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De’Coration Academy for Exceptional Rabbits Part 2: Chocolate Heist

There is a part 1 but this can be read alone. Let the heist begin.

By Rebecca harmsworthPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read

Part 1

Two rabbits huddled together in the shadows under a bush. Tonight was the night they would be meeting their contact from the Silent Paw to receive details of their secret mission. Marshmallow, an albino lop, and Sprinkles, a black and white lionhead, were already stationed on site for their first expedition, housed in a comfortable two story lodge with an expansive and magically shifting garden. They had agreed to meet the member of the Silent Paw a little way outside the boundary of the lodge garden. Marshmallow had taken steps to disguise her white fur as stealth was imperative. She had taken great pains to cover herself in grass stains that would take forever to wash out. She still very angry that Sprinkles hadn’t needed to take such steps, the younger bunny’s fur perfectly aided her in camouflage. Watching her companion sit beside her, clean and neat, a wave a furious frustration rose up in Marshmallow, she lent over and tung hard on one of cloud soft tufts of fur around Sprinkles’ ears. Sprinkles took a single hop to the side just out of Marshmallows reach and hunkered down again, lowering her head to nibble at the wild grass. She was used to Marshmallows occasional bouts of jealousy.

It was dark well passed sunset and well past supper time. It would not do to have the humans aware of any of the goings on. Sprinkles was restless, she didn’t like to remain still for long, patience was not her strong suit. Marshmallow had to admit that she too was beginning to feel the building need to dash, they had been waiting a long time, their contact was late, very late.

Marshmallow close the gap between herself and Sprinkles and began to apologetically groom the very tuft she had just tugged. After all she really did like Sprinkles and Sprinkles didn’t choose to have perfect camouflage fur.

“psssst! Are you Marshmallow?” A voice spoke from deeper within the bush. Marshmallow froze, Sprinkles continued to eat unbothered by the sudden sound. Marshmallow nodded slowly. “I’ve got something for ya.” An old grey squirrel descended from one of the overhead branches and handed over a note before vanishing as swiftly as they had arrived.

Operatives, you must acquire an item of great value. It could be the key to insuring that humans remain docile. It appears to possess mind controlling or mind altering powers, we are uncertain which at this stage, so be very careful! It is known as chocolate and the humans transform it into a substance known as cake. The humans keep large stashes of chocolate in heavily secured buildings. We need you to get your paws on 1 bar of this stuff for use in our attempts to make ‘chocolate cake’. We are unable to provide you with additional resources at this time. Once you have completed this mission place the bar under this bush for collection, after which you will receive your payment in the same fashion. Good Luck Operatives.

Having thoroughly read and memorised the message Marshmallow set about consuming any and all evidence of correspondence, for security of cause. Sprinkles hopped back to watch in awe as Marshmallow devoured the note. The determination in the lops eyes was potent, she would not pause in her chewing for a single second until it was gone. The speed! The Skill! The dexterity! To fit such an ungainly shape into ones mouth in one continual stream of chomps, without needing to pause to find a better angle or take a breath, was beyond belief. As the final corner disappeared into Marshmallows mouth the two bunnies looked at one another. The mission was on.

Over the next couple of nights the two bunnies set about gathering any information that could on the building that secured the stash of chocolate. The discovered early on that it was called a ‘shop’. During the day it was full of humans so they wouldn’t be able to act in daylight, but at night the walls and doors were further reinforced by extra metal, it would be impossible to break in. There was a short window of time when after the shop emptied and before the extra metal was set up that would be the perfect time to get in and out, however, this just happened to be at supper time, and no respectable rabbit ever missed supper, for any reason.

“We’ll just have to find another source of chocolate.” Sprinkles suggested as Marshmallow stomped furiously around their lodge.

“How are we going to do that? Ask the humans who bring out our snacks?”


“Don’t be silly Sprinkles! Humans can’t talk, they make those silly noises instead.”

“Maybe the humans have their own stash of chocolate?”

“Shut up! Maybe if we follow the humans we will find their stash of chocolate!” Exclaimed Marshmallow as she dashed over to the little lionhead, slamming into her as she skidded, squishing Sprinkles against the wall. Sprinkles lowered her ears harrumphed, she had just said that. “Tonight Sprinkles, we follow the humans!”

