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Athenas Revenge

A trial awaits

By Pixie BeanPublished 2 years ago 19 min read

Athena sat perched upon the stark white branches of the Elnie tree, its sweet aroma an indicator of the spring season.The city of Arna was pressed up against a mountain with a semi-circle shape, the castle firmly nestled into the protective rocks that shielded it from behind. She stared down at the gates of the city thoroughly guarded by men on the ground and on top, each one brandished with the crest of the golden leaf, A crest thoroughly burned into Athena’s memories. Tonight she was going to take the life of the king, the man who took everything from her. She was going to have to get creative if she wanted to get in. climbing up and over was out the guards patrolled to often and knocking one out would raise alarms. There is only one entrance and it is watched at all times. After staring intently at the walls for a time she had formulated a plan one that requires very precise timing. She Made her way beneath on of the guard posts along the side. From just beyond the trees she put her hands to the air and called forth her helper. Silver spirals zipped and swirled around her as they sparked and collided with each other. In front of her the form of an owl slowly came into view, it was a white owl larger than average. As it came fully into view its piercing yellow eyes shone in the dim moonlight, its silvery white feathers glistened as it spread its wings. Athena turned to the wall as the owl perched behind her awaiting its orders.

Three guards blocked her path one in the post and the two walking back and forth between two posts. The two moving guards left at relatively close intervals so once they were out of view it was just the one. The timing was right and Athena leapt into action, “go Artemis” she commanded, Artemis flew up to the solitary guard silent as the night and perched on the wall. He turned around and before he could even realise what stood before him his eyes went blank as though in a trance. Athena summoned another silver circle beneath her, it pulsed and burned away as it threw her up silently toward the top of the wall. Her owl wing cape quietly fluttered in the wind. She made sure neither of the moving guards could see her and that the one in the post was still entranced. Good she thought. she heard approaching footsteps and quickly leapt down to a rooftop landing silently then slid to the edge and jumped to the ground. She looked up and with a wave of her hand her owl flew down beside her. She waited a moment just in case but it seemed no one had noticed her presence. “Go ahead let me know what we have to contend with” Athena whispered. The large white owl once again took flight heading over the city toward the castle. Athena only needed to make it there unseen though there was no way of knowing if the guards patrolled the streets and how often so it would be best to stick to the back alleys. She proceeded hastily.

She looked down the streets they were busier than expected, but also not. Some people lay slouched down in random spots along the road others wandering spitting angry comments and muttering to themselves. A group or two could be seen wielding weapons from knives and swords to shovels and sticks. The alleys were not much better as Athena made her way through she stepped over all to many near lifeless souls sleeping on the ground covered in wounds and little to no clothing. I doubt they will make it through the winter she thought with a grimace. This was supposed to be a bustling city of life and great trade. What has happened here, her thoughts were interrupted by a hoarse voice from the end of the alley. “Who are you? What do you want? You want our stuff don’t ya?” A man brandishing a small knife said as he moved his body in an unusual and frightening manner. It seemed as though he had little to no control over the movement of his limbs. His head twitched as he spoke and his voice sounded painful. “What is wrong with you?” Athena asked out of concern. The man didn’t answer he ran at her his knife up, Athena swiftly flipped over him and with a circular wave of her hands a small silvery owl that looked as though it were made of mist flew toward the man quickly knocking him to the ground. Athena walked over to inspect the now unconscious man when a group of similarly malnourished people rounded the corner brandishing their various weapons. Athena leapt to the rooftop and continued jumping from one to the next without looking back.

