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& The Mystery School

By Mary CashPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

One day Blue woke up and the world was a bit different than it was yesterday. The sun shinned a bit brighter, the sky was a bit bluer and the grass was a bit greener. The colors popped no matter where she turned and the birds sang all day. Blue sat quietly looking out her window at the new wonders of the world she now found herself in. What in the world happened yesterday?

Sunday April 29th, 2020

Blue walked through the woods like she usually did listening to the sounds of everything around her, but today something stopped her on the path. There was a small tiny door at the bottom of a tree. Tiny windows floated above it. Tickled by the tiny door, Blue knocked 3 times and peered through the window. What happened next was the impossible! Blue watched herself as she was slowly pulled through the little blue window no bigger than a quarter. She found herself in the middle of a grand hallway of what looked like an old Barn. Except there was something a little funny about this Barn. Everything was upside down.

Welcome to the Barn- Mystery of all Mysteries was written on the wall. She looked down and noticed a paper with her name on it along with a whole list of tasks. Someone was waiting for me she thought. Ok, I’ll play.

Blue finished her day at the mystery school. All her studies had been completed and all extra tasks had been done. Blue felt a since of accomplishment as she thought back on the works of her day. Locks had just arrived to pick her up for the day, but she carried a surprise in her bag. Whatcha got? Blue said with excitement. More like curiosity because she had no idea how Locks could even afford any more than she already had. She didn't have money. How did she gather such an amazing surprise? I got a bonus reward at school Blue interrupted trying to break the awkward silence. Oh cool. How did your money come before mine Locks asked? Ohh. It's not here yet Blue blushed. They just said we'll get a thousand dollar bonus for our works this semester. But what about you? How did you manage to find your surprise?

Lock’s smiled cunningly then states.. My check did come. I have about $3000 from Principal, The Head Master. What!!! Blue didn't know what to think. They haven't had much money for a while now and most often Blue found herself walking. She felt as if she had done so much for the Head Master. She had been hit, beat, and had been talked down to for years. She tried to understand the behaviors of the world around her. She didn't feel like she gave back the hurtful tones she received, but this.. This was the last draw. The Head Master is giving Locks a reward even with all that Locks had done to me, Blue thought? This infuriated Blue! Her smile soon turned to rage at the thought of being less than. Unworthy of such luxurious gifts by the one she held most high. Why doesn't Head Master care about me the way I see in others she thought, as her mind continued to race. The rage... The surge of energy beginning with her thoughts started in her mind and ran through her body like the river Jordan. The river leaked out Blue's system till her whole body turned red with fury.

Blue screamed and yelled at Locks for sharing such terrible news. You drug me out my house in the middle of the night and now I've got to watch you be rewarded. Let me out of your car Blue screamed. Blue was so hot! Not only did it appear that the Head Master wasn't recognizing Blue's struggle, but Head Master rewarded the person who had hurt Blue the most here lately. And.. Now, Locks would not let Blue out of the car. The loss of control seeped into Blue's body mixing with the rage already present. Fuel. Loss fueled the rage which now was urging to be let out of the body which contained it. Blue beat the windows of the cars door. Hit the seats and even hit Locks as she screamed bloody murder. Trying to get away from everyone around. Blue was hurt because she did not understand the circumstances of her environment, but she recognized that she no longer wanted to release the emotions she felt on Locks. She was hurt but she knew Locks didn't deserve that. Jumping out of the car at the next stop, Blue was determined to release the rage that she had conjured by walking the rest of the way home. She sat down as Locks drove away in efforts to catch her breath. She called her friend Doll who sat and listened with an open heart. Why doesn't the Head Master care about me? Does he not see what I go through? I've been walking 3 to 4 years now and he gives my tormentor this gift? What did I do wrong? She didn't understand and Doll, although comforting didn't seem to understand either. She left you again Doll asked? Referring to the repeated occurrences in Blue's and Locks story. Yeah. I jumped out the car and she left. I'm near the house so I don't have much longer to walk. Doll was concerned about the way Blue was being treated by Locks, but all Blue was concerned about what did not go right between herself and the Head Master. Blue went to sleep that night with her thoughts still filled with the events of the day. The next day started out the same.

Blue got dressed and headed to the school the same routine as usual. When she got to school, Blue walked towards the clock tower. On the way to the clock tower Blue ran into Softie and Saint. Softie stood back from Blue in an attempt not to be seen as Saint began to speak. What's going on with you today Blue? Got any boxes? Nah.. Well yeah, actually I do. I've got 2 boxes. They are outside the door of home room. Want to walk with me through the woods to get them?

Saint thought it was a great idea, but she knew that Softie would be hesitant. You see. Softie got in a fight with her boyfriend Sippie last night. Matter of fact it was right around the same time that Blue conjured Rage to help her process her feelings. You see.. In magic school things run just a bit different. Some would say a bit upside down. Once a spell is conjured or a frequency is released any one on that same frequency can pick up what is running through the water. The electrical current. That's is why we nicknamed our school The Net. It is a school of expressions, each one listening to the other. They call me Blue because I don't ever tend to turn any expression away. I also tend to get Blue when I can't seem to understand or communicate in a certain expression. Blue also stands for "looking at love everywhere.." Express... Being well. Being you. They say I am good at reminding others of that, but we all do this in our own special way. I wondered why Softie was staying away from the group and why she was hiding behind sunglasses. She had the most beautiful long thick dark hair which she also wore down this day. Why was she trying to cover her face I thought? When I got closer. I could see why. Her face was swollen with knots all over it, as if she was just stung by a dozen bees. Her eyes when she removed her glasses were blood shot red, puffed and bruised like burnt toast. Her spirit was barely there. I leaped over to hug her and she jumped at the slightest touch. Unfortunately I felt why. Softie had a knot on her back the size of a soft ball. It was squishy to the touch. I had no idea how bruised her body was, but now there was no hiding it. I got into a fight with Sippie she said softly. Don't worry, the Head Master found us and Sippie is now in quarantine, but I still hurt like hell. I don't know what happened. One moment we were sitting back having drinks and the next moment I was laid out on the ground watching his fist pound my face in. Oh shit.. The frequency Softie. Was Sippie tuned into the Radio of A.G.E. yesterday around 7? I was working out a problem for the Head Master yesterday evening around the same time that you all went at it. Was Sippie sipping from the cup?

When you conjure rage you have to know how to contain it. How to release it without foul. If you are tuned into the same frequency but carry actual intent to hurt another, things can and do get out of hand very quickly. Rage has a strong surge that many do chase after, but again you have to know when and how to release it. Most often it is conjured with a team to direct the current appropriately. Yesterday when I started I did not allow my team to help me. Sippie.. Well he gets his name because he likes to taste everything. Even though we were miles away, he could still feel the surge opening. I guess the whiskey was not the only drink he was sipping that night. Sippie felt the Rage current and dived into the pool. Unfortunately for him and Softie, Sippie did not pull himself out of the current fast enough. He soaked in the rage.

Most times it feels good until it doesn't. He got to the point where he had to release quickly or he would be consumed. Well.. What he decided was to release on Softies beautiful face. Her beautiful body.

Now how am I gonna explain this to Head Master?

Only Blue....


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