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Curse of the Dragon: Return of the Ancient Blood

Chapter 1

By Sarah DanaherPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Curse of the Dragon: Return of the Ancient Blood
Photo by Federico Bottos on Unsplash

"There weren't always dragons in the valley," muttered Gregor Herolis, “but I would have no power without them.” Gregor sat confidently on the back of Master Dragon, Praug, ready for the impending attack on Dragonia again. He shouted out loud, "I am the Dragon Master, and so why am I one of so many not respected." He then commanded the many dragons to his side, ready for his attack despite the storm. He dismissed all of it and started on the journey to his formal home, where he was no longer welcome. His dark brown hair blew through the wind with his short bowl cut to keep it tamed. His blue eyes were filled with anger, but he had become a monster in their eyes. His youthful looks hid the old age and his rage. His children looked more senior, and yet Gregor never saw them again.

He was racing time as the thunder rolled and the sky drew to increasing darkness, but it was different; the flashes of lightning were everywhere but in the color of green. This had been a very different storm, yet he felt afraid that the dragons would not stand in such weather. In his blue dragon master crest, he did not take well to those and thought of the only green dragon master, Davidison Pullmaner, whose death by jackal was quite a betrayal to all of Dragonia. More green clouds kept moving in, and the lightning increased in intensity, scaring the dragons all around him. The rain winds poured down on both armies, and even the Dragonians were starting to retreat. "So much for a short storm," stated Gregor, utterly soaked from all the rain. The storm was not letting up, and despite his best efforts to survive and dismay, the attack had to be abandoned. The whole land was soaked in the odd storm, and both sides had to retreat with no resolve to its ending. All were startled when hearing a faint voice in the shower saying, "Hope is coming, hope is coming, hope is coming." This was not a good sign from any direction, and holding power was as tricky as gaining it. Dragonia was also feeling the wrath of the strange weather and could not figure out when Pullmaner's revenge would take place or the return of old Dragonian leadership. Both were long predicted but not yet had come to complete completion.

Still, the storm kept coming, so shelter was taken back to the dragon's tower, but it disturbed him when Gregor arrived at the site. The food that brought him to such power and authority was eaten, and his ring was glowing blue as if another had taken the dragon's power. He quickly reacted and searched for the intruder with his luminous sword, but everything went dim as fast as it glowed. He then realized that the real battle had just begun. The storm had brought more troubles than expected, and with a new dragon master on the run, everything was about brought change. It has always been said that there cannot be two dragon masters, and a fight of wits will have to be made with the control of the dragons, diluted in mind in the conflict. He wondered if another young lad had decided to try to take power, just as he did with the previous dragon master.

Yet it seemed that almost being sword master should come to his strengths amongst any new competitors. "So, the war has begun," he muttered again, and" there will never be hope in the Dragonia even if the ancient blood returns for the great peace." The anger in his heart was growing, and only being able to morph his hands and a little more of his body did not help his manner. He knew he had to be the great one to finally morph entirely and be the dragon master and the master dragon. Gregor calmed himself enough to replenish his strength and find the intruder that did not deserve to upend him with his mighty power.

He pondered when the dragons came since they had been there since the early founders had come into the land. Yet as valiantly as they fought, most decided to leave to where there were no dragons. They were waiting for the time of their defeat to return. Eventually, the dragons were tamed by Pullmaner, and everything settled, and Gregor being the fourteenth dragon master, still could not make the harmony again.

Still, the new menace had to be dealt with, but he had to remain alert until he could resume his great power and rule over Dragonia, but the night went by slowly. His thought then came on how his competitor disappeared and awoke to take account of his many dragons were there despite the continuing storm, which had not yet relented the awful green lightning. Late in the night, he noticed that Praug was looking for his helpmate, Dana. She had been missing, and Gregor feared the worst that a second master dragon had been discovered and could not be pursued till the storm would finally pass. The lost feeling and that another challenge would be inevitable. The nagging feeling that he could now be killed. Only dragon masters can kill other dragon masters, just as the vicious cycle since the Ancient Blood, Pullmaner, began on his death. Gregor felt so secure that he would be fine even if his dragon army was defeated. But, just as his predecessors had felt, the real threat, and now staying alive meant his fighting skills would be needed again. For He was in the fight in his life if only he could track the very threat of a competitor without knowing when the next attack would occur.

As the evening continued, Gregor's blue eyes grew tired. The rain had not stopped falling, but he eventually drifted off. He periodically awoke to the perceived flickering of his ring. His dream of the battle and preparing for the next attack in short suspense of eternal power. Dragonia had been ruled in the skies by him for years as the mighty dragon master. He had always kept Dragon's Tower locked up so no one could even enter. Somehow a new competitor had entered, and he could not find the weakness in his defense. The suspense and loneliness were wearing his eyes to go back to sleep. So, he decided to go sleep amongst the dragons for some added protection if the new dragon master came back, but it was raining still. The was no regard for his sleep, and his mind was thinking of everything in the tumultuous world. Nothing seemed to end when he was invincible. He knew his day would come when he had to defend his title and life. Slowly sleep came but still no stop to the ever so long odd storm. The showdown would be inevitable, a fight to the death. Eventually, he heard the relent of the rain. He had only slept for a few hours and was still fatigued. He willed himself awake to finally look for the new dragon master and even was willing to sneak into Dragonia if he had to defeat his nemesis.


About the Creator

Sarah Danaher

I enjoy writing for fun. I like to write for several genres including fantasy, poetry, and dystopian, but I am open to trying other genres too. It has been a source of stress relief from my busy life.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • J. Delaney-Howe11 months ago

    Great character development with Gregor. Is there a part 2?

  • Judey Kalchik 11 months ago

    You set the stage for quite the saga!

  • What next? This was awesome to read! Much like my story, I feel there is a lot that can be fleshed out, thank you for writing this piece! I'm interested in where it is going, thank you for sharing

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