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Book One, Miao Village Witch Ancestor, Chapter Two, Section Two

My grandfather

By 徐金升Published 9 months ago 3 min read

The village chief, known for his sharp ears, heard the accountant mocking him and couldn't help but get furious. He rushed over, grabbed the accountant by the collar, and gave him a resounding slap. "Who the hell are you insulting?" The two of them started wrestling. The head of security, who was on good terms with the accountant, saw him in trouble and joined the fight against the village chief, making it a two-on-one brawl. The women's association head couldn't stand it (rumor had it that she and the village chief had a private relationship), and with a loud "ao" sound, she jumped onto the head of security, scratching his face with her fingernails, leaving ten bloody marks. Those who had a good relationship with the village chief and the accountant also joined the battle. For a moment, there was chaos in my grandfather's yard, with cries and shouts filling the air.

My grandfather, witnessing that what had started as a "mobilization meeting to persuade and educate backward elements to marry early and have children" had turned into a mess, was so angry that he trembled on the spot. "Stop it! All of you, get the hell out of here!" The one who really called the shots in the village was not the nominal village chief but my grandfather, who was the patriarch of the local Shen family, a major surname in the county, making up more than sixty percent of the population.

After clearing the scene, my grandfather started to help my third uncle with one-on-one counseling. I don't know what he said to move his heart, but my grandfather's eyes turned red, and he burst into tears. "Lao San, you're a company commander now. When has our old Shen family ever produced an official as high-ranking as you? (Once, during the land reform, a deputy township head was appointed from our family, but he was demoted due to disciplinary issues and spent two years in a bamboo cage. The incident was widely known throughout the county, and I was teased by my classmates about it until I finished primary school. My poor childhood.) If you don't get married and have children soon, I won't have the face to see you after I die!"

My third uncle, known for his filial piety, nodded in agreement upon seeing this scene. My grandfather was overjoyed and began to arrange my third uncle's remarriage. Although it was my third uncle's second marriage, his status as a company commander spoke volumes. In the surrounding area, who had ever seen an official of such high rank? When my third uncle returned home to visit, he was accompanied by the county's political commissar, and they traveled to several villages together before returning to my grandfather's house. Everyone in the local area knew about the third son of the Shen family, who had become a company commander.

When the news of my third uncle's planned remarriage spread, matchmakers and marriage brokers from all around flocked to my grandfather's house. As a result of their previous experience, the wedding arrangements went much smoother this time. My third aunt was selected by my grandfather. My third uncle merely made a perfunctory appearance during the matchmaker's visit. The wedding day was celebrated with great pomp, and my grandfather spared no expense. Firecrackers were set off, numbering in the hundreds of thousands (in the early 1990s, setting off hundreds of thousands of firecrackers was already quite a spectacle).

By that time, I was old enough to remember things and could still vaguely recall how my new third aunt looked when she entered the house. She had a slender, tall figure, a face with two dimples, and big eyes that could rival those of a movie star.

Shortly after the wedding, two great pieces of news arrived. First, the political commissar had already spoken with my third uncle and was preparing to promote him to a full company commander. He was also being recommended for further study at a military academy. As if one piece of good news wasn't enough, shortly thereafter, good news came from our hometown. My third aunt was already two months pregnant.

Compared to my third uncle, the happiest person was my grandfather. Upon hearing the news that his third son would soon have an heir, he couldn't stop smiling. (At that time, I was already seven or eight years old, and my second uncle's family had a son as well. I wondered why my grandfather was so excited about the prospect of another grandson or granddaughter?) For this, my grandfather even burned paper offerings at my great-grandfather's grave, muttering something about having someone with an official seal in the family.

Stay tuned for the next installment!


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