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Chinese folk tale: The destined wife is no longer alive, and the bachelor is looking for trouble with Yue Lao

Scholar Jiang Ziguan is in his twenties and has not yet made a marriage decision. I don’t know what happened, but the matchmaker proposed marriage to him many times, but the woman was unwilling. As time passed, he became an older man. Not long ago......

By longzhan linPublished 8 months ago 2 min read

The Story of Jiang Ziguan and His Destiny

Jiang Ziguan, a scholar in his twenties, had yet to find a suitable match. Despite numerous attempts by matchmakers, the prospective brides always refused, leaving him as an elderly bachelor.

Recently, Jiang Ziguan traveled to Mount Tai with his servant, staying at a Taoist temple. Skilled in the game of Go, he matched wits with the temple's abbot, forming a deep bond through their evenly matched games.

One rainy day, unable to venture out, Jiang Ziguan shared a game of Go with the abbot. Reminiscing, he said, "Abbot, I wish to become a disciple and live this peaceful life, enjoying Go games with you."

The abbot laughed, saying, "Your heart is not truly detached; you cannot become a Taoist."

Jiang Ziguan sighed, "I've been unable to marry, what difference does it make if I live like a Taoist?"

The abbot smiled, revealing the truth, "You once offended the Matchmaker, how could you expect a marriage?"

Confused, Jiang Ziguan asked, "I'm an ordinary person, how could I have offended the Matchmaker?"

The abbot explained, "In your past life, you were the Red-Haired Immortal. Before descending to Earth, you visited the Matchmaker, stole one of his elixirs, and caused him great anger. He deliberately withheld a red thread for you, leading to your current situation."

Realizing the truth, Jiang Ziguan exclaimed, "The Matchmaker is using his power for personal gain. I must confront him!" The abbot guided him on how to find the Matchmaker.

On the fifteenth day of the fifth month, Jiang Ziguan climbed Nanshan with his servant bearing wine. Under an ancient pine tree, he found the Matchmaker, a white-haired elder enjoying a nap. Awakened by the aroma of wine, the Matchmaker eagerly drank, then demanded the returned elixir.

Jiang Ziguan produced the vial. Originally, when he was born, he held the elixir in his hand. His family, unaware of its value, had kept it in a vial. Now, he offered it back to the Matchmaker.

But the Matchmaker refused, revealing, "Your destined wife was the daughter of a marquis named Shao Yao. Due to my anger, she has been unable to find a suitable match and took her own life two years ago. However, fate has intervened. The elixir can revive her."

Moved, Jiang Ziguan tearfully thanked the Matchmaker and descended the mountain.

After returning home, Jiang Ziguan prepared and traveled to the marquis's residence. He requested to marry Shao Yao, explaining the revival process. Initially furious, the marquis eventually agreed upon hearing the elixir could bring his daughter back to life.

Jiang Ziguan and the marquis went to Shao Yao's grave. As the coffin was opened, they found her body decayed and bones exposed. Using the elixir, Jiang Ziguan revived Shao Yao, and she was restored to health within a month.

The couple returned to Jiang Ziguan's home and lived happily, raising three sons and two daughters. Shao Yao lived until the age of eighty-plus, before peacefully passing away.

This is exactly what it means to become a Buddha and become a demon in one thought. When the red-haired immortal stole the elixir, what happened next was already doomed.

Sometimes, you have to think twice before acting to avoid being impulsive and causing unnecessary trouble.


About the Creator

longzhan lin

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    longzhan linWritten by longzhan lin

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