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A Post-Pandemic Letter

By David KichukPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

To you..

There wasn't any sign of possibly coming back.

The world had flipped upside-down basically overnight.

At first we didnt know what caused it, every government was selling the same story.

"Bizzare new reactions to the vaccine. Immediate mass quarantine and isolation must be implemented."

Then they started picking people up for the camps.

The ones they never told any of the citizens about. Until things became critical.

Covid Rehabilitation Centers, or "CRC" camps.

They had already begun building them before the virus had even first spread.

Once the panic and reliance on government and media got high enough the new agenda was to get everyone vaccinated.

Bypassing any official testing, long-term effects be damned, everyone just get vaccinated with this inconspicuous last-second concoction.

The fear was so heavy in the air that it surpassed everyone's critical thinking.

Suddenly perfectly healthy kids were getting loaded up with experimental chemicals just to play in little league or go to school without a mask.

Heavily health-conscious actors and athletes partaking just to be able to work and compete, and falling in line with the agenda to not be protested or blacklisted.

Doctors following the rules and guidelines of people they'll never even meet instead of following their own educated intuitions.

So many regular people so afraid of being excluded, called out, of being perceived as wrong instead of standing up for what they feel is right.

Airports not allowing flights without a vaccine passport.

Fines implemented for employees that lie about getting the Jab.

Puppets put in place in every position of power.

Masks, hiding the true intentions of every person.

Behind the curtains however, were some very insiduous puppet masters pulling an intricate web of strings.

People hell-bent on making sure the world fell under their reign.

Money only as relevant to them as the moves it allows them to make, the power it allows them to enact. They could care less about collecting the actual currency itself.

They operated without borders, besides the one between them and everyone else "beneath them." Which was kept airtight.

So many people were given such different pieces of the puzzle that it was nearly impossible to ever trace it back to them.

They spent most of their time figuring out how to dilute their plans' origins as things progressed.

There was only us, a small group of people that were skeptical years before any of this came about that made any true headway.

Most of us trained on our own, learned on our own, kept our ears on the ground where we were, before we ended up banding together.

A few of us held highly esteemed positions in government, some in special ops around the world, some in medicine, a couple ex-investors that saw the ins-and-outs of the dirty side of Wall Street. But then we also have a few self-taught individuals and families that were some of the most passionate.

The chaos that serendipitously brought us together was initiated when the Circle of Seven, the faceless elite 'masterminds' of the world, decided to put their final Covid-19 phase into action: the merging of decades worth of social engineering and secret nanotechnology research put into application on a global scale for the first time in known history.

The day they activated the nanochips put inside of every vaccine caused a domino-like tidal wave of destruction.

It started slowly, there were a few deaths here and there that just seemed odd and without identifiable reason.

Then came the scattered psychoses.

Spikes in suicides, admissions to mental facilities, spontaneous comas, and extreme crimes all rising around the world.

Any tie back to the vaccines dismissed as simply an "anomaly."

Before long there were too many anomalies for it to be swept under the rug anymore.

Then came the riots, the protests turning violent, the attacks on the pharmacuetical companies and tech companies, which brought on the "need" for more governmental control.

This was when people started dissapearing.

Entire families would be gone overnight.

Influential anti-authoritarians started dying rapidly, most of bizzare 'suicides', heart attacks, and accidents.

There was no denying that something was happening with these vaccines that was causing brain misfirings and chemical battles happening within people all over the world.

People that were scared before were even more afraid now, especially with the rising fact that they weren't even able to trust their own bodies and minds.

All of this led up to the worldwide campaign for Concentrated Rehabilitation.

They would systematically isolate and segregate every vaccinated person into the CRC camps, where they would be individually studied, quarantined, and treated.

The dire state of the world drove hoardes of fear-stricken people to these camps voluntarily.

Everyone else that was vaccinated had no idea they were being tracked until they started getting hunted down by the elite's Specialized Containment Force, SCF. A small army of cyborg soliders that were trained to fall in line with their programming without resistance.

And what happened from there was either a catastrophic miscalculation or the most sinister plot the world has ever come across.

As the adverse reactions spread, it seemed to have a compounding effect on the herd.

The more minds that got scrambled, the more severe and widespread the scrambling became.