That, as it turned out, was easier said than done. Once the humans hand provided supper and retreated to their lair, Marshmallow and Sprinkles crept silently out of the lodge. Through the garden, which had moved again. Out into the wilds and up the cliffs to the entrance to the human lair. Marshmallow scrabbled at the door but it would not open, no matter how ferociously she dug. The humans had blocked them out.

“If we follow this wall, there might be another way in.” Marshmallow said with frustration as she stepped back from the door.

“Yes! Let’s try this way!” Visibly excited Sprinkles set off at as fast hop long the length of the wall, pausing every now and against to bob and sniff. Marshmallow stared after her young friend for a moment before dashing to catch up and overtake.

They explored the perimeter of the human lair for a few minutes before they found a possible point of entry. It looked like a door the perfect size for a rabbit. It was mounted just a little way off the ground, set into another blocked human door. When Sprinkles had booped it with her nose, it had moved.

“I’ll go first.” Marshmallow announced as she shoved Sprinkles to the side, her paws already on the rabbit door as she spoke.

Being inside the human lair was eerie. The air was still, no gentle breeze of the outside world. A low level hum filled the space, it seemed to the rabbits that the very walls themselves were the source of this unending sound. Marshmallow stood frozen, perfectly still, one ear partially raised as she listened and listened, the hum didn’t change, or pause, or end. It was relentless and boundless and…

“There, look, up there, on the top of that huge, shiny, white construction.” Sprinkles pointed up, dragging Marshmallow’s attention away from the humming.

“How do we get up there?” Marshmallow asked, even as she did so, Sprinkles had hopped up into a smelly construction and then up against onto a raised floor.

“I think I can get it Marshmallow! I’ll throw it down to you!” Sprinkles hopped forward, headless of the gargantuan drop at her side. She hopped onto construction after constriction, higher and higher until she was at the very top. The top of the shiny white construction. Marshmallow wondered this this thing held special importance to the humans as it was the only thing to hold such a prominent position, central and directly opposite the door. “Marshmallow, catch!” Sprinkles called, just moments before she threw a bar of chocolate down. It landed with a loud slap on the floor. Oh no. The humans were sure to have heard it. Sprinkles twitched and Marshmallow froze. They had to get out NOW. The sound of movement began from further into the human lair.

“Get down now, Sprinkles, hurry! I’ll get the chocolate out!” Marshmallow rasped the bar between her teeth and bolted for the rabbit door. Sprinkles was fast, she would make it, they had to complete their mission!

Marshmallow heard the thump of Sprinkles landing back on the ground as leaped through the rabbit door, retracing their earlier steps.

She was half way back to the lodge when she heard the click of the rabbit door, Sprinkles must have made it.

The boundary of the garden loomed out of the darkness.

One single bound and it was behind her.

Through the garden, it seemed to be the same as earlier, thankfully.

Home, the lodge was right there.

Marshmallow dashed upstairs and skidded to a stop. She dropped the chocolate into their basket and covered it quickly with hay before dropping to the floor panting and exhausted. Meer moments later Sprinkles skidded in, slamming into Marshmallow as she stopped.

“I got as just as the humans made it daytime inside! Did you know they could do that? The human turned on a mini sun and suddenly in was daytime inside! We have to report this to the academy.” Marshmallow nodded. Some of the things humans could do were really scary. She just hoped that the Silent Paw would succeed in making chocolate cake the first time, she didn’t want to break into the human lair again.

Part 3

Sprinkles and Marshmallow

Marshmallow and Sprinkles are both real life rescue rabbits, I'm fostering them while they search for their forever home. I'm only able to do this because of the Support provided by Rabbit Retail who are a small business local to me, so please check them out. Any purchases or donations made on their website will be helping to keep these two bunnies happy and healthy, as will any tips.


About the Creator

Rebecca harmsworth

Dealing with my mental health and trying to find my place in the world. on Instagram

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    Rebecca harmsworthWritten by Rebecca harmsworth

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