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Always Expect The Unexpected

What A Day

By VirituosoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Hi, I'm Richard, and my life is excellent, which I thought it was until the unexpected happened. It's early Monday morning, and the sounds of my alarm clock awaken me. I jumped out of bed with excitement! I'm just starting a new job paying me $150,000 a year.

I turned up the tunes on my radio and got dressed. I'm glad I showered the night before. I don't want to be late on my first day, I thought to myself. I ran out of my apartment, chugging down a bottle of water and a muffin as I approached my car. I noticed I had a flat tire. Great, I don't have time for this, I said to myself. I'll call an Uber.

Finally, the Uber arrived thirty minutes later. Waiting patiently, I called my boss and explained my situation; he didn't sound too happy. But I understood it was my first day. Seeing the expression on my face, he just smiled with his bloodshot eyes, so I asked, are you high? He turns around, giggling, and starts driving. After driving some way, his gas light comes on.

When he pulled over to get gas, I realized we were in the roughest part of town. He turns around and says, " Hey, I need to grab some gas. What! Couldn't you do that before you came and picked me up? I'm sorry, it'll just take a few minutes. Before he could get into the vehicle, three armed guys ran up and demanded money from me. They drugged me out of the car and beat and stomped on me; what lasted minutes seemed like hours.

I was just beaten and robbed by my Uber Driver and his friends. Barely able to stand, I rushed into the gas station and yelled to the clerk to call the police! When the police arrived, I gave them my statement, and I was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

After waiting two hours for treatment, the doctor comes in after being x-rayed and says Mr. Richards; you have two broken ribs in a fractured eye socket. Still determined to get to the job, I got a ride from the police officer who trailed the ambulance that brought me there.

Badly bruised, bandaged, and in pain, I walked through the doors of the job, and staring at me from a distance was the boss, who started making his way over and said to me. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I must let you go. What! I'm only four hours late. He turns around and shakes his head, and walks off. I couldn't believe it was my first job day, and I lost it. So distraught, I started walking home. If my day couldn't get any worse, 15 minutes into the walk, a pack of wild dogs started chasing me.

Fifteen miles later, barely getting away with my life, I make it home just to be stopped by my neighbor. I was robbed and beaten by my Uber driver. Hi, Richard, what happened to you? He asked. I turned to him and said in a loud voice if you must know, I caught a flat. I have two broken ribs, a fractured eye socket, lost my new job, and had been chased by a pack of wild dogs, and rent is due. After seeing my frustration, he leaves.

I thought to myself after entering my apartment; what a day I fought with a bear to be met by a lion. How can a person face so many problems in one day? Well, that's my story. My advice to you is always to expect the unexpected.

Short Story

About the Creator


I am a short story writer who loves reading and watching movies. I have five kids, a wife, and a dog. I try to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment. I am a virtuoso when it comes to living life.

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    VirituosoWritten by Virituoso

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