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An Invitation well Spent

✈️ A Zero Gravity Adventure ✈️

By Ocusan MPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 14 min read

It was a extreme surprise for Prudence when she received the formal letter announcing she had been selected as a contestant on international survivor. It was a interesting invitation having tribal tattooed red ink with a matching envelope. The letter announced that this version of survivor would be played within the clouds in a zero gravity plane. It explained that a medical examination would be required to ensure safety and if sensitive to high altitudes one should consider not to participate. Being young and healthy as well as experienced in flying long distances, she was aquatinted with occasional ear popping and always drank water to remedy it. She remembered her basic training, the tall bald types that raised their hands when asked if anyone had tubes in their ears. She had only a brief time in the service, enough to earn the tuition for Montgomery college. There she found the career of a technician landing a job as a technical consultant. It wouldn’t be difficult to take leave to partake in the contest, after showing her invitation to her employer she was on her way. Arriving to the studio with a light backpack, she looked great in the summer air. The hosts there introduced themselves as Cemil representing Turkish Survivor and Charlie representing American Survivor. They explained that since the tournament took place on a plane there were only allowed six contestants. One from China, one from South America, one from Sweden, one from Italy, one from Turkey, and one from America. It seemed easy enough, as she was escorted to her medical exam. The medical Doctor gave Prudence a thorough examination both physical and psychological. The reason he said was to make sure no one would become unstable while in higher altitudes. Most of the psychological was writing about herself that she felt confident in doing. After she had been given clearance from the doctor she was escorted to the dining room where she met the other contestants who were extremely excited about the whole concept. The Asian, Turkish, & Spanish males verses the Swedish, Italian & American females. This should be really interesting, Chin proposed to having a toast to the event. All raised their glasses and clicked them together, Bursts of laughter exploded making it a joyous occasion. Charlie & Cemil showed up at the table dressed in the proper flying clothes of blue synthetic jackets and pants. They made the announcement that they would depart for the airport and to be prepared for the television crew to begin filming. If anyone is not comfortable with cameras watching every move you make, now is the time to pull out from participating. Charlie informed, reminding her of the moment of silence in long ago boot camp. Everyone received the same blue flying suits and personal matching backpacks, as they crew looked sharply professional walking in single file to the big plane that would be their home for the next week. The camera crew filmed them as they entered the plane finding their beds in the front cabin where they gladly slept as they flew to the destination with the show beginning the next morning. Prudence was relieved to see that the plane had built in cameras remotely filming with the crew remaining on ground. The cameras weren’t in their private area, just in the game area. Flying over the tranquil ocean, the sun greeted them after a quick breakfast that was handed out by two stewardess. None of the contestants had eaten MRE’s before as the army had donated them for the magical flight. Charlie informed that they along with everyone watching couldn’t stop talking about a contest held in the air as every tv set was watching below. Cemil was a elderly swim coach chosen to accompany Mister Charlie as the competing international crew all had experience living overseas. The show wanted to tighten the Turkish/ American relations as well. It was comforting to have a elderly gentleman mascot as Cemil was a former pilot. The Italian girl, Francesca was a daughter of a Italian Air Force commander and a dancer with a popular dance troupe. Chin’s grandfather had been a kamikaze pilot in WorldWar11, he, a pilot in the Chinese Imperial Air Force. The Swede, Miss Millicent was named after a character in a John Barrymore movie, her parents both active in the movie industry. With her frail hair she preformed on stage and in a silent film. The Spanish male, Ricardo had experience in bull fighting & was a art restoration curator who preserved antique oil paintings & works of art. Last but not least, a Turkish male who like Ricardo had no military connection and worked at a hot spring resort as a masseuse. He admired Mister Cemil being a swimming medalist and pilot of the Preforming stars. They all had written profiles that were put together in a booklet with photos that each player received. It all was very professional as it was important that each player knew who they were competing against. They all had assembled in the game area where Mr Cemil was holding out the immunity idol of a totem bird painted gold with intricate mirrors. It was a beautiful idol, modern yet tribal. Charlie announced their would be three matches, each played in zero gravity as the plane had zero gravity capability. After the immunity challenge the loosing team would go to tribal council to vote off the first player. The plane began to ascend as Mr Cemil handed out buffs for the two teams. On the viewing screen there was a holographic display of what they were all playing for, a state of the art hydraulic car. As the plane began to take its arc, seats were folded into the panel wall, the orientation was over as the first parabolic was started. Charlie instructed people to warm up by trying to somersault, he somersaulted while shouting over the roar of the stratotanker. Gee this G force is stupendous! Franchise giggled. She somersaulted over by Ricardo who’s eyes glazed red. I am a bull in the arena! He tried a cartwheel. Cemil