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Ascension of the Mundites

By Panda of Pandemonium

By Panda of PandemoniumPublished about a year ago 11 min read
Ascension of the Mundites
Photo by Andrea Ferrario on Unsplash

The celestial kingdoms of Aerathia and Cyrusia had coexisted harmoniously in the skies of Earth since time immemorial, their ethereal domains untouched by the land dwellers below. The Mundites, as they called the terrestrial race, were blissfully unaware of these soaring civilizations. However, as the encroaching oceans threatened the Mundites' existence, they harnessed their ingenuity to build a colossal airship to escape their watery fate and ascend into the heavens.

The Aerathians and Cyrusians, fearing the disruption of the delicate balance of power, banded together to prevent the Mundites from entering their territories. Princess Aelara of Aerathia, the embodiment of elegance, and the valiant Sir Kaelum of Cyrusia, mounted on his regal griffin, Nimbus, led their people in this endeavor.

As the Mundite airship began its ascent, Aelara and Kaelum dispatched emissaries to make contact with the Mundite leaders. The emissaries, two Aerathians and two Cyrusians, approached the airship, their intentions to parley evident in their slow and deliberate movements.

The Mundite captain, Captain Harlon, observed their approach and gave the order to allow the emissaries aboard. His face, a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, betrayed his uncertainty about the celestial visitors. He ushered them into a grand chamber, where the Mundite Council awaited.

"Greetings, noble Mundites," said the Aerathian emissary, her voice like the soft rustle of leaves. "I am Lady Elira of Aerathia, and these are my companions, Lord Varon of Aerathia, Lady Cressida, and Lord Thalos of Cyrusia. We come before you in the hope of reaching an understanding."

Captain Harlon, his eyes wide with astonishment, stared at the emissaries. "Who are you?" he demanded, his tone incredulous. "Where do you come from?" Lady Elira replied, her voice gentle and reassuring. "We come from the sky realms of Aerathia and Cyrusia, realms that have coexisted peacefully for eons. We are here to discuss the delicate balance that exists between our worlds and to ensure that your ascent into the skies does not disrupt this harmony."

Captain Harlon exchanged glances with the Mundite Council members, their faces etched with confusion and disbelief. "We were not aware of any other civilizations in the skies," Councilor Marlowe admitted, his voice tinged with caution. "But we have built this airship to escape the rising oceans, and we will not be deterred from our purpose."

Lord Thalos, the Cyrusian emissary, stepped forward, his voice firm yet diplomatic. "We understand your plight, and we do not wish to impede your progress. Our goal is to ensure that our mutual coexistence is not marred by conflict. Can we not find common ground and work together for the betterment of all?"

The Mundite Council whispered among themselves, their expressions a mix of doubt and curiosity. Captain Harlon, sensing the growing tension, regarded the emissaries with uncertainty.

"Your words are unexpected, but not unwelcome. We have achieved what was thought to be impossible, and we are determined to protect our people. However, we must consider the consequences of our actions carefully."

It was then that the negotiations took a sinister turn. A faction within the Mundite Council, distrusting the emissaries and fearful of the unknown, persuaded the guards to unsheathe their weapons. The air in the chamber thickened with hostility, the weight of impending conflict pressing down on all present.

Lady Elira, her voice trembling with urgency, attempted one final plea. "We come in peace, seeking only a way to coexist harmoniously. Surely, there is a path that can be forged together."

Captain Harlon's eyes narrowed, his voice heavy with the weight of his decision. "I cannot speak for all, but I am willing to consider your offer. However, we must tread carefully, for the unknown can be as dangerous as it is wondrous."

The emissaries, recognizing that their efforts to negotiate had met both acceptance and resistance, reluctantly retreated, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that they had not fully averted the impending storm of war.

As the emissaries retreated from the chamber, Talis, who had been exploring the airship out of curiosity, found himself in an air shaft above the negotiation room. He watched, wide-eyed, as the strange beings exchanged words with Captain Harlon and the Mundite Council. Their appearance and the conversation they held captivated the young boy, who had never imagined that such realms and beings could exist in the skies above.

