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Aspiration Point Coven

Once a Goth girl, always a Goth girl...

By Lindsey AltomPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 8 min read
Aspiration Point Coven
Photo by Sierra Koder on Unsplash

"Beneath this hallowed moon, in this sacred place, we set this protection over blood of our blood, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh. We call upon our higher power and the ancestors of those women before us for this protection for we know that sorrow wants comfort, hate comes undone with love, hearts that are hurt mend with time but true love is never forgotten. Turmoil creates havoc and mayhem but ultimately yearns for peace abounding. With all this comes understanding untold...we shall live life forever protected by this coven, our sisters, bound together, we are family. Never fearing this world, so mote it be."

This is the spell that they spoke early every morning just before the moon went down every month before school started. The girls would meet at The Aspiration Point as it was called and cast their spell of protection. There used to be four of them but Tri had been showing up less and less for their ritual, claiming that she found it to be childish and saying that it was time for all of them to grow up. The other three did not feel the same however as this was what held them together, this was their friendship, their sisterhood, their coven they had created and could she just turn her back on that? How could she not see that the ritual made them stronger not only as witches but as sisters and as a coven? Tri did often times like to pull away from the coven though and just be to herself for awhile so maybe she'd come back to them. After the ritual, the morning sun had just begun to start to show itself as the girls swung their legs over the crosswalk and began to laugh, talk and eat the breakfast they had packed themselves as they settled in to watch the sunrise together. Their highschool was rather large and spread out. There was a grand total of two main campuses and one smaller campus that the thousands of students had to walk across in between classes every day and in the middle of it all was Aspiration Point which honestly looked sort of like a little girls hair might if someone were to twist her long, wet hair into a sudsy spiral whilst her hair was covered in shampoo and soap. Aspiration Point was suppose to be an art piece meant to stand for hope, wishing for the impossible, ambition, achieving your dreams, etc. but instead everyone mostly just made fun of it. They even had a senior prank day every year where the seniors could do some sort of vandalistic thing to their school and essentially get away with it as long as it wasn't too outlandish and one year the girls remembered all too well the seniors had put silly string all over Aspiration Point and then the icing on the cake? The seniors had put a condom right on the tip top of the point of Aspiration Point. Yelp,....very mature but kids will be kids I suppose. Their school was like a concrete jungle, it was located in the not so great part of town and as a result there were quite a few not so great children I suppose you could call them that went there. Most days Lenora, Marie and Alexandria had to fight their way through the school and just try to survive. By this point however, most everyone had learned not to mess with their coven. They were self proclaimed goths and witches and they most assuredly looked the part so most people were either too scared to mess with them or just took them for freaks anyways and didn't mess with them unless they were in the bullying mood which was typically a bad idea to mess with them. After the girls finished their breakfast they went to their usual hiding place so the janitor wouldn't know that they had gotten there so early. They had gotten rather good over the past few months about sneaking out of their houses under the noses of their parents and taking turns driving to the school beneath the light of the full moon. They'd been doing this since Sophomore year and they were at this point all Juniors. As soon as the coast was all clear they then changed out of their ritual clothes and into their school clothes and each proceeded to their first block class. For Lenora, that was Algebra II unfortunately because this was something she did not excel in but she always did a quick focus spell before class started and that seemed to help. There was a boy in that class that was big and mean. He played football and for some reason found it funny to pick at her everyday. "Hey Lenora," he'd chant, "who died today?" She'd reply,..."No one yet but you always need to be prepared." and give him the death glare. That'd shut him up for a time. Marie and Alexandria had ROTC first block and that was their favorite class. Lenora was sure that at least Marie would go into the military after highschool. In second block, they all had English III together. After class, Lenora and Alexandria saw a boy trying to slip his hand under Tri's shirt and then her slapping him away. They rushed to her defense immediately. "What the hell was that?!" Lenora shouted. Alexandria was already reaching for the small dagger she kept in her boot for protection. Tri quickly put up her hands and said, "No, it's ok! Really, I'm handling it!" and the boy scampered away like the chicken he was. Alexandria put the dagger back into her boot as they both looked at Tri questioningly. "I just don't want to make it into a big deal when I'm handling it. Every class he tries to slip his hand under my shirt but I never let him." "Oh hell no!" Lenora said as she grabbed Tri's arm and led her to the office. "That is not okay and your not going to be subjected to that every day just because your a girl and he thinks he can get away with it." Tri looked scared but went to speak with the principle anyway. After they took the statements from Lenora and