brought Charlie a microphone so he needn’t shout. Now that your warmed up, we have about 90 minutes for the challenge. Cemil set up a giant cone at the far end. Their was much room where each player could be profiled making it less confining. Cemil then handed out large rings that were for a ring toss competition. Prudence had only done this once at a state fair, much smaller with glass bottles. She hoped this experience would help. They were allowed three tries, taking turns at pitching. The gals were just as capable as the guys, as some of their tosses were overshot. Prudence concentrated thinking of the fair as her ring floated from her flying body falling short of the cone. The winning toss was made by the Turk, who called himself Stork as he got the nickname from a nest on his roof. His ring seemed to fly like a bird making it land gently in the zero gravity field. It was unanimous that the male team won after that. Ricardo swore he could do it from his experience with the lasso, yet his toss had ricocheted flying much like a boomerang. Charlie gave the immunity idol to Stork, he proudly accepted. The girls were uneasy about loosing, as time was up as the planes accelerometer beckoned them down. Charlie declared the winners and informed the woman he would see them at tribal council. While the men were back in their bunks Cemil told them how fortunate they were to have a bathroom as the game had never had this luxury. His presence was realistic, as Chin was thankful to also not need to chop trees to make shelter. Don’t forget the rodents, Stork added. I don’t miss not having a Luna at night, stars out the window is just as nice, Ricardo said. The boys were content to have the night off as the women had to vote someone off. Come on in girls! There was a seated area for the pink buffed team to talk. Of course their were no torches, with only a table with the voting box. The discussion took little under a hour as the three talked of the weightlessness experience. I’m surprised none of you got air sick! Charlie exclaimed. Well, we did notice Mister Cemil sitting in at a desk supplied with oxygen masks if needed..Prudence added. Cemil had medical training and has vomit bags and motion sickness pills on standby. Charlie informed. The three girls giggled at the mention of it. We are very lucky not to have gotten sick, Franchise said. Millicent’s eyes were getting heavy as Charlie noticed and rounded up the discussion by stating it’s time to vote. The uneasiness of voting someone out descended upon the party of only three, as the votes were cast. What if each of us gets a vote, what happens then? Then we draw straws. The girls laughed at the tie breaker. Charlie went over and read the votes. First vote, Franchise. Franchise covered her eyes. Second vote, Millicent. Millicent rolled her eyes. Third vote, Franchise. Prudence sat astonished by not getting a single vote. Franchise knew her chance was up, she wouldn’t be in the next immunity challenge. It was good having you here Franchise, you know this of this type of competition is unpredictable, you were carefully selected among thousands of applicants, I hope your experience was meaningful. I have learned much from this , especially that the elderly would benefit from so much stress lifted off. My grandmother who has arthritis could heal her aching bones, even if just for one hour. You said something important, this is something to be considered. The night ended with only five players. The next day they were informed of the next challenge, Drum bounce. Come on in guys. The five entered the parabolic room ready to play as the big plane ✈️ made its second arc. Since stork had immunity, he sat it out, making two men against two women. In this challenge you will simply run up and bounce off the steel drum. Charlie pointed to a conglomeration of welded steel drums forming one giant art piece of sound. Charlie floated up stretching his legs as if bicycling in air. It was interesting to watch. He then forced his weight onto them drum, slamming a bong sound that reverberated in the flying chamber. It was hilarious. How does one win? Charlie motioned over to Cemil who sat at his table with what looked like vu meters. The highest ranged pitch is winner. Cemil recorded the sound then fed the reverb back through the microphone. This produced a bouncing echo that felt as if they were in outer space! Ready set go! Each took a turn as the sounds sounded like a circus of vibrations. It didn’t take long for the results, Ricardo had the loudest chain reaction of sound. Stork gave him the immunity idol. The blue buffs had defeated the pink buffs a second time. Ricardo’s experience as a tap dancer paid off, along with being familiar with the marimbas. Millicent and Prudence knew they had tribal council that night. The plane was nearing China as the time was narrowing down. Millicent voted for Prudence, Prudence voted for Millicent. They drew straws and Millicent got the short straw. Prudence was told that she must merge with the blue buffs. Millicent too was grateful for the experience. Being a silent film actress she wanted to choreograph this vibrant sound into her films. It was a new epic time period where she sung opera behind a veil of wind moving material interpreted into a modern film of light and shadow. He wished her well in her pursuit. And Dear Prudence, do you have any words as you now will compete with the men. Putting on her blue buff, she said that the boys were funny talking about never seeing a blue liquid can. 