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Based on a True Story

By Mescaline BrissetPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by the Author, edited

HE WAS ALREADY WAITING for her. Hidden behind the black shadows of monotone drapes and the chirping of birds in the courtyard. She entered the third-floor apartment, sweating and out of breath, but happy to be here at last. She put her bags down the hall, slipped off her black suede loafers with gold studs, left her jacket on the bed. She knew he was there, but she tried to get rid of this thought at all costs. On her way to the shower, she passed through a pile of typical reduced-size white hotel cups in the sink that looked like a collision of many icebergs. She knew he was smoking on the balcony anyway, busy and entertaining his and only his thoughts, for which he did not need company. She did not smoke, but the typical smoker was communicative, collaborative, compulsive. Not Paul. He never needed anyone but her. Or so he maintained.

He wasn’t in bed yet when she came out of the bathroom. “Still smoking?” She put the robe on the black chair next to the bed. She was naked. She slipped under the covers.

‘You thought Paul was gonna be here, right?’ The voice made itself known from behind the curtains. ‘You thought you could have casual sex as usual and then gently and safely return to your ideal city life.’

‘Who are you?’ She asked without a single startle in her voice.

‘I’m Paul’s best friend, Robert.’

‘Where is he?’

Grace began to dress again, confused but determined with her actions.

‘He asked me to meet you tonight. He couldn’t come… Probably some professional matters…

Robert looked at Grace, now almost fully dressed, and continued.

‘You didn’t have to do this. He said if you want, I can have you. He won’t need you anymore.’

‘Oh? Why are you so sure?’

‘I don’t think stiff requires anything, right?’

Grace opened her curvaceous mouth wide to close in the next moment. The lightness of Robert’s explanation was off-putting.

She had been married to Jake for ten years, never wanted to cheat on him, but if she ever did, she wanted to make sure no one found out.

‘How did he die?’

‘Oh, you don’t have to know if you don’t want to. The most important thing for you right now is to do what I ask you to do.’

‘What do you want?’

‘You work at City Hall, right?’

‘Yes, so what?’

‘I want to win the next mayoral election in the city. Jobs for the boys, right? Although I have carefully calculated that my entire family is not enough to vote me. I need additional support. Are you able to help?’

‘It depends if it’s in my power. What are you going to do if I don’t obey?’

‘Kill you too. Does that sound clear?’

‘Yes, quite clear.’

‘I want you to eliminate the competition. I want to be the only candidate for this position.’

Robert poured himself a whisky from the kitchen cabinet and continued.

‘Are you supposed to work during the elections?’

‘Yes, why?’

‘I want you to steal something…’

‘What exactly?’

‘Votes for other candidates, what else? Not much, just so it feels like I won naturally. Is it feasible?’

‘I assume so. Never tried though, never had to…’

Grace swiftly stared at her shoes as if she were suddenly remembering something. The floor was bare concrete, no carpets. The last time she was here, there were monotone rugs on either side of the bed. She remembered it quite well. “He must wrap the body in it. There is no other explanation.” She immediately shrugged this thought like unwanted advice, but otherwise it would have given her the creeps.


On election day next Sunday, Grace, wearing a classic black midi skirt, a white blouse deftly unbuttoned under the neckline, and black stilettos, stopped in front of the entrance to City Hall. To help herself cease the jitters, she drove carelessly down the motorway in her maroon Mazda, mulling over Robert's words and expectations for her, no matter how ridiculous they were. As a loyal, fully bureaucratic chartered accountant, she intended to implement Robert's plan to save her life. What will happen next, only the devil knows, or rather justice.

As Grace looked at the other office workers emerging from all sides towards the overwhelming, colossal building with tall columns resembling a Greek temple, all the characters mingled in one body, as if some mythological figure. She hoped this feeling would bring her luck in trying to break the law. She realised the necessity to fight for her life, and this self-explanatory reason for her actions kept her going.

Admittedly, after the last conversation with Robert, she thought about calling the police, but she had neither evidence of a meeting with him nor of the place where he was. He certainly wouldn't have come back to the same hotel as it could have been too risky. She hoped that things would clear up when the election results were officially published in a few days. She also hoped to run away for a vacation shortly after, although it might look suspicious. She was planning to come up with some excuse about the sudden illness of her immediate family. It was her only chance to think things through, because for a long time she had no chance of it. And this unexpectedly seemed the most appropriate to break the deadlock in her personal and professional life. Whatever the future held, she had to be prepared for the worst, being optimistic, even if the situation seemed somewhat hopeless at first glance.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

And now it’s time for a True Story…

My story has to do with the mayor of my small town who hid his debt (has made a false declaration of assets), organised the whole family to vote for him; when he won the elections, he assigned them suitable positions, dismissing several long-time office workers, and began to live a thrifty life. When his illegal activities saw the light of day (because he cannot hold an official position and be in debt), he was removed from his post, asked to pay a fine, and shown to the public. I think he has to go abroad now because finding a job would be a bit difficult for him. In my story, I tried to capture the moment of what power-hungry people are capable of. Quite a sad conclusion, but also eternal at the same time.


originally published at


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Short Story

About the Creator

Mescaline Brisset

if it doesn't come bursting out of you

in spite of everything,

don't do it.

unless it comes unasked out of your

heart and your mind and your mouth

and your gut,

don't do it.

so you want to be a writer? – Charles Bukowski

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