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Behind the Last Window

In a world that's seen better days come behind the last window of a dying city.

By Nims Voice Published about a year ago 4 min read
Behind the Last Window
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

The Last Window:

The city was a grim, grey place, always shrouded in a thick, toxic fog that seemed to seep into every crack and crevice. The citizens went about their lives with their heads down, trudging through the streets as they tried to eke out a living in this desolate world.

One of the few sources of hope and light in this bleak city was the Last Window. It was a small shop that had somehow managed to survive all these years, despite the harsh conditions. The shopkeeper, an old man named Jack, was a kind and gentle soul who always had a smile on his face and a warm welcome for anyone who came through his door.

The Last Window was a strange place, filled with all sorts of oddities and curiosities. There were books, toys, and trinkets from all over the world, each one more fascinating than the last. But the real treasure of the Last Window was the window itself.

It was a large, paned window that looked out onto the street, and it was the only window in the entire city that was not covered in grime and dirt. Jack had managed to keep it clean and clear, despite the constant onslaught of pollution and grime.

For many of the citizens of the city, the Last Window was a place of respite and escape. They would come and sit by the window, gazing out at the world beyond as they tried to forget about their troubles for a little while.

But as the years went by, the city began to change. The fog grew thicker, the air more toxic, and the people more desperate. And one day, the government announced that they were going to shut down the Last Window for good.

The people were outraged, but there was nothing they could do. The government had the power, and they were determined to rid the city of any sources of light and hope.

As the day of the Last Window's closing drew near, the people began to flock to the shop, desperate to catch one last glimpse of the outside world through the clean, clear window. And on the final day, a huge crowd had gathered outside the shop, all of them trying to catch a glimpse of the window before it was gone forever.

As the shopkeeper prepared to close up for the last time, he turned to the window and gave it a sad, wistful look. He knew that this was the end, and that the people of the city would never again see the world beyond their grim, grey walls.

And with a heavy heart, he turned the lock and pulled down the shutters, sealing the Last Window and all of its wonders away forever.

The city was a desolate place:

The city was a desolate place, with crumbling buildings and empty streets. It was a place where hope had long since died, and the only thing left was the constant fear of the government and its oppressive regime.

The people lived in constant fear of being caught by the government's enforcers, who were always on the lookout for anyone who dared to defy their rule. Those who were caught were never seen again, and their families were left to wonder what had happened to them.

One man, however, was determined to fight back against the government and its tyranny. His name was John, and he had been fighting for years to bring down the corrupt regime and bring freedom back to the people.

John lived in a small, dingy apartment on the outskirts of the city. The only thing that gave him any sense of hope was the small window that looked out onto the desolate cityscape. It was the only connection he had to the outside world, and he spent hours staring out of it, dreaming of the day when he could finally be free.

One day, as he was gazing out of the window, he noticed something strange. There was a group of people gathered in the street below, and they seemed to be protesting against the government. John's heart raced as he watched them, and he knew that this was his chance to join the fight.

Without hesitation, he grabbed his bag and headed out into the street. He joined the protest, shouting and marching alongside the others as they demanded change.

As the protest grew in size, the government's enforcers arrived to try and quell the rebellion. But John and the others refused to back down, and they fought on, determined to bring about the change they so desperately desired.

In the end, their efforts paid off, and the government was overthrown. The people were finally free, and John stood at the front of the crowd, gazing out of the window that had given him hope in his darkest moments. He knew that he had made a difference, and he vowed to never let the oppression of the past return.

FantasyShort StoryMysteryHistorical

About the Creator

Nims Voice

A storyteller with a passion for fiction, motivation, and inspiration. I love to create stories that will transport you to another world, motivate you to achieve your goals, and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

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