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Between the Mountains & Mayhem

The battle for higher ground and hydration.

By Margaret MantorPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Drops of sweat slid down Axis’s face as she maneuvered her arms and legs. Careful of every step. Every potential mark of evidence. The wind ruffled her hair as the first rays of daylight heated her skin and cast the unsteady terrain in golden tones. Temperatures already climbing.

Warning bells started blaring.

Hefting her invaluable backpack higher, Axis glanced at the clues left behind. The constant dilemma of these trips: stealth or speed.

“Can you believe people used to swim in ponds of this stuff? Like it was nothing.”

Shaking herself, Axis focused on the hike forward and the matching hydration pack in front. A few paces ahead, Costello weaved up the slope. His lanky arms using the surrounding rocks for balance. Over the past year, Costello had made this trek with her numerous times. And during that time he had become the person she relied on most. Trusted most.

Her ally in allocation. Her family.

“Pools, Cos. Not ponds.” Axis corrected, mirroring his path. “And an urban myth.”

“Yeah, yeah. Pond-tato, pool-tato. But can you imagine?” Cos rasped, staring out at the horizon as if he were envisioning a world-sized pool.

Despite the increasing heat, a chill drifted down Axis’s spine. Too bad his daydream was already a salt infused reality. Looking beyond the clouds, Axis recognized the endless, glinting surface. The infinite salt graveyard. It’s power limited only by its temperament.

What existed beyond it? Axis could only imagine. If anything at all.

Legend had it landmasses used to dominate this region. From valleys to plains. Not that Axis had ever seen one. Now, only the mountains remained. The solitary survivors from the time before the Rise.

Creating havens for those who lasted past the superstorms, warfare and mass migrations from centuries ago. But as precious as higher ground was, it still couldn’t compare with what was strapped to her back.

“No point wasting time imagining. Come on, we–”

The shift of rock below had both Axis and Cos freezing. After a moment of strained patience, Axis whispered to the edge and peered down. Her next breath stalling out.

“No, no, no.” Axis hissed. “Not now.”

Next to her, Cos cursed under his breath. Their trip taking a treacherous turn.

Tugging Axis’s hand, Cos pulled her up the path. The challenging landscape slowing their escape. Rocks and brush biting at their every step. If they could make it over the next ridge...

“Are they in view yet?” Cos huffed, scrambling over a boulder.

Daring a peek, Axis scanned the narrow route. Only dust and rugged earth greeted her.

For now.

“Still clear.” Axis grunted, echoing his up and over maneuver.

Axis mentally smacked herself for not switching target points. It was obvious they had siphoned from that source too many times. Drawn too much attention. But no point dwelling on it now.

Axis took care not to jostle her precious cargo or lose her balance. It would be a long way to tumble with unavoidable injuries. Not to mention her lack of funds for a healer.

Clearing the jagged obstacle, Axis thanked the fading stars for the clear shot ahead. The climbing sun highlighting the ridge like a beacon. Dashing the remaining distance, they descended into the lingering shadows. A cool balm to Axis’s toasty skin.

Another reminder, time was running out.

Here the path veered off in multiple directions. Some were false trails, some led to the different Slope Cities, and the others to various hideouts.

Axis and Cos knew these pathways and peaks like the backs of their hands. They had to. It only took one wrong turn to end the mission in free fall, third-degree blisters, or worse.

Aiming for their particular route, Axis prayed for swift feet when a thought slammed into her.

“We can’t lead them to the Silos.” Axis exclaimed, gripping Cos’s arm like a vise.

Releasing a curse, Cos knew she was right. With the considerable weight they were hauling, it wouldn’t take the Hounds long to gain ground. Glancing around at their limited options, Axis’s heart kept time with every critical second.

“Alcove. Come on.” Cos urged, retracing their steps.

Trusting Cos had a plan, Axis shadowed his wake. With every twist and turn, the trail grew rougher. An unintentional bonus in helping cover their tracks.

After a period of beating feet, Cos halted. The sheer surface beside them towering above. Unsure of why they paused here, Axis was seconds away from asking when Cos unhooked his pack and vanished.

Shifting her view, Axis noticed a fissure in the rockface. Hidden by the natural protrusions and recessions, the crevice widened at the base creating the perfect hidey-hole. Would they both fit?

Returning minus the pack, Cos extended his arm for hers. Axis swiftly removed and relinquished her pack. Attempting another disappearing act, Axis watched Cos shimmy between the rocks. Not wasting another breath, Axis followed. Wedging herself into the crevice, Axis scraped her threadbare pants and elbows along the way. A plethora of musty odors engulfed Axis’s nostrils. She refused to think about what creature had called this place home. Axis focused instead on the growing light illuminating the entryway.

How had Cos known about this secret pocket? And why didn’t she?

Saving those accusations for later, Axis closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing. The rapid inhalations scorched her throat as she fought to calm her lungs with peaceful memories.

Deep breath in.

Cool nights. Fires crackling. Stars as infinite as the sea.

Deep breath out.

Her metallic keepsake. Her smart-alecky anchor. Her patch-worked home.


Clouds of hope. Thundering promise. Drops of life. How Axis longed for those rare, rain soaked days.


The rainy season was short. The short time when these perilous journeys weren’t necessary. When they collected enough rain water to sustain the Silos.

But it never lasted. Nothing ever did, did it?

The crunch of heavy boots was like thunder. All consuming of her attention.

