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Cheated Defeated Depleted

A paranormal adventure

By Dean GeePublished 3 years ago 10 min read
Cheated Defeated Depleted
Photo by Enzo B on Unsplash

Maggie had always been such a lively young lady, now in her early twenties, she was inflicted with a condition. It made her question everything about life.

She had her suspicions about Brad, she was sure there was something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, so she dumped him. Her friends said he had to be cheating on her. Nobody had caught him though, so that was just opinion.

Something had changed though, since that day in the garden when she saw the man, that man in the hooded cloak, nobody else could see him. She alone could see his face. A handsome young man with a blonde curl on his forehead. He had deep blue crystalline eyes, the colour of tanzanite.

Her favourite colour was the deep blue of tanzanite.

He had a message for her.

“I will come to you later and tell you something that is a universal truth. Do not exclaim my presence when I return, do not be afraid, I am your friend, you have been chosen from amongst the many.”

“Come on Maggie, we are going to be late for the movies!”

“Did you see him?”

“See who?”

“The dude in the cloak with the blue crystal eyes?”

“Maggie I am not sure what you are going on about? Do you want to go to the movies, or are you trying to get out of it again?”

“I’m not trying to get out of it, I just wanted to know if you could see him.”

“Stop playing silly games and let’s go, Jason is waiting he’s started the car.”

That night at the movies with all her friends surrounding her Maggie could think of nothing else, except the man in the hooded cloak.

He was dressed like a monk, except his cloak was silver, and seemed to be like liquid, like mercury, yes that’s what it was like, it was like mercury. Maggie was most distressed that none of her friends could see what she had seen.

The conversations with her friends faded into insignificance and she tried to focus on what they were saying but she just couldn’t.

“Maggie, you are back in the clouds, what’s up with you today? Is something troubling you?”

“No, I am sorry, I’m just preoccupied with something that’s coming up soon.”

“What is it? We are your friends, we can help you.”

“Well I don’t know what it is just yet, when I learn more I will tell you. Sorry about how I am, I really will let you all know when I figure some stuff out.”

“Oh it’s Brad, what the hell has he done this time?”

“No it’s not Brad. I told you that was over! I am not interested in him anymore and that is a great relief. I was tired of the emotional rollercoaster. I haven’t seen or heard from him for two weeks now, and I am fine, which is surprising actually.”

“Sometimes these things take time Maggie, don’t rush it.”

“Actually there is someone else, and when I figure out some stuff about him, I will let you all know.”

“I knew it, I just knew it. She has a mind that is obsessed with another.”

“I am not obsessed, just thinking through some stuff, anyway can we talk about something or someone else please?”

“Yes come on let’s all go grab a coffee, give Maggie a break.”

“Thanks Chareen.”

“No problem my friend, you just take your time and tell us when you are good and ready. If you need anything from any of us you know we are here for you.”

The rest of the evening was delightful and Maggie, was present in the moment, and enjoyed being with her friends who enjoyed her full, undivided attention.

Later that night as she was drifting off to sleep she noticed a flashing light, a tiny blue light in the corner of her bedroom. She walked across to the light and put her hand out to touch it.

As soon as her finger touched the blue light, the floor of her bedroom disappeared and she found herself in a turquoise room, a red table and two chairs were the only items of furniture in the room.

“Take a seat and let me reveal to you what is about to happen.” The voice emanated from the corner of the room.

It was him, the young man she had seen in the garden.

“Sit down and allow me to enlighten you.” He gestured towards one of the red chairs and he sat down in the one opposite Maggie.

“Truth is like a straight line, it proceeds unhindered by time, space or matter. Truth just proceeds forth along its trajectory. People flirt with truth, some run toward it then try to bend it or pervert it, to fit their own desires or ambitions. Others run and hide from it, dipping into it only when it suits their purposes at the time. Truth however does not care about what people think or what their desires are, it just proceeds forth.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

“Maggie, you are the last of the truth seekers, the rest have been corrupted by the deliverance of deception, the perception of deception as truth, deception permeates everything and everyone.”

“Well what can I do about it?”

“Do you want to do something about it?”

“Yes of course, I think that truth matters.”

“Right then you need to listen carefully. Deception proceeds through fear, fear is the weapon that has always been used and always will be used. Fear removes cognition and reasoning from people. Fear overrides rationality. Highlighting the shortcomings of others to prop up false narratives is what occurs continually. You need to unite everyone with truth.”

“How can I do that? I am just plain Maggie?”

“You are plain Maggie, but you are the only truth seeker left, you have to do this, if humanity is to survive. You also seem unfamiliar with my work. I took a Swedish teenager with no qualifications and set her up as the voice for climate change.”

“Ok tell me then what’s this great deception?”