With bated breath, Talis followed the emissaries' departure, crawling through the air shafts, trying to remain as silent as possible. He knew that witnessing this encounter was an extraordinary event, and he couldn't help but feel both excitement and fear. As the emissaries prepared to disembark, Talis found a small vent near the airship's exit, through which he could observe their departure.

Unbeknownst to the emissaries, the faction within the Mundite Council that distrusted their intentions had secretly ordered a group of assassins to follow them. As the emissaries made their way back to their people, the assassins struck, their blades finding their marks with lethal precision. The emissaries fell one by one, their dying gasps echoing through the airship's corridors.

Talis, horrified by the scene unfolding before him, could barely suppress a cry of terror. He watched helplessly as the assassins disposed of the emissaries' bodies, their faces devoid of emotion, their eyes cold and unfeeling. The young boy knew that their actions would have dire consequences, and he feared for the lives of everyone aboard the airship.

As the assassins retreated, the Mundite Council remained divided, with some members unaware of the terrible deed that had been committed. The airship continued its ascent, oblivious to the impending danger that would soon engulf them all.

As the slain emissaries lay in the dark corridors of the airship, their lifeless bodies bearing witness to the heinous act, it wasn't long before their absence was noticed by their respective civilizations. Aelara and Kaelum, growing increasingly concerned for the safety of their envoys, dispatched scouts to ascertain their fate.

Aeraian scouts, skilled in stealth and reconnaissance, infiltrated the airship undetected, their hearts heavy with foreboding as they began their grim search. It didn't take long for them to find the bodies, their once-noble features marred by the violence of their deaths.

Horrified and grieving, the scouts returned to their commanders, their voices choked with sorrow as they delivered the tragic news. Aelara and Kaelum, their hearts filled with anguish and fury, shared the devastating report with their councils and people.

The news of the emissaries' murders spread like wildfire through the realms of Aerathia and Cyrusia, igniting a seething storm of outrage and indignation. The peaceful sky civilizations, their trust betrayed and their dignity trampled, united in their resolve to defend their realms and avenge the fallen.

The once-hopeful negotiations, now tainted with bloodshed, had given way to the bitter reality of war. As the Aerathians and Cyrusians rallied their forces, the skies above the Mundite airship grew dark and ominous, a prelude to the storm that was about to engulf them all.

Aelara and Kaelum, their eyes glistening with tears, stood before their assembled armies, their voices trembling with grief and determination. "Today, we stand united in our sorrow and our resolve," Aelara declared, her voice echoing through the ranks. "We will honor the memory of our fallen emissaries by defending our realms and ensuring that their sacrifice was not in vain."

Kaelum, his fists clenched in anger, added, "We will show the Mundites the true meaning of honor and the price of treachery. For the emissaries, for our people, and for our realms, we shall fight!"

With a resounding roar of approval, the combined forces of Aerathia and Cyrusia took to the skies, their hearts heavy with grief, their spirits burning with the fire of vengeance. The stage was set for a battle that would determine the fate of the skies, and the world below.

As the combined forces of Aerathia and Cyrusia surged toward the Mundite airship, Talis, still reeling from the shock of witnessing the emissaries' demise, found himself in a maze of dark corridors, the airship's labyrinthine interior a reflection of the tangled emotions that gripped him. He knew that what he had seen would change the course of history, and he was desperate to find someone who would listen to his story.

Meanwhile, the celestial armies approached the airship with caution, the memory of their murdered emissaries still fresh in their minds. Their goal was not to annihilate the Mundites, but to deliver a stern message and to ensure the safety of their realms. Aelara and Kaelum directed their forces to engage the airship's defenses, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that bloodshed was inevitable.

The first skirmishes began as the Mundite airship's defenses sprang to life, its cannons and ballistae unleashing a hail of fire and metal upon the oncoming attackers. The aerial creatures of Aerathia and Cyrusia, including dragons, griffins, and winged serpents, deftly evaded the barrage, their agility and skill unmatched by the Mundite weaponry.

