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Atlantic Ocean "Magic Sea" Whirlpool Escape

Located on the northeastern coast of Florida, the Dima Peninsula has beautiful scenery and is a famous seaside resort.

By IversonPublished 2 years ago 12 min read

The Dima Peninsula, located on the northeastern coast of Florida, USA, is a famous seaside resort with beautiful scenery. But in the Atlantic Ocean, about 80 nautical miles west of the peninsula, there is a sea area known as the "Magic Sea" by the locals. Under the action of the tides, countless large and small vortices are sometimes formed on the sea surface. These vortices all rotate counterclockwise, and then gradually converge to form a huge "funnel "-shaped vortex. This rapidly rotating vortex is attractive enough to swallow a ship. Usually after two hours, this phenomenon disappears naturally.

In June 2010, three graduate students from Kansas State University in the United States were on their way out to watch the sunset when the yacht unfortunately sailed into this vortex sea area...

Vacation students encounter a shocking vortex

One day in mid-June 2010, a group of students from the School of Biological Sciences at Kansas State University in the United States came to the Dima Peninsula for vacation. These college students who had just obtained their master's degrees were immediately intoxicated by the scenery of the Dima Peninsula. However, Nick among them looked preoccupied and melancholy. Nick was originally one of the best graduate students. Just as he was complacent about preparing to do a career after graduation, his girlfriend Lucy, who had been in love with him for 3 years, suddenly proposed to break up with him.

Lucy and Nick are graduate students in the same department, and Nick has given her a lot of help in her studies over the years. Lucy has repeatedly stated that she will always love Nick. Unexpectedly, less than a week after they both passed the graduate graduation defense, Lucy broke off her relationship with Nick on the grounds that Nick was too introverted and lacked a sense of humor. However, Nick soon discovers that Lucy actually loves someone else. On the eve of graduation, Lucy had a hot fight with Ryan from another department. Ryan is tall, has a humorous conversation, and is very popular with girls. Compared with the suave Ryan, the short and honest Nick lacks charm.

The blow of the lovelorn made Nick's mood plummet, and he was brooding over Lucy's ruthlessness. However, he still fought hard to participate in this group vacation. Along the way, the rubbing of Lucy and her new boyfriend Ryan's ears and temples hurt Nick's heart like an awl, and his mood was very bad.

At dusk on the second day of coming to the Dima Peninsula, someone suggested renting a yacht to watch the sunset at sea. Due to the peak tourist season, there were only two ships left in the yacht management office that had not yet been leased. Six classmates boarded a yacht first and left the dock immediately. The result was a very embarrassing scene: after Ryan led Lucy to jump on another yacht, only Nick, who was at the end, was left standing there alone. Instead, Lucy shouted generously: "Nick, don't be stunned there, come on up!" Nick hesitated for a moment and jumped into the yacht unnaturally.

Ryan immediately started the yacht, and the yacht rushed to the open sea like an arrow from the string. The excited Lucy exclaimed. Nick, who was sitting at the stern, was very upset.

The sea at dusk is calm, and flocks of seabirds fly and play against the sea. Lucy and Ryan, who are in love, quickly become intoxicated. Ryan deliberately parted ways with another yacht, and he even forgot the instructions of the yacht management staff. Staff had reminded him that yachts can only cruise within 50 nautical miles.

Before he knew it, more than an hour passed, and the fireball-like sunset was finally engulfed by the sea. Nick saw a thick flag-shaped cirrus cloud gathered at the junction of the water and the sky, and with a certain knowledge of marine meteorology, he had a hunch that the weather might change. At this time, no ships could be seen on the twilight sea. Ryan didn't realize that the yacht he was driving had left the coast 80 nautical miles and entered the dangerous "devil" sea! The yacht with the motor turned off floated like a leaf on the vast sea.

Nick, who was on pins and needles, simply lay on the chair. I don't know how long it took, Nick felt the yacht shaking. At first he didn't care, thinking it was the normal fluctuation of the waves, but a few minutes later, the yacht shook violently like a sieve. Nick sat up in a shudder, and he was immediately stunned by what he saw!

I saw white splashes surging on the sea around the yacht, and countless whirlpools swirled on the sea. Those whirlpools vary in size, the small whirlpools are as big as a washbasin, but the diameter of the large whirlpool is more than ten meters! Large and small whirlpools all rotate counterclockwise, and the unmanned yacht is shaking violently with the frequency of the whirlpool. Nick, who came to his senses, shouted, "Not good! We're in trouble!" Ryan and Lucy were immediately overwhelmed by the shocking sight.

Ryan murmured incoherently: "God, how could... this happen? This is horrible!" Lucy hugged Ryan nervously: "Honey, will the yacht sink?" Ryan wanted to get the yacht out of the sea as soon as possible, but because he was too nervous, he failed to start the yacht several times in a row. Seeing this, Nick pulled Ryan away and sat in the cockpit himself. With the roar of the engine, the yacht finally drove on the swirling sea.

