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Boy With A Bike

A Lost's Boy's Negative and Positive experience On Giving His Bike A Ride On A Rainy Day

By Dristin VanderleiPublished about a year ago 9 min read

From time to time, we can find ourselves lost, uncertain of which direction to take and unsure of what choice will truly benefit us in the long run. Have you ever experienced being lost as a child, faced with the daunting decision of whether to stay put or take the risk of venturing out to look for your parents? The possibility of finding them is enticing, but at the same time, there's also the possibility of getting lost even further. This story is about decisions.

On a cold, gloomy, and rainy day, a boy named Lucas - who was a highly adventurous 9-year-old - was yearning for an outdoor escapade. It's quite typical for boys his age to be inquisitive and want to explore the world around them, always eager to go on adventures.

Lucas had repeatedly asked his parents if he could go for a bike ride outside, but they had denied him several times due to the rainy weather. They attempted to divert his attention to playing on his tablet, but unlike most kids, Lucas was different - he wasn't particularly fond of electronics. He sensed that his parents were trying to keep him cooped up indoors, but he was determined to go out and explore, despite their objections.

And that was precisely what Lucas did. He put on a long-sleeved shirt and pants and headed outside to get his bike, sneaking out of his room window so that his parents wouldn't catch him. The rain started pouring, and Lucas was immediately drenched, but he didn't mind it one bit - he was never afraid of getting wet. He began riding his bike on the road, up and down his street. The only thing he had in his mind was that he was going to have some fun today.

Lucas rode his bike up and down the rainy street, feeling the urge to venture even further, maybe ride around the entire town. However, he was well aware that his parents had forbidden him from riding his bike outside their street. They'd scold him for not listening if they caught him doing so. Knowing he was already in trouble for sneaking out, he figured he might as well explore beyond their street, so he wouldn't get caught easily if his parents saw him from the window.

So, Lucas did just that. He got on his bike and rode all over town, unafraid despite the heavy downpour. He passed by stores, libraries, and parks, even stopping at one to play in the rain. He was completely soaked, muddy, and dirty, but he didn't care - he was having too much fun, without a worry on his mind. Of course, he did consider the possibility of his parents catching him, and the consequences of being grounded for a very long time, but he felt that the experience he was having was well worth it.

After a few hours of playing, Lucas decided it was time to head back home. He was tired, wet, and covered in dirt, so he hopped on his bike and began riding back. However, after riding for about ten minutes, he realized he was lost. He got off his bike and looked around, feeling scared that he couldn't remember how to get back home. Lucas considered going to a nearby store to ask for help, but he was worried that if he did so, his parents would find out and he'd be in trouble. Instead, he sat down in the wet, grassy mud and took a moment to think about what he should do next. He knew that his best option was to sit and think things through. And he did as he cried.

After crying and contemplating for about half an hour, Lucas got back on his bike and rode around town, searching for buildings or landmarks that he recognized as a way to guide himself back home. He scanned every possible thing that could give him an idea of how to get back home. Although he knew that it was risky, he thought that he could always ask strangers for help if he failed to find his way back. As he continued to ride, he couldn't find anything that looked familiar to him. Lucas realized that his decision to venture far from home without a proper understanding of the town and in the midst of rainy weather was not wise, and he regretted his actions.

So Lucas had come to the conclusion to ask a stranger for help due to no luck in finding his way back home.

So, he entered a pizza shop, thinking that it was the safest place to ask for help as they deliver pizzas. As he walked in, he noticed that most of the workers were teenagers. While asking for help, he thought about the possibility of asking them for a ride home instead of calling the police. Although he was a little hesitant to ask for that kind of help, he remembered that teenagers were usually more approachable than adults and he might have a chance of one of them choosing to help him. With enough confidence built up, Lucas finally asked for a ride home.

The teen in front was confused and about to deny Lucas a ride home, but a skater kid with dreadlocks overheard the conversation. He was working in the back but when he heard a worried kid, he walked straight to the front to see what was going on.

The teenager's name was David he is seventeen years old, and he looked straight into Lucas's eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of empathy. David could see how lost and scared Lucas was, especially with the heavy rain pouring outside. David felt a strong responsibility to help Lucas and knew he couldn't just turn him away.