As the battle raged in the skies, Talis, his heart pounding with fear and desperation, stumbled upon a group of Mundite soldiers gathered in a small room. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to trust them with the knowledge of the assassinations he had witnessed. But as the airship shuddered under the impact of the ongoing battle, he knew that time was of the essence.

Summoning his courage, Talis burst into the room, his voice shaking as he recounted the grisly fate of the emissaries and the treachery he had witnessed. The soldiers, taken aback by the boy's sudden appearance and his chilling tale, exchanged wary glances, unsure of how to proceed.

Outside, the skirmishes intensified as the celestial forces closed in on the airship, their warriors engaging in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the Mundite defenders. The air was filled with the clash of steel, the guttural roars of battle-hardened warriors, and the screams of the wounded.

As the battle continued, Talis led the group of soldiers to the site of the emissaries' murders, his heart heavy with sorrow as he showed them the terrible truth. The soldiers, shocked and appalled, realized the gravity of the situation and the danger that the treachery had brought upon them all.

With the airship now fully embroiled in the heat of battle, Talis found himself a reluctant witness to the carnage that unfolded around him. He watched from the airship's portholes as the celestial forces clashed with the Mundite defenders, their desperate struggle a testament to the brutality of war.

As the conflict raged on, Talis could not shake the feeling that the events he had witnessed would forever change not only his life but also the lives of countless others. The fragile peace that had once existed between the Mundites and the sky civilizations had been shattered, and the echoes of the battle would reverberate throughout the ages.

His heart pounding with terror and adrenaline, Talis scurried through the airship's corridors, seeking a place to hide as the battle unfolded around him. He darted past terrified crew members, who were scrambling to defend their ship from the relentless assault of the Aerathians and Cyrusians.

As the airship was bombarded with spells and projectiles, Talis found a small alcove near a port window, from where he could witness the carnage that enveloped them. The skies were a cacophony of roars and the clash of weapons, as dragons, griffins, and other aerial creatures engaged in fierce combat with one another.

From his vantage point, Talis saw a majestic golden griffin locked in battle aside a massive, serpent-like dragon. Their struggle against the Mundites sky fighters was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a testament to the raw power and ferocity of the creatures that inhabited the sky realms.

Suddenly, the griffin, wounded and desperate, crashed through the airship's hull, sending splinters and debris flying through the air. Warriors rushed to engage the beast, their swords drawn and their faces set in grim determination. The griffin, cornered and fighting for its life, lashed out with its beak and talons, causing the warriors to stagger and fall back.

Talis, unable to tear his eyes away from the chaotic scene, watched as the griffin dispatched several of its assailants, only to succumb to its injuries moments later. The boy couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the creature, which had fought to its dying breath.

Just as Talis began to move away from the window, the airship shuddered violently, a deafening explosion echoing through its corridors. The boy lost his footing and was thrown against the wall, pain radiating through his body as he struggled to catch his breath.

Disoriented, Talis stumbled through the smoke-filled hallway, the airship lurching and groaning under the strain of the battle. The ship began to tilt, and Talis found himself sliding toward a gaping hole in the hull, his heart racing as he desperately clawed at the floor to prevent himself from being sucked out into the sky. Talis, his heart pounding with terror and adrenaline, scurried through the airship's corridors, seeking a place to hide as the battle unfolded around him. He darted past terrified crew members, who were scrambling to defend their ship from the relentless assault of the Aerathians and Cyrusians.

As Talis teetered on the edge of the abyss, his fingers slipping from the damaged floor, a strong hand suddenly grasped his wrist, pulling him back from the brink of death. He looked up, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief, as he found himself staring into the eyes of a Cyrusian warrior.

The warrior, his face changing, softened by a look of sympathy, hoisted Talis to his feet and led him through the chaos of the battle-ravaged airship. With a protective arm around the young boy, the Cyrusian guided him to a small escape pod, ensuring his safety before returning to the fray.

As the pod jettisoned from the airship, Talis gazed out the window, watching as the battle continued to rage around the now-doomed vessel. His last sight of the conflict was the shimmer of dragon scales and the flash of steel as they disappeared into the cloud cover, the future of all involved hanging in the balance.


About the Creator

Panda of Pandemonium

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