ink that I will carry on in the family business.

I called Uncle Wren and told him about the mission and explained that my mom and dad did not get a definite answer to their findings. He said the same thing that my dad said about the answers not coming now but that there may be a connection made in another mission. Uncle Wren went on to explain that he may have a little insight into what my parents were dealing with, that my dad may or may not have considered as a possibility.

He recalled a mission he was on where he encountered a lady that had a bowl with never-ending cake batter in it. He said she was extremely poor, and no one could explain why she never went to the store for supplies but would hand out cakes all day long. The people saw her bake cake after cake but they never saw her add one ingredient into the bowl.

When Uncle Wren arrived at her house there was a line of people waiting for not a whole cake, but just one slice of chocolate cake. The slice of cake was the size of the plate it was served on. He said the people would take the cake home to feed their families. He followed one of the resident's home and saw with his own eyes the family of four only eat that slice of chocolate cake for dinner. The family did not eat anything else for the rest of the evening.

Usually, the “questionable occurrences “were nothing bad and never harmed anyone, so Uncle Wren had to be sure to taste the cake himself. We do not usually engage ourselves so deep into the mission that we eat the food in question, but every mission is different, and we are always told to follow our intuition no matter what.

Here is where the story got similarly interesting as my parent's mission. The day my uncle went back to the lady’s home she no longer had the bowl of never-ending cake batter. My uncle asked her where the chocolate cakes where she baked daily and gave to the people. The lady said that she did not give out chocolate cakes and she made a living selling fruits and vegetables from her garden. My Uncle told her what he saw her the day before and the lady denied that it was her.

On the way back to his hotel room the front desk clerk asked him about his day. He asked the clerk did she know about the lady that handed out the pieces of chocolate cake from her home. The clerk looked at him very suspiciously and quickly change the subject. My Uncle knew the clerk had information, so he told the clerk that he knew there were some “questionable occurrences” and that he only wanted to learn about them and not to expose the information. The clerk let out a sigh of relief and she told my uncle what she knew.

The clerk said that the lady comes and goes with no known schedule. The people in the town automatically knew when she would begin to serve the slices of chocolate cake. She serves them for a period of time and then disappears until the next time. She said she believed the lady was a dimension builder. The dimension builders can jump in and out of alternate dimensions and bring things with them. They prefer to stay quiet in their business but sometimes they enjoy their work so much that they stay longer than usual.

My uncle asked how she knew this information. The clerk told him that her grandmother used to talk about them before she disappeared about a year ago. After her grandmother went missing, the lady started showing up. My uncle asked if anyone remembers the lady that served the cakes. The clerk told him no one remembers her after she leaves.

My uncle’s voice went low on the phone. He asked did I want to hear the best part of the story. I gripped my pen tighter and leaned into the phone as if we were in the same room. He said the clerk had never seen the lady’s face. She said she tried all day one day when the lady was there serving cakes, but her face was covered. His eye caught sight of a photo on the clerk’s desk and recognized the face immediately. The face was older but the yes never changed.

The lady serving the limitless cake slices was her grandmother from another reality.

I dropped the phone in amazement. How could this be a real thing! The clerk’s grandma disappeared from one reality to come back to the one she left. My uncle told me that the clerk’s grandmother used to take care of the people in the town by making natural medicines. He said she now keeps families healthy by serving them slices of chocolate cake.

How sweet! No pun intended. I told my mom that chocolate cake was good for you.

After I hung up the phone with my uncle, I could understand how the family in my parent's “secret mission” may have been dimension builders. The dad in that family helped people just as the clerk’s grandmother did, but that still does not explain the flashback my mom had when she was in the old barn. Maybe she went to another dimension. That would explain why my dad could not see it. It was not a reality that he was in at that time, and he did not play in an old barn when he was younger.

Wow, this secret mission stuff has made me tired. I am glad I write all of these “questionable occurrences” down because there would be no way I could remember everything to be used when I go out on my secret missions. I guess I will be off to bed now my friends—

- Audubon Lake


About the Creator


I love to write all genres and teach my kids that they can do and be anything at any time in their lives.

Check out some of my other stories, short reads, thoughts on my podcast website:

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