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Clash of the Sky Siblings: The Birth of Thunder and Lightning

How Two Divine Birds Shaped Our Weather

By Abnoan MunizPublished 11 months ago 2 min read
Clash of the Sky Siblings: The Birth of Thunder and Lightning
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

In a time long past, when Earth was young, two great and powerful birds ruled the skies. Thunderbird, a magnificent creature with wings as dark as a stormy night, and Lightning Bird, radiant as the sun itself, with a plumage shimmering in hues of silver and gold.

These divine birds were the children of Sky and Wind, created to watch over the world and maintain balance. Thunderbird, possessing an immense voice, could shake the heavens with its powerful roars. Lightning Bird, with its sparkling eyes, could create brilliant streaks of light just by blinking.

They were the best of friends, always together, playing games of chase in the endless expanses of the sky. Thunderbird would call out loudly, and Lightning Bird would respond with a dazzling flash of light. The people of Earth would watch in awe as their games created awe-inspiring symphonies of sound and light in the sky.

But one day, the harmonious balance was disrupted. The two birds had a fierce argument over who was the faster flyer. The argument grew heated, and in a fit of rage, Thunderbird shouted so loudly that it shook the Earth. Startled by this, Lightning Bird responded with a blinding flash of light that split the sky.

Their quarrel was so fierce that it resonated through the heavens, disturbing the peaceful tranquility. Their parents, Sky and Wind, intervened. They declared that their children's reckless behavior could not continue and decided to separate them to bring peace. They decreed that the two should live apart and only come together during moments of great importance, using their powers to signal these events to the people of Earth.

Heartbroken by this punishment, the birds promised to remember their bond and demonstrate their unity to the world despite their distance. So, to this day, whenever Thunderbird roars in the sky, Lightning Bird responds with a flash of light. This is how thunder and lightning were born, a testament to their enduring friendship and a reminder of their promise to each other.

So, when you hear the rolling thunder and see the flash of lightning, remember the bond between the two divine birds. It's their way of telling us that even in conflict, unity can exist, and every loud argument can be followed by a brilliant resolution.

MysteryShort StoryFantasyFable

About the Creator

Abnoan Muniz

Brazilian Senior Software Engineer

Diagnosed with ADHD at 30, my perspective of life took a transformative turn, breathing new life into my world.

A lot of creativity and unconventional thinking you will find here.

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