From above she couldn’t see a single guard or patrol officer, something seemed very off about the city once known as the golden light of the north and it wasn’t just the people. Athena had ruled the unpleasant feeling as no more than nerves for her upcoming task but the further in she got the denser it felt. It was as though a thick smothering blanket of doubt, fear and uneasiness lay over the city. As she moved over the roof tops she spotted a man cornered in the Main Street by a group like the one she saw earlier. The old man begged for his life as he clutched three potatoes close to his chest. Perhaps I should not get involved she thought. A woman swung an axe above her head and let out a piercing squeal as she closed in on the man. Athena could not leave it she jumped in between the woman and the old man and in one motion grabbed her arm swinging her around. She spun in a full circle as Athena pulled the axe from her hands and shoved her unsteady body to the ground. This clearly frustrated the group though they did not utter a word they simply growled hissed and yelled in rough voices that sounded as though their throats were torn up from some kind of ailment. Evasion is always preferable in these cases, fighting a whole group would be foolish. She waved her arms in front of her creating a semicircle on the ground as they closed in weapons at the ready and limbs flailing awkwardly. What looked to be a chalk like drawing of an owl on the ground swept along from the semi circle and under all their feet, As it did each of their legs was ensnared in a silvery tendril that pulled them back a few feet with the movement of the owl. Seizing the opportunity she grabbed the old man and escaped the same way she had last time to the rooftops. It seemed as though these people had a lot of rage but no physical strength what so ever.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you ! Theses potatoes are for my family it is the only food I could find” The old man chimed, as I placed him down on the roof he coughed hard like he to was sick. “What is going on here what has happened to the golden city?” Athena asked from behind her owl shaped mask. “That mask… you’re one of the night owls aren’t you? The stealthy killers. Then you are here to kill the king” His voice became slightly more irrational As he went on “Are you going to end this nightmare? Kill the king! Kill the king!” He shouted as he began coughing up a black flem like substance He began to roll around spastically laughing wildly and yelling “kill the King!” Over and over as his precious potatoes rolled away from him never to reach their destination. Athena cringed under her mask horrified and bewildered by what she had just witnessed. Athena had never seen this before it was like a sickness of the mind body and soul. What could possibly cause such a horrifying thing to happen. She looked up at the castle angrier now than she thought she could ever be. I’m sure this all has something to do with him she thought as she dashed closer to her destination.

She reached the outskirts of the castle, a secondary wall within that protected the nobles from the lower class. Surely here they will have guards and patrolmen she thought as she peeked over the at the wall. To her surprise the gate lay unguarded, surely that can’t be right. Her white owl perched itself before her and lent its head down, using this method Athena could see all that Artemis had seen. She lent her head against his and saw the streets from above they were exactly the Same as the lower level, no patrol men, weakened sickly bodies strewn across the street with fancier rags draped over their bodies and the few mobile people hovering about the streets with weapons. There hasn’t been a single flame or lamp in the entire city either She let out a confused sigh. Figuring that there were no patrol men in sight she went straight up to the inner wall which stretched around to the edge of the castle. Artemis flew beside her as she scurried along the top of the wall unhindered by the once exuberant inhabitants of the city. How could a ruler let his people live like this? How could he let it get this bad? She thought unable to quell the deepening rage within. It’s one thing to use your power to get rid of those you disagree with but to completely ignore the wellbeing of your own citizens, the very people who make you what you are. She shook her head attempting to shake off some of the anger It is not wise to go into a mission like this if your head is clouded by rage. Her thoughts were brought to a halt as she neared the castle It was time for action.

Using the same method from the front gate she propelled herself up to a window and slipped inside. The halls were dark and empty random candles were still lit scattered about the decorative walls. It looked as though few people roamed these halls. Athena quietly moved through the palace when ahead she could hear clattering and hushed murmuring. She had come to a kitchen where there were a few maids and chefs racing around like headless chickens. Aside from the regular kitchen chatter she picked up on some interesting information. “The king needs his food! Food, more food!” One chef yelled. “It just keeps going, It just keeps going” the maid muttered as she stacked a trolley full of food. “How can he keep eating its inhuman?” The second chef said. The other maid simply waited for here cart to be filled with a shell shocked look on her face. Athena did not envy these people. But she figured if she followed the young maid with the cart she could get straight to the king. She pursued the young woman who would not have noticed Athena had she been walking right beside her. The vacant yet terrified look in her eye showed clearly that she was not fully aware of her surroundings. They had made it to the kings chambers he sat in his throne a table filled to the brim with exotic cuisine as starving servants served it to him. She watched as the young maid placed the new food on the table avoiding eye contact at all costs. After placing the last dish on the near overflowing table she scurried past Athena with her head down, not even taking notice of her standing in the doorway. If she could just get behind him it would be so much easier. Should have hid on the trolley she thought with a sigh. There are windows but no way to scale the outside and all are within view, the room is large and mostly empty aside from the throne, its platform and the table. She could try running in head first he is distracted and judging by his round protruding belly it was probably safe to assume he was not much of a fighter. Alright lets do this she thought taking in a deep breath.