“Deception is already at work and has been for years. The greatest of all deceptions is upon us.”

“What is that?”

“The plague that you all fear, it’s not real, it’s all made up, it’s merely a control mechanism. They want to tag everyone like cattle. They want people to walk around with plastic tags on their ears like sheep farmers do, except they will do it internally through the blood stream. They tell you that they have your best interests at heart, they don’t.”

“Well how am I going to alert everyone?”

“Are you not employed at Zinox Pharmaceuticals?”

“Yes I am but I am only the head of charities.”

“That’s why the people will listen to you, you have a good heart. Your whole life you have been seeking to serve others. Even in large corporates you have had a heart for the vulnerable and disenfranchised. I will leave you with this truth. Brad was dating and I mean ‘dating’ Cindy Greene three months before you dumped him, they met on April the twelfth at a party, the night you were ill. That is why he didn’t care anymore. He was just too much of a coward to tell you.”

“But, hold on, you know about Brad? Hey where are you?”

“All will be revealed tomorrow. Expound the truths you have learnt here today.”

Maggie woke up to her own celebrity the following morning. There was a press scrum outside her house that morning, she didn’t understand?

“Maggie, what’s going on, what bearer of truth are you?”

“Mum, Dad, I don’t know? What’s going on?”

“You are all over the news, you are seen as the last truth bearer, the media has been pumping up your image since early this morning. The media has displayed your heart for helping those less fortunate. You have become like Mother Theresa overnight. They are calling you the world’s best kept secret. They want you to expound the truth at a press conference at 12 noon today!”


“Maggie, it’s Brad, he couldn’t get through to your phone.”

“I don’t want. Actually yes, I will speak to him.”

“Brad so now that I am all over the news you suddenly have time for me?”

“……I don’t care, you cheating coward I know about Cindy Greene and the party, where you met….You bet I do…you’re the liar. Good bye Brad.”

“You tell him darling”

“Thanks Dad.”

Then the voice was back, crystal eyes was there but not visible.

“Just state what I told you last night, how this plague is all deception, that they are trying to control everyone, they want to tag us like sheep, but internally through our blood.”

“Ok I will do it.”

“Maggie are you sure you are up to this?”

“Didn’t you hear him? I have to!”

“Hear who darling? What are you going on about?”

“Oh never mind Mum, I need to get ready for the press conference at NNC news.”

Maggie’s parents assisted her, her friends were on the phone and asking her questions she couldn’t answer, all wishing her luck and holding thumbs for her.

“Remember what has been said many times my dear, speak even if your voice shakes.”

“Thanks Dad I will. I will tell everyone what I know, it’s for the sake of humanity it’s for our freedom and survival.”

“You go girl, we will be watching.”

Maggie walked into the studio amidst journalists clambering to ask her questions, the noise and hustle and bustle was confronting.

There he was again standing next to her. Nobody could see crystal eyes, nobody could hear crystal eyes but she could.

“Just repeat after me, you’ll be fine.” He said, as the mercury cloak flowed around him.”

“Maggie, it is great to have you in our studio. Viewers, today we have a very special guest with us. Unknown yesterday but the greatest celebrity today. A literal overnight success. Maggie’s truth. That’s what we will hear today. Maggie, you are an overnight success but your whole life has been one of helping others. Even now in your job at Zinox Pharmaceuticals, you have chosen to be head of charity.”

“Thanks Jake. I am a little nervous to be up here, but I do have a, umm, a message for the world.”

“Tell us all, the world is listening.”

“People of the world wherever you may be. I hope you are listening because this truth has come to me and I want to share it with everyone. You, or should I say, we, are all in grave danger, do not take the medication that your doctor is prescribing for the great plague. The great plague is a deception, the medication alters your blood, to make you trackable and programmable.”

“Perfect” said crystal eyes as he winked at me. “You were perfect.”

“There we have it folks, you have heard the truth, rise up against the medication, it is formulated to make us compliant to the orders of governments and large corporate entities.”

Then crystal eyes looked at Maggie and where his eyes used to be were black holes, his skin was scaly and his tongue was forked. The blonde curl on his forehead now a scar, his face was that of a lizard.

“Everything I told you about truth is true, the rest well, not so much. Well done Maggie, you just cheated everyone out of life, your good works are undone, to cause much strife. Feel cheated? Defeated? Depleted?”

“Wait, who are you? Everyone! People of the world! I have made a terrible mistake.”

“Mistake, fake, deception, reflection, correction my work here is done. Got to run.” He was laughing as he disappeared.

Short Story

About the Creator

Dean Gee

Inquisitive Questioner, Creative Ideas person. Marketing Director. I love to write about life and nutrition, and navigating the corporate world.

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