The ups and downs of life and death on the vortex "black hole"

However, Nick soon discovered to his dismay that the yacht was having a hard time driving in the rapidly spinning vortex, like driving a miniature car crawling on a road full of craters. The yacht less than 6 meters long just got rid of this "tiger's mouth" and fell into another "wolf's den" in an instant. Every time the yacht falls into a new vortex, it will first spin counterclockwise once, and then overcome the inertia of the vortex under the action of the machine's traction, and then sail towards another vortex. Lucy began to vomit as the dinghy kept bumping in the pit-like vortex. The sweaty Nick had only one thought at this time: calm down and get out of this devil's sea as soon as possible!

At this time, Ryan was like a frightened bird. Seeing the swarming whirlpool, he had a premonition that the yacht might capsize at any time, and his hands were tightly clutched on the back of the chair. Ryan, who usually talks and laughs freely, couldn't say a word to appease Lucy at this moment.

Suddenly, the yacht that had just broken free from a whirlpool fell into a whirlpool with a diameter of more than ten meters. The high-speed whirlpool immediately attracted the yacht and rotated. The yacht rolled over nearly 90 degrees in an instant, and Lucy, who was caught off guard, screamed. He was thrown out of the yacht. However, at this juncture, the yacht's Mada also suddenly turned off, and the yacht that lost power was like an inflatable mattress spinning rapidly with the whirlpool.

Lucy, who fell into the whirlpool, was immediately caught in the rapids, and she, who was good at swimming since childhood, tried her best to swim out of the water. However, the strong whirlpool soon made her dizzy. In the panic, she choked on several mouthfuls of seawater in a row, and people almost suffocated. Nick on the yacht witnessed Lucy struggling in the whirlpool but couldn't help, because the yacht was also spinning in the turbulent whirlpool, and there was always a distance between the yacht and Lucy.

Soon, Nick found that Lucy seemed to have given up her efforts. She stopped paddling, and her whole body was at the mercy of the whirlpool. Seeing that Lucy was in danger of being swallowed by the sea, Nick no longer hesitated, he jumped out of the yacht and into the whirlpool of turbid waves! Nick's move stunned Ryan. However, Ryan did not have the courage to jump into the whirlpool, and he was lying tightly on the yacht like a crab at this time.

As soon as Nick fell into the water, he was dragged and rotated by the vortex. He struggled to swim towards Lucy along the direction of the vortex, shortening the distance between the two by one meter. At the moment when Lucy was about to be engulfed by the sea, Nick supported her with strong arms. At this time, the exhausted Lucy was in shock.

Nick kept treading water while holding the unconscious Lucy to prevent the sea water from pouring into Lucy's mouth, while thinking about ways to get out of the predicament. Soon, he found that in this "funnel "-shaped vortex, spinning with them were some items thrown into the sea from the yacht - plastic jugs for fresh water, medicine boxes, food boxes... Suddenly, a red and white lifebuoy came into Nick's sight. Nick remembered that the lifebuoy was originally hanging on the side of the yacht, and he immediately had an idea: as long as he could catch that lifebuoy, Lucy would not sink into the water.

However, the precious lifebuoy was too far away from Nick, and it spun quickly with the whirlpool. Nick knew that it would not be easy to catch up with the lifebuoy, so he simply waited patiently for the best time to strike. Nick stared closely at the rapidly spinning lifebuoy in the whirlpool. When the lifebuoy swirled about two meters above Nick, Nick held his breath and swam towards the lifebuoy with Lucy's efforts. After several efforts, he finally caught the lifebuoy. At the moment Nick's sore arm grabbed the lifebuoy, he relaxed as if he was falling apart. Nick was going to use the lifebuoy to rest, but he immediately found that the buoyancy of the lifebuoy could not hold up the weight of the two people. As soon as he stopped pedaling, the lifebuoy sank, and the seawater poured straight into Lucy's mouth and nose. Lucy was in a coma. She was choked and coughed violently.

Lucy must wake up as soon as possible. Nick shouted in Lucy's ear: "Lucy, wake up! Lucy, wake up!" Nick's eager call finally worked. When Lucy opened her eyes, she found that she was being held by Nick in a dangerous vortex., she suddenly understood everything. "Nick..." Lucy choked up and screamed.

Seeing Lucy wake up, Nick quickly put the lifebuoy on her, and told Lucy to persevere. He cheered Lucy up and said, "The vortex will disappear automatically..." Before he finished speaking, Nick's head was hit by something. Something hit him hard, and his eyes suddenly flashed, and the hand holding Lucy was also released.

After he recovered, Nick touched the back of his head with his hand, feeling sticky, and he didn't know what hard object hit the back of his head while spinning at a high speed. Only then did he realize that the whirlpool was spinning faster than before, and the more and more swirling current hit him like a high-pressure water gun. A strong sense of fear immediately grabbed Nick's heart.