🚽 Charlie laughed and explained that for travel sanitary, it was required. The next day was the third challenge that would not be in zero gravity and would take place in the dining room. After a light breakfast where the pilot & co pilot were introduced to the players, as without them the competition wouldn’t be a reality. It was a emotional moment as a prayer of gratitude was said to the amazing pilots. Charlie explained that the next challenge consisted of calling home to speak to a loved one. The people viewing at home would vote for who has the most creative message from their experience. Chin asked how would they understand when he knew no one at home who spoke English. Cemil spoke up and explained that they could read the words with the translator box. Chin had the first call as he wanted to call his mother who lived high in the mountains. She was a fun filled lady who told a story of how she once walked across the entire city of Beijing with a pot of tea for a tea ceremony. It was her duty working for the higher dynasties to deliver the tea, running out of yuan for a carriage she made the journey on foot. And there you are traveling at the speed of sound, my have times changed. Yen grinned, it was all he could say as he was locked into content. The camera Moved away from his Grandmothers house showing a faded Buddha statue in the background. The next phone call was for Stork as his father’s conversation was all about the traveling Hoja who told stories that were lessons in life. The Hoja couldn’t understand what the American said. A cow in a tree, how can be? I told him it’s a bow in a tree. Storks Baba thinks it’s funny, he laughs. Well how are you son? I guess your higher then the storks. I’m proud of you son, tomorrow I go into Trabzon and won’t be watching, I wish you the best during Ramadan. He faded away as all eyes were on Stork. It’s ok I don’t have to fast since I’m here, in fact I’m enjoying the meals. It’s good to hear it, Charlie said as it was Prudences turn. I don’ I don’t have anyone to call. You must have someone. If I would have known about this part of the game, I wouldn’t have came, it’s embarrassing. Well I don’t know what to say, I guess. Wait a minute the votes are coming in.. It looks like the viewers liked you the best without a phone call. Prudence you won immunity! Stork handed over the golden idol. She held it feeling a little uneasy. The next challenge will be between the three remaining men. Prudence felt bewildered holding the immunity idol she earned for nothing. The next day the three men were informed there would be a talent show in the final arc of zero gravity. There would be no tribal council as the two girls voted out would pick a winner. The winner would then compete against Prudence for the finale. Stork invited everyone to relax as he played soft music where he floated over to the three women and carefully caressed their backs. They were wearing bikini tops so adding body butter became his art. It felt heartwarming to be touched by caring hands as he created patterns of soft circles making them lightheaded. How very dreamy of you, you almost had me hypnotized. Mr Charlie spoke through the microphone. The music stopped with the women taking a moment to breathe before the next act. Chin’s act consisted of a simulated fencing dual with a virtual hologram that glowed in the dimmed lights. The virtual ghost was very spooky with shiny eyes and a ancient face that seemed as if he stepped out of a movie. The woman were involved watching each move as the pair moved in the weightlessness chamber. Their fencing costumes glittered with sequins adding a elegance to his production. It ended by Chin pointing his sword through the holographic opponent, making him warp and ripple then fade away. All hands clapped as Chin gave a bow. It’s going to be tough to act to follow. Ricardo’s act was to ride a mechanical bull in the zero gravity. It was made of a lightweight material so it floated easily once the button was pushed. How long could he stay on? The girls whispered. This act made them feel uneasy as the males were highly entertained by it. His costume matched the song playing, Rhinestone Cowboy as he too glittered in the arena light. When it came time to vote a winner, the girls unanimously voted for Stork. I think they all fell in love! Charlie was convinced. Stork was pumped up from the experience, he couldn’t wait to compete against Prudence. The plane made its decent from the arc as the players and judges fell back to the lounge area. There the announcement was made that the final competition would be a skydive. Prudences eyes became alarmed. Oh no I’m not jumping out of this ✈️ !! Stork said to her that if you don’t, you won’t win what you dreamed of having, the winner’s title. Her big eyes looked up at the viewing screen with the hydraulic car grand prize convincing her she must proceed. The next day was tense as Charlie helped them strap on a parachute. Do it for the women! The girls encouraged. Charlie informed the two opponents that their is a target below where the one who gets closest to the target wins the tournament. Are you ready? Stork was ever so prepared for the jump. Prudence tried hard not to think, nodding that she was. The big door opened as they were now over mainland. Remember, look for the target and propel your body. The wind was gusting as they were given a signal to jump. Try not to look down Stork advised. One, two, three.. Both stepped off together into the wind. She was falling through clouds and blue sky. Stork was drifting off too fast in a angled direction. Prudence thanked the Gods she had parachute training in the service. She was able to stir herself to the target when she spotted it. Drifting drifting, until she landed in the bulls eye. The plane had landed with the whole crew waiting for them. Stork emerged from the bushes with trees in his hair. He had missed the target by a few miles and stood perplexed. Suddenly a crow decided to nest in his hair thinking it was a nest. Everyone laughed. Looks like the Stork found a friend! Stork shooed away the bird. Prudence! You won! The hydro car stood nearby. Charlie gave her the keys as she gladly accepted. The girls had tears in their eyes as they said they were upset by not having the chance to preform, all though watching the guys was worth every Millicent! You were spectacular! Hurray for the entire experience.. The camera men showed up as the announcer declared Prudence the winner. She sat in her new prize, waving from the window..The camera pulled back taking in the scene, fading out..

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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