She tucked herself into the corner as she summoned Artemis so as not to be seen then as quickly as she could she jumped into the middle of the door way and placed a silvery circle on the ground. She used the chalk like owl to propel herself forward her dagger drawn and at the ready Artemis closing in behind her. She flung herself over the table knocking some of the food to the floor, the king looked up in surprise food still dripping down his greasy chin. She held fast awaiting the part where her dagger hit flesh but instead what she felt was an unyielding thud. Her arms bent as her head hit what seemed to be a layer of blue light floating just shy of the king. With a pulse it sent her flying backwards and skidding across the floor as her dagger flew to the other side of the room. Artemis pulled up at the last second screeching a shock wave of sound that simply rippled over the blue force shield. The servants and maids had all parted along the walls attempting to avoid being a part of this at all. How? The king can’t use magic!? He jerked his head to the side and laughed “Trying to kill me is futile young witch” He spat at her with an indignant tone. “Witch!?” Athena yelled her fury mixed with confusion. “You are a liar! A hypocrite! You send your troops out to kill conjurers while you sit here practicing magic of your own” Athena was seeing red how could this be after everything she went through he’s a conjurer to? “I can do what ever I please” He stated in a ghastly snake like voice. Athena waved her hand at Artemis who swooped down at the king banging and screeching at the shield in an attempt to force it too break. Athena dove for her dagger than ran towards the wall. Using A silvery circle that flared around her ankles she ran along the wall each step a large leap. Once behind the king She leapt down dagger At the ready, but this time she was ready as she approached she sent out a silvery owl shaped force push that forced its way through the shield shattering it into tiny sparkling blue peices. She held the dagger up and as she got close…a huge tendril dripping with black ooze appeared from nowhere. It slammed her across the room once more this time with a great force. As her vision blurred out of focus she saw another tendril hit Artemis making him poof away into a wispy cloud of silver dust. The kings body raised into the air and the room filled with screams of terror. Athena could not fight it her vision went black she was out cold.

Athena awoke a cool breeze gently flowed over her as small yellow and purple flowers caressed her cheek. She stared up at the full moon from a spot she knew all to well. The backyard at her house, she could smell the roasting chicken and the flavourful vegetable medley her mother so loved to make. A sound caught her attention as a brown barn owl perched itself on the roof above her. This feels familiar but wrong for some reason she thought to herself. The owl took off toward the woods and a joyful curiosity took hold, I must follow it. She raced through the field toward the woods out the back, she had explored them plenty so saw no reason her mother wouldn’t allow her to do so now. No wait she thought somethings wrong go back she begged herself to no avail. She continued into the woods Until the owl perched in a large Elnie tree. It had spotted its prey, a small mouse probably. She could see its eyes narrow in on its target as it lent forward and prepared for the dive. In an instant and without a sound the owl swooped down and snatched up a small creature from in amongst the leaves. Amazing she thought as she watched with awe. Then came the all to real memory the sound she dreaded, A scream could be heard from her house. She ran back to the woods edge as two soldiers walked out of her house dragging her parents lifeless bodies behind them. Blood smeared across the bright gold leaf crest brandished on their chests. I told you not to go she thought to herself this already happened I told you not to do it. “There’s a child out there somewhere find it and get rid of it” A soldier demanded. Next the trees blurred past as something black and blue came into focus.

Athena opened her eyes as A large tendril held her upside down with her face held up to a malformed dripping ooze like creatures face. It’s not possible there’s no way a real life corruption and a big one at that. The king hung limp on a lower tendril, It finally makes sense he can’t use magic, in fact he hasn’t been in control for a long time. “It was you, you corrupted the king then used his position to sink your fangs into the entire city” Athena gasped. It let out a high pitched piercing laugh “Indeed and one more corrupt-able soul to add to the collection is always welcome it hissed through its large tooth filled mouth. It stood tall and other than a head its body was mostly formless with large dripping tendrils protruding in every direction. Ooze dripped from it mouth as it drew nearer in an attempt to spread its corruption to Athena. She was not going to give up that easily, As it drew near she threw her force push owl into the back of its throat, She then summoned Artemis once more who swooped at the creatures small black eyes. It just barely got its shield up in time but while it was distracted Athena cut the tendril holding her then cut down the king and flung him to the edge of the room. She climbed up the creatures tendrils as it blindly swiped at her unable to see past Artemis. Once high enough she thrusted her dagger deep into the creatures chest area. It let out a deafening howl as it flung both Athena and Artemis back. “If you think that’s all it will take to bring me down you are sorely mistaken! The king couldn’t stop me when I first arrived or when I had him murder for me or when I had him starve his own people no matter How hard he tried there is no beating me. Countless soldiers lost their lives and yet I prevailed” It screeched triumphantly. That’s why there are only guards at the first gate its not to protect the citizens its to protect others. “You cannot win” It bellowed sending ooze flying all around. “You have not yet faced a conjurer!” Athena shouted “I will not give up! For my parents and every innocent soul you have tainted I will end you!”

