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An Alternative Beginning

By Lloyd Blunden

By Lloyd BlundenPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read

The morning sun kissed their naked bodies, gently baking their soft skin, as they enjoyed the last of their sleep underneath the blossom. Eve awoke first. She sat up, yawned, and stretched her arms high above her head. She must have jostled Adam in the process, for he was not far behind, dragging his mind from his dreamworld into their reality.

They caught one another's eye, each flashing the other their most beautiful of smiles. The usual powerful, warm glow erupted in their hearts as they reflected within their gaze. What was the chance that the only two people on Earth could love each other so intensely? Adam and Eve couldn't believe their luck.

They arose, and started a meandering stroll to the river's edge just a short distance away. By now the sparrows and finches had gathered above them as usual, showering them angelically in their morning song. Rabbits and mice bobbed their little heads up from their burrows to greet the pair as they strolled by. Lilies and orchids turned to follow their steps, whilst the bees and butterflies danced joyfully around their heads. Even the sun seemed warmer in their presence.

As they descended on the river to bathe and drink, countless fish gathered all around them, each as keen as the other to catch a glimpse of them.

Eden was perfect. An idyllic location, loosely designed on heaven’s rolling clouds, God had created a masterpiece for humankind to enjoy and flourish within. There was no hate, no shame, no sin, greed or envy. It was a world that negated all negativity, for such things had never even had the chance to yet come into fruition. Even since the Serpent had whispered promises of unimaginable knowledge and divinity into Eve’s honest ears, she had not yet acted upon his dark powers of persuasion. That is not to say she hadn’t been thinking about what had been said, and as she lay there basking her glistening body in the cool, crystal waters, she found her mind beginning to wander once more.

“What are you thinking about?”

Eve pulled herself out of her trance, and turned to her partner.

“Ah, nothing. Not really. Just enjoying the morning”, she explained with a grin, as she dropped her head back to wash her long wavy hair.

“It is rather spectacular, isn’t it?”Adam replied. He’s so easily satisfied, thought Eve. She wondered if he truly did believe her answer. After all, she didn't.

“What joys shall we partake in today then?” He asked, “We could take the wild horses for a gallop? Or feast upon the juniper berries that lay in the shade of the Great Rock? Or we could…”

“Why don’t we go and see The Tree with our own eyes?” She interrupted as nonchalantly as she dared.

“The Tree? The Tree of Knowledge?”

“Well, yeah. It’s not that far and I think it’ll be fun”

“But. But...” Adam began, with the first nervously stammered words the World had ever seen, “We know what He said about that tree. It's not allowed. It's off limits. No way, let's do something else?”.

“Aren’t you just a little curious about it? It’s not like He said we couldn’t look at it, did he? It’s only half a day’s walk to the centre of the Garden. Please let’s go, we can’t live here having never seen it!” What was she doing, she said to herself, for Eve had never tried to tempt or persuade Adam to do anything before; as if the Serpent himself were hiding in the back of her mouth and his devilish forked tongue was doing the work for her. Her own powers of persuasion shocked even herself, as she watched her words land on Adam's vulnerable ears.

Adam was equally as perplexed. He stared at her for a moment, the cogs of his brain turning away as he tried to see the sudden importance of the Tree. He gently rubbed his chin in deep thought. A pang of curiosity struck him suddenly. His first ever.

“I suppose I do wonder. And it is only a short distance.” He conceded, “However, we both know The Rule. Under no circumstances are we to break His word. Ageed?”

“Agreed.” She replied, smiling.

Without further ado, they climbed up and out of the river, beginning the stroll to the centre of the Garden. The sun's rays quickly dried them off and their skin began to olive. The journey was as peaceful and calm as expected. They stopped now and again to forage a little fruit or a few nuts, whenever the mood struck, for the land was rich and plentiful in edible delights for all humans and animals alike.

They hiked up the outer edge of the valley that bordered the centre of the Garden. It was quite the hike, an incline of a 2000m over rocky terrain, wooded regions and dangerous edges. The couple scaled the ascent fearlessly, pushing their bodies hard as they marched upwards. The Tree was in a difficult to reach location, for anything that is worth doing isn’t easy; another one of God’s genius inventions. And it definitely wasn't an easy hike to reach The Tree.

They reached the valley summit after a few hours, their chests heaving and their skin dripping in sweat. Both Adam and Eve revelled in the intense exercise, their strong, supple bodies pumping blood through their lean physiques.

“There it is!” Eve managed through her panting, as she pointed to the very centre of the valley.

A beautiful sight lay before them. The Tree stood alone amongst the vast plain below, only to be accompanied by an expansive quilt of long grass. The Tree was very large, roughly double the size of a regular fruit tree, with ash white bark, and extending limbs in all directions, each bearing full, juicy fruits. The Tree seemed to glow with a luminescent purity. Like an angel that had fallen from above and become speared into the earth to stand for all eternity, its presence down in the valley, even from way up high where the two stood, was mystifying. Another reminder, no doubt, that this Tree belonged to God himself.

Adam led the careful descent down the mountain side. It wasn’t long before the hill leveled off and they began to cross the plain, in direction of The Tree. As they drew closer and closer with each step, their eager eyes failed to take notice of the ominous, blackened thunder clouds that had begun to roll in over the peaks behind them, from whence they had just come. A keen eye would notice the lightning that was silently erupting from within the storm, but they were too focused on The Tree to realise that God’s watchful gaze was upon them.

Eve’s pace quickened. Her heart raced. Without realising it she overtook Adam, not once releasing her focus from her target. She heard something. A rumble? Or a shout? Was that Adam calling out to her as she passed? Or was it the rumbling of the clouds? She only gave thought to it for a split second, before letting her mind return to the inevitable power that was surely to be bestowed upon her once she had finally tasted the fruits of The Tree. The desire within her to know what God knew was uncontrollable. She wanted it. She needed it.

Before she knew it, she was standing beneath the protective canopy of The Tree of Knowledge.

She stared up at the branches, not noticing when Adam came up alongside her, eyes also fixed on the fruit above. Apples. Beautiful, waxy and thick-skinned, thousands of red apples sat above them, tantalizing their curiosity. A quietness fell upon the pair as they took the sight in.

“Apples”, Adam stated, as he broke the silence.

“Yeah, apples”, Eve replied slowly, through an almost longing moan.

There they stood, still and silently, for quite some time. The sinister, mighty clouds now sat directly above them, daring them to make the next move. Thunder rumbled deep above. The once warm, glowing plain was now enveloped in an apocalyptic grey darkness. Here they stood for an unknown time, stuck between decisions. Eventually, one of them spoke. It was Eve who broke the silence this time.

She gulped. Her throat felt rough and dry.

“I don’t really like apples” she exclaimed, as she managed to pull her attention away from the tree to look at her partner Adam.

Adam’s inadvertent stare was transfixed on the apples. The wind began to howl around them as thunder rumbled above. An unimaginable anger was bubbling above them, ready to strike. For the first time ever, as Eve stared at Adam’s possessed figure, fear struck her heart and she began to wish with all her being that she’d never listened to the voice of curiosity in her head. But it was too late, and now she had also led Adam into this unwinnable predicament.

Eve kept her eyes on Adam as he overcame his own inner demon. He turned to look at Eve. He smiled. She looked more beautiful than ever.

“Me neither. Shall we go and find a pear tree?”


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