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dark love on the bridge

dark love on the bridge

By aly rahmanPublished 14 days ago 1 min read

The Blackwater Bridge wasn't exactly a place known for romance. Sure, it had a certain brooding charm, all rusted metal and looming over the inky river, but most folks crossed it with a quickened pace and a silent prayer they wouldn't get mugged. Not me, though. I came for Ezra.

Ezra was trouble with a capital T, all ripped jeans, dark eyeliner, and a smile that could melt your fillings (and maybe your common sense). We met at a goth night, me in my ripped fishnets and him quoting Poe like a lovesick raven. We bonded over our shared taste in the macabre and a mutual disdain for small talk.

Our dates weren't exactly candlelit dinners. We explored abandoned buildings, snuck into the creepy old cemetery for stargazing (because who needs a park?), and once even ended up at a three a.m. showing of a black and white horror movie marathon.

The Blackwater Bridge was our spot. We'd sit on the cold metal, dangling our legs over the churning water below, sharing secrets whispered under the cloak of night. It felt oddly romantic, the wind whipping at our hair, the city lights blurring into a distant shimmer. We talked about everything and nothing, dreams both dark and whimsical, a secret language understood only by the two of us.

One night, Ezra took my hand, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "This bridge," he said, his voice barely a murmur, "it's our bridge. A symbol of our love, dark and beautiful, just like us."

It wasn't sunflowers and picket fences. It was a love forged in shadows, a connection that thrived on the fringes. Maybe it wasn't for everyone, but for us, under the watchful gaze of the gargoyles perched on the bridge, it was perfect.

Sure, the bridge wasn't exactly Instagram-worthy, but hey, not all love stories were sunshine and rainbows. Ours was a symphony in midnight blue, a love story whispered on the wind, a secret shared with the cold steel of the Blackwater Bridge. And that, in its own dark way, was beautiful.

Young AdultMysteryLove

About the Creator

aly rahman

no writing no life

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