Athena held her hands crossed above her head as the wind twirled around her fluttering at her owl wing cape. Artemis flew above her and shone a bright silver as rainbow coloured sparks whizzed and danced around her. “Foolish Witch!” It howled as it lunged its head and several tendrils towards Athena. “Purifying blue moon Glow!” Athena shouted at the top of her lungs. The creature was just centimetres from her face as it stopped in its tracks. It leaned back as a bright silvery blue glow shone through its chest. “No!” It dug at the spot with its tendrils ripping and clawing at its own flesh before the light burst forth. An array of colours illuminated the room and shone out the windows in brilliant beams. Athena fell to her knees as the black ooze that was once the corruption slid lifelessly down the walls. “Gross” She muttered with a sigh of relief. She looked over at the king, this means it wasn’t him who took my parents life in the end, She felt as though part of the blame still lye with him for allowing a corruption to take hold but she could not take what little life he had left. Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash some distance away what was that? As she turned around the king was standing but barely, not unlike the citizens outside. What? But I got rid of the corruption how are they still sick? She thought as she could hear a literal stampede of feet barreling through the halls. They must have been drawn here by the light. Beside her a small still moving piece of ooze let out a feeble laugh “You may have killed me but you have not purified them” It wheezed and fell to the floor like it was melting. I need to purify them? but how do I get it across the entire city? She thought. She could see the swarm at the end of the hall, it’s now or never. She held up her hands once more hoping that she still had enough power for this. “Please work” she whispered. With a large silver circle above her head she summoned as many of the wispy force push owls as possible and yelled “Purifying blue moon glow!” As loud as she could. The owls acted as the catalyst in place of the dagger this time flying out in all directions over the city including a few through the castle itself. She could not tell if they had stopped running at her as the world began to spin. She fell to the floor the last thing she saw was the owls light as they flew through the night sky.

“Is she awake yet?” An unfamiliar mans voice asked filled with concern. “No my lord answered a gentle woman’s voice. I’m Alive? Athena thought as her eyes slowly opened. A groan escaped her lips as a brightly lit well furnished room came into view. “Oh now she is” the woman’s voice chimed “Amazing” called the mans voice. After squinting a moment Athena sat up with the help of the young woman. She had long brown hair in a ponytail and a simple white dress, behind her stood the king? But he looked better he was properly dressed and his short beard was well kept, his belly didn’t even look that big. She clearly looked confused as the king let out a boisterous laugh. “Ill leave you to it the woman said as she walked out”

“I can see you’re confused, we know what you did in getting rid of the corruption monster and curing the towns people but you were wounded and weak after the battle so we bought you to the infirmary to get you all healed up” the king explained “we have been waiting to thank you for all that you have done for us, it will take us quite some time to fix everything but working together we can pull through” Athena reached up to her face her mask was gone Her clothes were different to she looked up panicked. “I’m sorry we couldn’t heal you the way you were but your mask is in the draw beside you, The townspeople want to thank you so it is up to you wether or not you wear it. I think you look much better without it though” the king said with a smile. To think she had initially come to kill him, now to have him thanking her? Athena stared at the blankets a moment I suppose this is really the best outcome she thought. She heaved a sigh and looked up at the king “I originally came to kill you… You sent soldiers to my house to kill my parents… and though I now know it was due to the corruption I… I don’t know how to feel anymore” Athena explained. The king gave her a thoughtful look “HHHMMM Paul” He said

“Excuse me?” Athena asked

“Paul my name is Paul, I understand that what I have done in the past was awful but I ask you to consider this… Stay here help us rebuild and give me time to prove that I can be more than the errors of my past? Though I will not blame you if you leave” King Paul explained. “The people will be celebrating tonight I hope to see you there, but if I don’t then good luck to you” He said with a hint of sadness to his voice. He gave a nod then left the room. It was quiet what was she supposed to do now? she got out of bed and saw her clothes folded at the end of it. She got dressed and pulled out her mask. Athena sat down on the bed and stared at her mask, A tough choice indeed.

That night arrived and King Paul stood by the entrance of the castle adorned in his finest robes. White with gold and purple accents and a large golden leaf embroided over his chest. His crown once again sat atop his head no longer warped as it had been. He once again looked down the empty hall with a sigh. “I suppose she is not coming” he said to a once terrified young maid who was now full of life and colour. He turned to open the large doors when from behind he heard “Wait!” Athena called out as she ran down the hall. She wore her mask but not on her face she had turned it to the side. “You won’t regret this decision he said as he looked into her stern green eyes “I hope not” she laughed as they pushed the large doors open. The people greeted them with a cheer and Athena was treated like a saviour all throughout the city. The celebrations went on all night with singing, dancing, fine foods and fireworks. A sign of the prosperity to come.

The End


About the Creator

Pixie Bean

my name is Lacey I have been creating and writing for 8 years. I love to create and I am glad to share my stories.

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    Pixie BeanWritten by Pixie Bean

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