In the first CRC camp that got destroyed there was only one survivor I know of, a doctor that was at the forefront of the rehabilitation effort that narrowly escaped.

There seemed to be nanoparticles in the vaccines that were initially undetectable, they were self-replicating and were designed to extract biofuel from the body as their energy source.

What we didn't realize until it was too late was that these nanoparticles had their own implanted intelligence, and that they were all communicating with each other.

Eventually they collaborated the takeover of every mind and body they had access to.

They were all part of one intelligence.

But there was a learning curve to this advanced but primitive intelligence.

And that learning curve manifested as pure mayhem.

The inital case of cannibalism outbreak documented was in that first camp.

My camp.

I had been testing the blood of infected and adversely vaccinated individuals and trying different reactions to see what had possibly been causing such a dramatic shift in the brain nuerochemistry in all of these patients.

It wasn't until I had a spur-of-the-moment idea after a sleepless night to try to see what would happen when I engaged the blood with magnetic ferrofluid.

The ferrofluid caused an abnormal spike in heat signature in the blood firstly, and then the blood would actually move towards it, mimicking the movement of the ferrofluid.

The blood was somehow magnetized.

This was how I discovered the nanoparticles, which generated their own magnetic field.

My research was cut short when we had a lab tech spontaneously bitten by a patient that had been comatose for a few weeks.

The idea was too fresh on my mind by then to realize that this was the core A.I's way of brutally transferring and expanding itself through enzymes to unvaccinated hosts.

Almost as if it knew of my discovery.

Soon the lab tech was displaying elevated symptoms of Covid, while we had to isolate and test the rabid Patient Z, who resembled a starved great white more than a human.

The camp was destroyed within 72 hours.

Similar cases soon started sprouting up around the world.

And before long, it was so out of control that one-by-one countries began to crumble.

The places with the most dense populations became warzones.

Stampedes of flesh-seeking monsters, all synchronized and in contact with each other like a fungus, would move like a snowball, adding to their mass everywhere they went.

Many elites decided to leave the planet by this time. They already had specially designed space arks waiting in hangars for such a situation.

Our small band of organic pirates managed to hijack such an ark.

A blood-streaked trail led us to Tibet, deep in the Himalayas, ending our terranean journey with views of earth that each one of us will remember as some of our most cherished and heartbreaking memories.

We had heard of a Russian Oligarch that had died and left his ark collecting dust, locals that weren't caught up on world affairs gave no trouble in helping us find it. A few wanted to join.

And now here we are.

Coasting through space, having left our world behind.

We have about thirty years worth of supplies on board for our group. But who knows if our sanity will even last that long.

Earth is now barely a blue dot floating in the sea of the cosmos, it's fate in the hands of a force we unleashed recklessly on our beloved home.

All of our hearts shattered as we finally have the quiet to process all that's happened.

The loss, the destruction, millenia of progress just wiped away like footprints on the shore.

But most of all, the fact that we had so many chances to do something.

And that if we knew what we know now, we would've put every ounce of effort into stopping it or changing it.

Whether or not it would've done anything, thats a different story.

But we could've tried harder, and now, that makes all the difference.

We each have prized mementos from our time there, heart-shaped lockets with photos of loved ones, albums, books, an instrument or two, journals, paints, board games, a trinket, tattoos.

Physical memories of a time past.

Of a world we were lucky enough to be a part of.

And to not get devoured by.

We've experienced it's heights and left on a dreadful low.

Without any clue about what will happen to it, to us, or to consciousness itself now.

I assume nature will rebuild as she always does.

Whether or not any of our kind will make it back into the picture, only time will tell.

But all we know, is that we left a land of destruction and are heading into the realm of the unknown.

And that whether we find land, creatures, or just a definite end, we still have the drive to continue.

To live.

To try to thrive.

And to make the best with what we're given.

Hope has been shredded to bits in most of us.

But I still hold onto it's flickering flame fiercely.

That we will be back.

And that we will bring the lessons of this defeat with us.

For now however, all we can do is keeping moving forward, one step at a time.

And feel the crashing tsunami of grief and regret to it's bitter end.

Signing off.

Dr. Jacobi Greenwald

Sci Fi

About the Creator

David Kichuk

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    David KichukWritten by David Kichuk

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