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Broken in pt2

By Dumbbruce_vocalPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

25 minutes go by and and Corban and Ezora come from the closed off area adjusting their new outfits that they have received from Cleaus. “Wish he would’ve warned us about the starps.”

“Let’s worry about that later we’re late.” Ezora says as he grabs Corban leading them to Courtyard in a hurry. As they rush into the courtyard it was as if they were back in the market of dragons passing cause it was packed with easily 400 people. Ezora slows down and tries to hide in the crowd and blend in all while trying to see what’s going on. Corban takes Ezora hand off his shoulder from being damn near dragged before trying to figure out why is everyone packed in the courtyard. Corban tries to peek between two tall guys that are in front of him. “What’s going on? can you see?” Corban turns his head and shush’s Ezora which probably wasn’t the best idea. One of the that guys infront of them turned around and smiled and yelled as If what if that’s his main job “Hey boss were you talking about this to pieces of shit!” Everybody turned around and the attention was directed by whoever was talking to the guy that yelled. Corban tried to run and leave Ezora but was quickly grabbed by the other guy that was infront of them.

“Show me who you're talking about” The guy then grabs Corban, lifts him up with ease and shows him to what appears to be. Mr. Cleaus.

“Theirs another person here to.”

“Put him down and have them both come to the front please.” The guy that was holding Corban puts him down and pushes him making him unintentionally bump into people. As for Ezora he just started walking towards Mr. Cleaus.

As they walked you can hear people whispering and giggling for Corban that had to be one of the most embarrassing thing he ever had to be put through and for Ezora he’s blind so he takes embarrassing moments like these with ease.

After about 2 minutes they finally reach the front. Mr. Cleaus looks at them with a smirk as if he’s about to laugh but, quickly wipes the smirks off his face and trades for a look of dissapointment. “So, I gave you guys 15 minutes to get change and show up on time and you guys can’t even do that?”

Corban looks Cleaus in the Eye “If you told us where the bathroom is we would’ve been here earlier but, seeing you can’t even do that I can tell alredy your a shitty leader.” You would’ve thought the crowd vanished from how quiet it got. Cleaus Walks with high authority not only because he’s the leader but also by the way he carry’s himself. Everything he says is finally, His opinion is not easily swayed, he walks with his head held high and chest out, and he never lets anyone disrespects him or anyone he cares about so, hearing Corban say what he just said Cleaus knew he was in for a hectic treat.

Cleaus looks at Corban “Is this how you wanna make your first impression infront of everyone?”

“Shit you aready gave me a shitty impression when you showed up to the place I lived at for the majority of my life and took me from that. Is that how you got most of this guys, you buy them what they want and show up where they live at. Last time heard that the girl at the orphanage I use to live at was sent to a brothel.”

A couple of chuckles come from the crowd as Corban speaks whats on his mind which Corban did only when he under any type of authority. Aurora was the only person that he never did that to.

Ezora grabs Corbans shoulder “Corban shut up.”

“Yes shut up Corban. At least someone has some some self-respect.”

Corban eyes glow before taking his right hand puts oh his left sleeve before pulling it and ripping it off exposing his tattoos as if Corban hasn’t done anything to ruin his reputation already. Cleaus looked and took a deep breath “Get the fuck out my face. Both of you and as for you Mr.Corban you’ll start working in the galley and performing other duties as seen fit. As for you Mr. Ezora you’ll start being mentored once I fine someone.”

Ezora nods his head but, Corban he looks at Cleaus with a smirk on his face before throwing his ripped sleeve at him. Oddly enough that’s when everyone gasps. Cleaus steps closer and as he raises his hand the girl that Corban and Ezora ran into earlier steps in between them “Sir I think we should show these new guys to their room don’t you think.” Cleaus looks at her and the rest of the crowd before looking at Corban “Get them out my face now.” He turns and faces his crowd “Everyone this brief is over. Get back to work.” He then turns his back towards Corban and walks away.

The girl then grabs Corban and Ezora by there hand takes them to their room that there going to be staying at for there time. She eventually gets to there room and it was pretty much the size of there room back home but, it was a tad bit bigger and had a dresser and two desk. There girl gets them in the room and practically shoves them on the bed before closing the door behind them “The hell were you thinking? Is that how you talk to your parents. He could have you banished from here. Hell you I’m surprised you guys didn’t get sent to the hole.” Corban looks at the girl with a smile. “Him, Your funny, the most he probably is going to do is yell at me.” Ezora without saying anything punches the side of Corban’s face making him fall off the bed on to the floor. “The fuck is wrong with you? You don’t know what the guy can do for people like us. You wanted to become Mercenaries right?”

Corban places his hand on his cheek before standing up slowly. “That was a good one and what do you mean? I wanted to be a Mercenary but not someone’s bitch. We had to carry his luggage in for fuck sake I’m not doing that.”

Ezora stands up and stands toe to toe with Corban “I’m not doing this. I’m not going to keep pulling you out of situations. I’m done with that shit so, here is what we’re going to do we’re going to act like we have some sense and we’re not just some kids from the mountains.”

“So what does that mean? I’m supposed to kiss ass?”

“No it means your supposed to act like a fucking adult for once.”

“Act like and adult for once’ Who was the one babysitting your blind ass when Dad wasn’t around?”

That struck a nerve with Ezora but before he could get a word out the girl came in between them pushed them away from each other. “Can yall hear yourself you guys haven’t broken yourself in and you guys are already acting like animals. Look I’ll have someone bring your luggage up just at least try to calm down. Fuck its early in the afternoon and y’all both about to get each other in trouble.”

Corban and Ezora look at each other before sighing and without a word Ezora gets up and walks out the room. Corban lays down on the bed and looks up at the ceiling. “I should just return the gun.” The girl gets up and walks to the door “When your done with your duties tomorrow come find me in the training hall.” Corban gives a thumbs up before the girl walks out the room.


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Just an average person trying to make something of himself.

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Comments (1)

  • C.S LEWIS10 months ago

    wow wow so amazing Join my friends and read what I have just prepared for you

Dumbbruce_vocalWritten by Dumbbruce_vocal

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