One pitfall of hiding? They were now trapped. Cornered. Snared.

The grit and grind of approaching footsteps paralyzed Axis. She didn’t dare breathe too loud.

Step, crunch. Step, crunch.

Silence reigned as the advancing footfalls closed in on their alcove. Heart galloping for the horizon, Axis sent up a silent prayer.

Don’t look here, don’tlookhere, don’tlookhere.

Step, crunch. Step, crunch.

From her vantage point, Axis spied the bulky silhouettes passing. Their tremendous bodies blocking out the encroaching daylight.

The Hounds.

Here to reclaim what they falsely believed to be theirs. In truth, they were only terrorizing goons. Hired muscle. Sent by their corrupt bosses– the real monsters– to track down any who thought to steal what they guarded, exploited and ransomed.

The long running status quo. And who was foolish enough to try to change that now?

The pack marched past, unaware of the two hidden thieves.

“Those despicable, good for nothing bast–”

“If you call them basters, I will start laughing.” Axis warned, fully aware of Cos’s love of jokes at inappropriate times.

Inappropriate time, meet the present.

“No fun.” Cos pouted, before his tone turned serious. “I just wish things were different. That today was the day we had the power to change things.”

Axis didn’t have the heart to crush Cos’s spirit. It was one of the traits she loved most about him. He always had hope, even when she didn’t. Axis found it safer to focus on reality. Harsh and unforgiving reality.

“But it will come.” Cos declared, staring at the keepsake around her neck. “I know it will.”

One obstacle at a time, Axis thought. Refocusing, Axis recalled the path outside led to a dead end, which would result in the pack looping back.

Options, options, options.

They could make a run for it and hope they were faster.


They could hide out here until the Hounds looped back, lost their trail, and gave up. It was a well cloaked spot. But it meant taking the chance of getting stuck here during the day...

Axis wasn’t willing to take that chance.

No. She knew what had to be done.

“Stay here.” Axis ordered, holding up the locket to avoid further argument. “One of us needs to lead them astray, while the other ensures the canteen packs make it back. We both know our roles.”

Understanding crept over his achingly familiar face as Axis whispered a silent goodbye. Allowing no doubt to take hold, Axis didn’t wait for a response and squeezed her way out. Checking if the coast was clear, Axis was mindful of the evidence she left for the first few yards. Then, she bolted.

Without the load on her back, Axis was flying. A buzz of energy zinging through her like lightning. Her lungs straining from the exertion. Having already pre-decided her course, Axis arrived at her destination within moments.

Distraction time.

Leveraging the land for her own advantage, Axis approached the steep decline on wobbly legs. The landslide-prone area offered ample artillery and had enough blind turns and bottlenecks to deceive any hunter on the prowl.

Throwing hesitation to the wind, Axis began hurtling rocks. Effectively creating the dust signal and fleeing siren she was after. Shouts booming in the distance, the last verification she required.

Dipping behind a boulder, Axis hunkered down and waited. The pounding footfalls swift to reach the scene. Pulse thundering, Axis breathed easier when the Hounds continued past and started descending. Heart constricting with every step, the pack reached the first bottleneck turn. This could work. If they just didn’t look u–

The weightlessness of her feet was the only warning that the ground had shifted out from under her. Pain erupted across her side as she slammed into the mountain with a grunt.

Throwing out her arms in panic, Axis grabbed at the evaporating surface. The dust and dirt whispering through her fingers.

Until rough bark scratched her outstretched palm. Latching onto the exposed root, Axis jerked to a stop. Muscles tensing, Axis gritted her dust coated teeth.

How long could she hold on? Had the Hounds heard her?

Scanning below, Axis’s fear of discovery was now a reality. Scouring the hillside, Axis searched for anything that could help her. The locket flashed in her mind.

Her last card. Last hope. Last resort.

The delicate, heart-shaped metal warming at the thought. Not yet. Swiveling her head–


A pile of rocks. Perched on the precipice. Waiting for a nodge.

Tightening her grip, Axis kicked out. The pile shuttered against the assault but didn’t budge. Swinging for round two, Axis’s foot connected and was rewarded with a groan. As the pile acquainted itself with gravity, it started making friends along the way. In seconds the pile had transformed into a mass. Barreling down without a care or apology.

Clutching the root, Axis was aware of the burial that awaited if her strength should fail. She could not fail. She would not fail.

As the dust and roar from below settled, Axis noted the bottleneck had created a successful blockade. Whether the damage extended beyond… Axis left those bone crunching nightmares to bombard her later. She was safe.


Relatively safe as the root so kindly reminded her. The trick was going to be getting back to the path.

Breathing deep, Axis prepared for the endeavor when a rescuing hand gripped hers. Determined eyes stared back at Axis as she was hoisted up. Collapsing onto the solid dirt next to Cos, Axis hugged her savior.

“I’ll steal you a whole pool, if you never do that again.” Cos teased, leaning into her embrace.

“Deal.” Axis laughed, echoing off the rocks.

“I’ll grab the packs. Then let’s go home.” Cos said, squeezing her before rising.

Axis watched him disappear as the sun fully peaked over the horizon. Today, her wits had paid off. Lucked out.

Her last resort untouched.

Perhaps, tomorrow her luck would fade. Or perhaps, the change Cos desperately hoped for would finally come.

But that was another day. Another story yet to unfold.


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    Margaret MantorWritten by Margaret Mantor

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