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Ummm... Like, How Did We Get Here, Man!?

By Zachary M. Cain (Creative/Copy Writing)Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Free-Use Image. For The Aquarium Challenge.

A teenager is seen walking over to a couch next to a wood stove. He lights up what appears to be a small cigar, sits down, and begins speaking to the camera.

"Well... this is a doozy! Ok so check this out, like, we were totally abducted man!

I know it sounds crazy, and sure, even crazier when it is coming from a modern day "hippy" kid. No one trusts me, they all think I'm just stoned all the time, and that my brain is fried. I'm telling you the truth though dude, we were, like, one hundred percent, straight up, bona fide abducted! By aliens!

So it was like, I don't know, maybe seven or eight o'clock, on a random Thursday night in late November. The trees were bare, and the wind was cold, winter was right around the corner. I was sitting by the wood stove, smoking on a doob... I mean a cigar, yeah just smoking my old cigar being fancy, when all of a sudden there it was, man! A big old blinding light! A light so bright, it like, burned the trees outside of my window!

Let me tell you though, it wasn't just the trees outside that got totally baked, you know what I'm saying, bro?

The light must've been some sort of portal, beam, teleporter ray-like thingy. You know, whatever the things are that aliens use to defy gravity and suck you up in their motherships? Yeah one of those... thingies. Anyway it must've been one, because next thing I know I was waking up to some weird stuff, on some weird planet. It was, like, weird, man!

Ok, so like, this is where I'm going to start sounding like some looney, cuckoo, crazy guy! When I woke up, I was in an aquarium, you know like the ones with all the fishes and sharks and what not? Big ones, like in the city, not the little ones you put in your home, man. There was a giant glass wall right in front of us, and the other 3 walls, floors and ceiling, were all blacked out. On the other side of the glass was, like, water. So much water, man, like the water went on forever as far as I could see, it was endless! At first we couldn't really see much, I guess it must've been like, night time over there or something, but slowly it started to brighten up, and we could see a glimmer of sun through what we called the "top" of the water. Then we saw some fishy... things.

They weren't normal fish, like from here, man. They were giant scaly beasts with like... antennas... and arms and legs. Humanoid, I think, is the proper term. They seemed interested in us. One swam right up to the glass and started poking it. It was a smaller fish-person thing than the rest, must have been a kid. The room started shaking pretty violently and that's when it clicked. We were not longer on planet earth, dude, no way. We were in some sort of aquarium exhibit on some distant planet! Everyone started majorly freaking out! A couple of people even tried breaking the glass saying they'd rather try to swim for it than be trapped by monsters, but there was no way they were breaking a massive wall of glass underwater that deep. I thankfully had a couple of um... cigars in a cigarette case in my pocket, so I lit one up and began "processing the situation".

It didn't seem like we were in any real danger. A few days went by and the fish-people would come and go. A select few of them would swim by three times a day and fill a tank on the far side of the room with some weird, slimy, green stuff. We quickly realized it was food after not eating for like two days, it was actually surprisingly good after someone finally decided to eat it. There was always water in another tank that one brave soul tried the first day we were there. Side note, that brave soul was myself, man, I had the cottonmouth real bad!

It got to the point after a couple of weeks that we kind of lost all hope in getting home, we accepted it I guess. We would all wait patiently by the glass to see the fish-people come by. It was really all we had to, like, look forward too... you know? It had to have been at least like, two, maybe three months since we were brought to this place. It was pretty ironic, how us as people on Earth kept animals in cages to examine and experiment on, and now we are stuck in the same situation. Thankfully they just kind of watched us and didn't experiment on us though. That would of been, like, not okay at all. We ended up naming the planet we were on in our boredom, we called it Aquari... you know, like, short for aquarium? Since we were kind of stuck in a similar situation it only seemed right with all the water and the big glass wall and what not.

I was strange though. After about, I don't know, maybe the fifth month, some of us started disappearing. We had no clue what was happening, they were just gone. We went from about fifty of us to thirty, from thirty to like fifteen. Until maybe the sixth month when it was just me and this other girl Susy. Her and I were alone for like a week, and then boom, I woke up, back in my parlor room next to the wood stove.

Yep, just like that I was back home. The trees outside weren't burned anymore, fire still ripping away in the stove. Everything seemed normal. Well everything in the real world did anyways, but I've been like, losing my mind ever since. What happened to everyone else, where did Susy go? It's all so weird, and confusing, and like, weird, man!

So that's why I'm leaving this little message here on Youtube guys! If anyone from Aquari made it back home, like, get a hold of me, and we can all get together and tell the world so I don't seem like some cuckoo, crazy person... Please... If you see this reach out and we can like, meet up or whatever.

And Susy, if you see this, I would still like to go to that movie someday..."

The teenager gets up, looks into the camera one last time, as if the get a full view of what he looks like, and then shuts it off.

The video has been watched over twenty million times, and shared all over the world, and yet, no one else from the experience has made an appearance. Was it all a hoax? Is he crazy? Or did the rest of the fifty people on Aquari never make it home?

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Zachary M. Cain (Creative/Copy Writing)

Independent writer specializing in Comic Books, Fiction, Music, and Poetry.

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    Zachary M. Cain (Creative/Copy Writing)Written by Zachary M. Cain (Creative/Copy Writing)

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