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Capybara's Adventures

Tall Tail challenge submission

By Nicole CPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Capybara's Adventures
Photo by Jaime Dantas on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a lush rainforest in South America, there lived a capybara named Cappy. Cappy was a friendly and adventurous capybara who loved to explore the jungle and make new friends.

Cappy he loved to eat plants, especially grass. He enjoyed grazing on fresh green grass, often spending hours nibbling on it to his heart's content. Often roaming the grasslands, he sniffed around, searching for the juiciest and tastiest blades of grass. Cappy used his powerful front teeth to bite off mouthfuls of grass, chewing them slowly and savouring every bite.

Whenever Cappy found a patch of particularly delicious grass, he would settle down and munch away for as long as he could, occasionally taking breaks to stretch his legs and explore his surroundings.

One day, while on one of his adventures, Cappy stumbled upon a group of animals who were lost and couldn't find their way home. They were a family of monkeys who had strayed too far from their home in search of food.

"Would you like to have some grass?" Cappy offered.

"No, we don't eat grass," said the monkeys, "We want fruit such as bananas."

Cappy knew he had to help them. So, he offered to guide them back to their home in the treetops. The monkeys were grateful and gladly accepted his offer.

Cappy remembered seeing a banana tree grove during one of his previous jungle explorations, and he decided to take the monkeys there.

Using his excellent sense of smell and keen eyesight, Cappy led the monkeys through the jungle, carefully avoiding any dangerous predators or obstacles in their path. As they walked, Cappy explained to the monkeys how to identify different types of trees and plants, and how to find ripe bananas in the tree tops.

When they finally arrived at the banana tree grove, Cappy instructed the monkeys to climb the trees carefully, using their long arms and tails to balance themselves on the branches.

The monkeys were thrilled with their delicious and nutritious meal, and they thanked Cappy profusely for his help. They also invited him to share their bananas and join them in their treetop home, where they not only had bananas but came across other berries too.

Cappy didn't eat the berries, only the bananas. The monkeys and Cappy enjoyed a peaceful evening resting together after their big dinner.

The next morning, as Cappy woke up and prepared to go on another adventure with the monkeys, he noticed that something was wrong. The monkeys seemed lethargic and weak, and they were making strange noises that he had never heard before.

As Cappy got closer, he saw that the monkeys were suffering from severe stomach pain and were vomiting. He immediately realized that the berries didn't agree with them, and he knew he had to act fast to save them.

Cappy searched the jungle for medicinal plants that could help ease the monkeys' pain and heal their stomachs. He used his knowledge of the jungle and his sharp sense of smell to find the right plants, and he prepared a special herbal tea to give to the monkeys.

With great care and gentleness, Cappy administered the tea to the monkeys, and he stayed by their side throughout the day, watching over them and making sure they were comfortable.

Gradually, the monkeys began to recover, and they thanked Cappy for his quick thinking and care. They realized that the berries were not the same as other berry types they were used to, and they promised to be more careful in the future.

Cappy was relieved that the monkeys were okay, and he felt grateful that he had been able to help them. From that day on, he made it his mission to learn even more about the jungle and its many plants and creatures, so that he would be better equipped to face any challenges that came his way.

From that day forward, Cappy and the monkeys remained close friends. They would often go on adventures together, exploring the jungle and having fun. Cappy was happy to have made such wonderful friends, and he knew that he had made a real difference in their lives.

Note: Story co-written with Chat GPT

Short Storyfamily

About the Creator

Nicole C

Writing sporadically... I tried some challenges but never won anything. Sometimes my poetry helps me process whatever has been going on... sometimes it is pure fiction. Sometimes I like to write about pop culture and astrology.

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Comments (1)

  • Srini Vabout a year ago

    Nice one.

Nicole CWritten by Nicole C

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