Alexandria on what they saw they were sent to lunch where they met back up with Marie who was concerned for all of them. "What happened?" She asked. So they told her the whole story. She looked concerned but they all three could agree that going to the principle was the right thing to do. Marie was the main writer in the group and everyday she would write them stories so she then handed out their story of the day which would entertain them during the boring classes that was left. Just before lunch was over, Tri came back and stated that the principle had given the boy a talking to and then given him one day of after school detention. Tri was upset and rightfully so as she claimed this was why she wanted to just handle things herself. The girls were beginning to learn and understand that the world wasn't going to protect you near as well as you could protect yourself. No one in this world would ever be there for you like you could be for yourself. The coven usually only created spells of light and love but perhaps an ill will spell or two wouldn't hurt? Tri would not be participating though as she was mad at not only the principle but Lenora and Alexandria as well. Had she not told them that she had it handled? She gave her update then stormed off. Next on the agenda for Lenora was her favorite class of the day, Art III. She could zone out and focus on the wise words of Mr. Walters her art teacher. He always had a solution to everything art and life related. Today, however, she did not want advice she simply wanted to paint. She had a rather large canvas she'd been working on for a week and it was due the following Monday. As per usual Mr. Walters could tell something was wrong though and asked if she was okay. She lied and said she was fine, just focused on getting the painting done which then earned her some painting tips. Marie and Alexandria each had separate classes this block with Alexandria in Algebra III and Marie in Biology III. Both very boring classes where each girl felt they'd rather be hanging from the crosswalk rather than suffering in these classes. In between classes, there was about 3-5 people that ganged up on the four of them as they went from one campus to the next for the last time of the day. The names were called-"freaks, you should just die -they'd say, what are you trying to prove, y'all look nasty,...etc." They edged closer and closer and finally the girls started to use the heels of their boots to kick them. The boys got it where it would hurt the most and the girls got it either on the knee caps or stomped on the feet. This is why they each wore boots every day to school and not just any boots but high heeled boots. Were their feet killing them by the end of the day considering the walking they had to do? Yes but it was their main source of protection as there was never enough staff at that school to protect them and as with Tri's situation was proving apparently that didn't help a lot anyway. As soon as they had made a pathway, Tri cut loose to go to her next class without saying a word to the other three. Lenora went to the vocational building for Early Childhood Education which was the easiest class the school offered she was pretty sure and she could sneak reading her story from Marie here. Marie went to Art III and Alexandria went to US History. Marie focused on her painting of the dragon that kept coming into her dreams at night while in art class. Although Tri's pulling away from the coven bothered her she felt that their brother to the coven Jonathan who was Tri's boyfriend would perhaps bring her back into the fold. She'd speak to him after school and on the bus ride home as it had been Alexandria's turn this morning to drive them to school and so therefore she was without her car. After school, they were all lined up together. They had multiple friends that was a part of their coven and that they considered brothers and/or sisters but not to the level that the four girls were especially the three and so therefore they were not invited to the full moon ritual. They were all laughing and talking and waiting on their rides and/or the bus when Tri found Lenora, Alexandria and Marie and said, "I think it's best if I separate myself from the group for awhile. I've been thinking about it for awhile now and I've already spoken to Jonathan about it. He may still come to hang with you but I won't be coming with him." The girls, baffled, all stared at each other in disbelief. They had lost one of their coven... it was devastating.

The loss of a friend is truly heart breaking. Bones bend and break. The heart bleeds out. You are flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone, blood of blood. There is some water that runs thicker than blood. Some water that turns as dark and deep and red as the blood flowing from your veins. Be still my friend, may the night bring you peace and the morning sun bring you happiness. You will forever be in our hearts... and may your heart one day in the midst of your travels find your way back to us. So mote it be...

*I received some help with these spells from my coven. Hope you enjoy!*


About the Creator

Lindsey Altom

For me, writing runs in the blood. I've written songs, poems and short stories ever since I was a little girl. I mostly like to write about my life experiences mixed with a little fiction or just things that come off the top of my head!

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Comments (2)

  • Shirley Belk9 months ago

    "We call upon our higher power and the ancestors of those women before us for this protection for we know that sorrow wants comfort, hate comes undone with love, hearts that are hurt mend with time but true love is never forgotten." Loved this so much! Mitochondrial power is the best ever !!!

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Love this coven story!

Lindsey AltomWritten by Lindsey Altom

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