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Belle And The Ferocious Beast

My Fathers One Enormous Mistake Changed My Life Forever In A Good And Bad Way.

By Bella EllaPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
Belle And The Ferocious Beast
Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash

Once upon a time, a girl by the name of Belle lived with her father Maurice. Although Belle was aware that her mother had passed away, she was unaware that a boy who was two years older than her liked her. Gaston was the son of the local mayor. He has no relationship with Belle or her father Maurice, and he just wants to wed her because he believes she is the most attractive woman in town, according to Gaston. He is every woman's ideal partner, and it seems inconceivable that anyone would desire anything more than a simple existence in the country. Although Belle couldn't protest because he was the son of the local mayor, she didn't like him because he was bothersome. They would be expelled from the town by the mayor. On such a day, he set up without asking her if she wanted to marry him, they had a wedding outside her home. When she emerged, everyone began to boo her because she was wearing her maid outfit. She was holding a large tub of water for laundry when he told her to enter again and wear her nicest clothing. She spilled all the water on him and stated, "I will never in my entire life marry someone so irritating, disrespectful, rude, and bad mannered guy like you." The females there started muttering that she was so lucky Gaston liked her and dumped him with dirt saying it was laundry water because everyone was laughing at him because he was all brown. Suddenly, Gaston sprung to his feet and took off. Everyone is making fun of him. When Belle's father became concerned that Gaston would act selfishly and irrationally, he begged her to leave the town. That evening, she packed her things, and the next morning, early, she grabbed her horse, some money, food, and water, and departed the town, bidding her father farewell. She had never seen her horse move that quickly, but after crossing the town, it lost control and fled into the jungle. When she regained control, she had arrived at a stunning, enormous castle that was exquisitely ornamented. The greenest and cleanest grass she had ever seen surrounded an infinite lake, and nearby were lovely lanterns with welcoming messages that could be seen. She could see it from a mile away because it was nighttime when she arrived, and she was very tired. When she went inside, she discovered a very large dining room with a giant dining table full of her favorite foods, desserts, and drinks served royally, as well as a traditional candle in the middle of the table. She yelled, "IS THERE ANYONE THERE?" She ate and took a deep breath before going upstairs since she was exhausted because he had not responded. When she entered the third chamber on the right of the stairs, she saw two big vehicles and a letter that read, "Fill these trunks with whatever you want to if you're reading this note." however, you can only put the stuff in the trunks that you take out of the cupboard to give to your beloved family. She packed it all up, and when she woke up the following morning, the trunks were gone, so she assumed her family had received them. A golden bell rang to wake her up, and as she got down, she found herself in front of wonderful waffles with whipped cream, ice cream, strawberries, and blueberries. However, this time it was a little different because as she started to eat, a fierce and enormous beast came, and Belle fled. The back staircase was utilized to return to the room from the garden. She was so terrified that she chose not to leave that room for the remainder of the day. She discovered a library, a space for her own enjoyment, and a chamber with mirrors while exploring her room. She noticed a mirror as she opened her drawer. In a flashback, Belle's mother, who is dying, begs a young Maurice to take Belle away so that they both have a shot at survival. Their arrival at that "poor provincial town" is the result of this. Then she discovered a ring, wore it while sleeping, and woke up in her father's house. Belle subsequently gives Maurice the reassurance he needs regarding the truth that he was never able to discuss. The beast was then on his dying breath when she turned around, but her heart was breaking for him because he had sacrificed his life to defend beauty. She gave the beast a kiss at the same moment. The beast transformed into a charming prince at the same time that the sun rose in the sky, but when Belle touched the rose's enchantment, intriguing memories of her mother, whom she had thought she would never see again, flooded her memory. Even stranger, she discovers that the lovely Enchantress who cursed the Beast, his castle, and all of its occupants is in fact her mother. The prince then identified himself as Adam and said that the only way for him to be spared was for a girl to truly kiss him, which would cause him to turn around and face her, but no girl did because of his appearance.

HorrorLoveFantasyFan FictionfamilyClassical

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