The rest of the magic sea, understand life

Half an hour has passed since Nick jumped into the vortex, and in the process of rescuing Lucy, he has exhausted his physical strength. Nick felt that he was about to lose his strength, his legs were kicking symbolically in the water, his arms were just paddling mechanically, and his head sank and floated in the vortex. Several times, as soon as Nick opened his mouth to breathe, the salty sea water poured into his mouth, and he simply swallowed the sea water into his stomach.

Suddenly, Nick felt dizzy, and he couldn't help but "thump" in his heart, "It's not a symptom of excessive bleeding from the wound." Since the back of his head had been soaked in seawater, Nick didn't know if the wound was still bleeding. As soon as he was nervous, his right calf also began to cramp, and soon developed muscle spasms throughout his right leg. Nick's stiff body quickly fell into the water, and the turbulent water immediately drowned him.

Just when Nick felt that he was going to die, his hand suddenly touched something like a wooden board, and Nick, who was about to suffocate, instinctively hugged the thing, and the person also surfaced. He took a closer look, and what he was holding was actually a seat panel that fell from the yacht.

Nick's eyes searched the rapidly spinning vortex for a while. He saw that Lucy, who was wearing a lifebuoy, continued to spin in the vortex, but their yacht was spinning in the lower half of the vortex. Nick vaguely saw that Ryan was still attached to the yacht..

In fact, the vortex in which they were in a desperate situation was like a deep hole in the sea. It sucked the surrounding small vortices one by one, and gradually turned into a larger and larger vortex. Nick was surprised to find that, from some point on, the vortex that was about to kill them was big enough to accommodate a freighter. It was harder for them to escape this death vortex than to reach the sky.

Next, Nick found that those lighter plastic pots, sun umbrellas and other things were drifting with the flow above the vortex. He and Lucy were in the middle of the vortex, and the yacht that fell into the vortex at the same time was close to the "funnel" -shaped vortex. Bottom. Nick suddenly realized: It turns out that in this high-speed spinning vortex, the heavier the thing, the faster it descends!

The bottom of the vortex is the abyss of the black hole. As long as anything approaches that terrifying black hole, it will be sucked into the bottomless abyss in an instant. Nick suddenly thought that it was a fatal mistake for Ryan to stay on the yacht. He immediately shouted under the vortex: "Get off the yacht! Get off the yacht!" However, it was too late. Ryan's desperate howl came from the bottom of the vortex, and the yacht spun two laps at the bottom of the dark "funnel"., plunged headfirst into the bottomless abyss.

After Ryan was buried at the bottom of the sea, the shadow of death continued to hang over Nick and Lucy. Every time the vortex rotates, Nick and Lucy descend about 1 meter to the bottom of the "funnel". Nick estimates that at this speed, in ten minutes, he and Lucy will be sucked into that terrifying black hole. "God, help us!" Nick prayed again and again in his heart, hoping that the vortex would miraculously disappear.

However, the doom seemed irreversible, and about 10 minutes passed, and the vortex still showed no signs of subsiding. Nick and Lucy are close to that terrifying black hole! Lucy, who was about to collapse, fainted again. The lifebuoy carried her unconscious at the mercy of the rapids. Witnessing this scene, Nick suddenly had a sad feeling: when his life was about to end, he realized that the grievances and grievances in life were not important, but those beautiful life times were too nostalgic. "Alas, it's all over!" Nick closed his eyes in despair.

At this time, the sound of rolling thunder came from the sea, and after a few explosions, torrential rain fell from the sky. Nick felt the sea vibrate violently, and the rotation frequency of the vortex seemed to change.

It turned out that a tsunami caused by a tropical storm was raging in the Atlantic Ocean. Although the center of the storm was more than 50 nautical miles from the sea where Nick and the others were in distress, the huge shock caused by the tsunami still spread to this swirling sea.

A torrential rain made Nick unable to open his eyes. Time passed minute by minute. Nick wondered why he had not been sucked into the vortex black hole. At the same time, he felt that the speed of the vortex seemed to have slowed down.

The raindrops suddenly became smaller, and Nick opened his eyes in fear. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the diameter of the vortex above his head had become significantly smaller, and the bottom of the vortex had also been raised a lot. Intuition told him that the vortex was gradually shrinking, and it might not be long before the vortex disappeared completely.

Nick was right, the vortex was indeed receding. It was precisely because the shock of the sea caused by the tsunami broke the inherent vortex frequency of this sea area that he miraculously survived at the last moment of his life.

When Nick returned to the turbid sea with the plank in his arms, he had survived a thrilling hour in the devilish whirlpool! Like a dream, Nick greedily breathed the salty sea breeze, convinced that he had escaped death.

Nick quickly found Lucy on the dark sea. When Lucy woke up, she didn't seem to believe that the nightmare was over, and she was still shaking with her lifebuoy in her arms. Seeing Nick swimming to her side, Lucy asked with lingering fear, "Will we still fall into the whirlpool?" Nick looked at his former lover, pondered for a moment, and said thoughtfully, "It's all over, we'll never fall into the whirlpool again."

Two hours later, a lifeboat dispatched by the Dima Peninsula Resort Management found Nick and Lucy in the waters.

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    IversonWritten by Iverson

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