David offered to help Lucas get home after he finished his work shift in an hour. Lucas agreed without hesitation. David didn't have a car but he had a skateboard, and he told Lucas that he would ride around with him to help him find his way back home. Lucas was okay with that, realizing that even if David had a car, he wouldn't know where to direct him to find his way back home. So, Lucas sat and waited for David to finish his shift so he could finally get some much-needed help to get back home. As he sat Lucas wondered if he made the correct decision, asking a stranger for help.

After finishing his shift, David and Lucas stepped outside. Although it was still raining, it was just a light sprinkle and not bad at all. Lucas got on his bike, and David on his skateboard. They both rode around searching for familiar areas that Lucas could use to find his way back home. After spending two hours doing this, they bonded, and Lucas opened up to David about how he got lost due to his desire to avoid staying indoors on a rainy day. David empathized with Lucas, as he, too, always had the urge to explore and have fun. However, David emphasized the importance of safety and shared tips on how to avoid dangerous situations, such as the one Lucas had found himself in.

After a while, Lucas finally found something familiar: the shop that was located down the street from his house. Lucas informed David, and he figured he would help Lucas get home the rest of the way.

As they approached Lucas's house, he noticed that it seemed as though his parents had not even realized he was gone. Lucas felt apprehensive about sneaking back into his house, especially since he was dirty and his parents would likely notice that something was amiss, as he had not spent the day in his room. Lucas confided in David about his concerns, and David sympathized with him, knowing how difficult it could be for a child to get into trouble. After a moment of contemplation, David had a brilliant idea on how to help Lucas.

David came up with a plan to help Lucas. He offered to distract Lucas's parents and lead them outside while Lucas snuck back into his room. As Lucas headed back to his house, David knocked loudly on the door. When Lucas's parents opened the door, they saw David, who was drenched from the rain.

"I HIT YOUR CAR!" David exclaimed, pretending to be distraught.

Lucas's parents were shocked and concerned about their car. David was able to lead them outside, giving Lucas enough time to run straight to the shower to clean himself off.

David kept Lucas's parents distracted for a while until they realized there was no damage to their car. David explained that he had lost his balance while skating in the rain and accidentally fell on their car. Since they did not see any damage, Lucas's parents let David go without any further questions.

After distracting Lucas's parents, David rode away, feeling good about helping his friend. However, he couldn't help but hope that Lucas would get away with it. Meanwhile, Lucas's parents returned inside and noticed that their son was in the shower. They went to their bedroom to rest.

As Lucas finished taking a shower, he quickly dried off and wrapped a towel around himself. He grabbed his clothes and threw them straight into the washer along with his mom's clothes, despite knowing there was a chance she would ask him questions about it. At this point, Lucas didn't care, he was doing his best to avoid any type of trouble.

Lucas walked to his bedroom and changed into his pajamas to get ready for bed. He thought a lot about the decisions he made that day and all the possibilities of getting caught. Lucas realized that he would probably never sneak out of the house again, as he feared getting into trouble.

However, he also thought that meeting David was a good thing that came out of sneaking out. Despite the risks he took, Lucas had a fun time. He acknowledged that there were plenty of chances where he could have been kidnapped, but he managed to avoid any danger.

Lucas wondered if he would ever see David again. Maybe someday in the future, he hoped. As he thought about all of this, he drifted off into a deep sleep

Sometimes the decisions we make can have both positive and negative effects. Even if something bad is happening to you, it's worth taking a moment to think that maybe something good will come of it. I have noticed that some of the terrible decisions I have made in the past have also brought about great experiences along the way.

It's important to recognize that life is unpredictable and that not every decision will lead to the outcome we want. However, we can still learn from our mistakes and appreciate the unexpected positive outcomes that come along with them. It's all part of the journey.


MysteryShort StoryHumorfamilyAdventure

About the Creator

Dristin Vanderlei

I'm Dristin someone who found his passion for writing when I was kid and fell in love with movies, once I figured out I could basically just tell my own stories I been writing ever since. Appreciate if you check out my writings plz comment.

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