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Artemis 9: Part 15

Tiny Bubbles

By Arthur ArmstrongPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 6 min read
Artemis 9: Part 15
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

Astaria and I followed Alison as she walked toward the light.

“Hey Sis, I really don’t think this is a good idea,” I said as I approached her.

“All is well,” she said flatly as we came upon a clearing. Toward the far end, sat a rather large spaceship about three times the size of ours.

“Dear Gods,” I managed to choke out. The hatch of the ship opened to reveal an incredibly bright, white light. Suddenly, my head begin to swim and my world went dark.

I was standing in an extravagant room filled with fine paintings and expensive sculptures. And it was all on fire. I looked around, frantically puzzling at where I was. People begin to run by me but I could not move.

I could smell the smoke but I did not choke. I could feel the heat but I did not burn. I tried to yell, but no one seemed to hear me. Fire exploded through a doorway to my left as I heard a scream from my right. A large piece of ceiling fell down upon a table with a cherub centerpiece.

The fire spread to a hallway before me. As more people came running past, again, I tried to move but couldn’t. “Gods what is happening?” I thought. Just as a window broke, more flames erupted and I felt something cold and wet on my forehead.

I opened my eyes to Space Daddy leaning over me, pressing something to my third eye.

“There we are! My Sun’s returned to us!” He exclaimed, his handsome features accentuated by his smile.

My head still swam a bit, but the cool feeling on my forehead was a comfort. “What happened? Where am I?” I managed to muster despite a rather large lump in my throat, “I feel like I’ve been screaming at a basketball game.”

“Well, you were shouting for quite some time. And shaking as well,” Astaria said from beside me.

“Jesus Christ!” I shouted in surprise, “Alison’s right, ya’ll need a damn bell.”

Astaria chuckled, “Sorry, I’ll try to remember to announce my presence.”

“Wise ass,” I muttered.

“You are aboard my ship in the medical bay,” my Celestial Sire said calmly, “You were shouting for some time. Did you see something?”

“Yeah, actually,” I said, covered in cold sweat.


“Well, I was in a really expensive looking room and it was all on fire,” I said, trembling.

“Could you tell where you were?” Astaria asked.

“I’m not sure. It was a rather open room with large windows on my right and several doors to my left. The wall with the doors was a beautiful wood with grand moldings and there was a long table just to the right of the Archway to the next room. Or hallway? I’m not sure. There was a set of stairs to the right, on the other side of the Archway.”

“Anything else about the room or the people in it?” Astaria quarried.

“Yeah, the table had a cherub statue centerpiece and the people were all running and screaming. I couldn’t move or shout, I could only watch them,” I said as I felt my eyes well up and my body tremble.

Space Daddy blotted my forehead and hushed me, “That’s enough, my Sun. All is well now.”

“Wait! Where’s Alison?” I asked as I tried to get up.

“She’s just fine. She’s resting in her quarters. She was fairly exhausted after connecting to the ship.”

“Connecting to the ship?” I asked.

What the fuck does that mean?

“My ship runs on three, what one might call, ‘micro stars’ to which yourself, our dearest Moon, and myself are all connected. Not physically really, it’s almost like a celestial Wi-Fi for those of us who can connect to it.”

“Wait, so did you control her with it? Because she said she couldn’t stop,” I said questioning the means of the situation.

“Not in a robotic sense but more in an astrally magnetic way. Think of it as a way to never lose your ship,” he said.

I stared at him, “My ship?” I felt my eyes shake.

“Yes, Astaria told me how you wanted a ship, so what better ship than mine?” he smiled.

I looked at Astaria and then back at the third father of mine, “I don’t under-“

“Don’t worry. I understand this has all been quite a shock, but it is very real. I’m here to help you. I’m going to help you develop your abilities and learn to recover from such intense experiences, my Sun. You are not alone,” he reassured me.

I could sense no lie.

“Astaria, could you notify the world leaders to look over fire safety, please?” Space Daddy said.

“Yes, your grace,” Astaria turned on their heels and left.

“I just hit them over the head, stole a ship, and it crashed in the middle of the woods. Why are you giving me a ship?” I asked.

“Because you will need one regardless and I know this one is reliable. I understand this is all quite a shock from what you’re used to-“

“Yeah, that really is an understatement.”

“Yes, I understand. We are here to make it right and you need a ship. You also need to learn to harness your abilities. You’re incredibly powerful and it is dangerous to have you out about without some understanding of how it all works.”

“I see… so what are my abilities, exactly?”

“If the ones we’ve witnessed are any indication, you have quite a few. Telepathy, forsight of all basic senses, transmutation…”

I looked down at the thin, metallic grey sheet that covered most of my body and back up with the Cosmic King. “Is it normal to feel sick?” I asked, putting my hand on my stomach.

“Yes, and tired as well. I imagine you’ve never had a vision this intense before?”

“I have actually but only once. I was crying in bed one night and, suddenly, I was plunged beneath the ocean. What I can only assume was Moonlight, shone through the water so I could see. Just like in the vision I just had, I could feel the water and taste it but I didn’t drown. Before me I could see an amazingly massive dragon, or so it appeared. It was all woven around in a knot and staring right at me. I never felt like it would hurt me but the impressiveness was intimidating.”

Space Daddy smiled and nodded, “The Leviathan.”

I felt my eyes shake again as my mouth fell agape.

“It’s not there for what Earth humans have grown to believe it is,” he assured me.

“So what’s it there for?”

“It is Earth’s guardian. Well, one of them,” he laughed.

“I see…”

I’m not sure how I feel about all this.

“So this thing runs on stars huh?” I asked.

I’ll pick up on the water dragon later.

“Yes, three micro stars.”

“How big are they? How are you able to contain them safely?” I asked, incredibly intrigued by the science.

“Well, all three are about the size of a bubble,” he answered, “and they are contained in a very special room of the ship that allows, what one might call, their ‘tri star system’ to exist safely, I assure you.”

“What size bubbles? We talkin’ coffee bubbles or like the ones they had when the Titanic sank, size bubbles?” I asked, probing for more.

I am part alien aren’t I?

“More or less like coffee bubbles, yes,” he answered.

“You’re telling me that tiny bubbles run my ship?”

“Well, micro stars the size of tiny bubbles, yes.”

“What’s her name? The ship, I mean.”

“She doesn’t have one. We are all telepathic so we can just communicate directly what we mean. We only use names and verbal language for Earth humans to understand. So, I guess it has never really needed one since they’ve never seen it.”

“It’s bad luck to have a ship without a name. Since she’s mine now, I get to name her, right?”

“As you wish, my Sun. What shall it be?”

“Tiny Bubbles.”

SeriesSci FiFantasy

About the Creator

Arthur Armstrong

A being of duality, poetic irreverence, and maddening nonsense.

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    Arthur ArmstrongWritten by Arthur Armstrong

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