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Always A Friend

And Forever My Protector

By MacPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The rain came down hard in the city, and Kit was cold and scared. He shivered uncontrollably next to a pile of trash bags in a part of town he'd never known. His hat, soaked to the brim, drooped over his ears and his scarf felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. I want to go home, he thought.

Many strange people passed him on the street. Their hurried movements and stolid faces made Kit feel small and unwelcome in their world, and he supposed he was. Other boys his age would be at home, wrapped in warm blankets and watching television with their parents while they waited for the weekend to pass, then on to school they would go. They'd laugh and play with their friends, they'd eat lunch together and poke fun at the teachers, all would be as it should be for them. But not for Kit, not anymore at least.

Kit looked around. It was getting late and the streets were illuminated only by the tall street lamps that, if Kit knew how to follow them, might lead him back home.

"Aren't you a sorry one, eh?" A large man appeared in front of Kit. His face was hidden by a tall, black hat. His rainslicker clung to him tightly, beading the water away. "Come with me boy, I'll take care of you." The man reached down for Kit, but Kit scooched away to avoid his grasp.

"Hey now, no need to be afraid. I just want to take you somewhere nice and warm. Yeah, nice and warm for a sorry little boy." The man smiled, his crooked teeth a jagged ravine shooting across his wrinkled face. He grabbed Kit hard by the arm and pulled him up. It hurt badly but Kit couldn't find the will to scream beneath his climbing fear. The man began to drag him down the street, but they only made it a few steps before the man yelled and lost control of Kit's arm.

"Aye! You filthy mutt!" The man yelled. "Get back!"

Standing between them was a dog, black as night, with its ears pulled back and emitting a low growl. It had its back to Kit, shielding the boy from the man. Kit wiped the tears from his eyes and saw that the man's pant leg had been torn apart, revealing a deep wound on his calf.

The dog stood its ground. The man went to kick it but the dog reacted quickly enough to clamp down on the man's ankle and send him sprawling backward. The man's expression changed from one of anger to terror as he crawled his way up to his feet and hurried down the street.

Kit sat motionless on the ground. The dog turned around and gazed evenly at the boy. At first, Kit was scared; but then he saw the dog's demeanor had changed from aggression to one of compassion. The dog approached slowly, tail wagging, unable to hide it's excitement.

The dog licked the tears and rain from Kit's face and sat before him.

"Are you alright, child?" The dog said.

Kit's eyes grew wide. "You can talk?" He asked.

"That I can," the dog said. "Tell me your name."

"My name," Kit started. "My name's Kit."

"Kit, what a strong name. What are you doing here all alone?" The dog sat down in front of Kit, any fear the boy had first had was gone now and he felt an overwhelming sense of calm and security just from looking into the dog's large, brown eyes.

Kit looked away. "I ran away from home," he said.

"Ah, yes, I've met quite a few boys like you," the dog said knowingly. "And why have you run from home?"

"Well," Kit said, "We're moving, far away. My mother wants to take me out of school and go... somewhere else."

"I see." The dog stood up and sat down next to Kit, resting its head on the boy's shoulder. Kit could feel the warmth coming from the animal. "Put your arms around me, Kit. You've been out in the rain too long."

Kit did as the dog said. At once the cold left him and the rain slowed to a complete stop. There was still no one around, and Kit was thankful for that, he'd met enough new people for one day.

"What's your name?" Kit asked.

"My owner, my friend, named me Midnite, I suppose on account of my fur. My friend is long gone now but I've kept the name in memory of him." Kit noticed that the dog sounded a bit sad. "I do my best to help people in need now. It was fate that brought me to you. Fate and, maybe somehow, the gentle callings of my friend."

Kit did not say anything, he only held the dog tighter.

"Thank you, Midnite," Kit said.

"It's my pleasure, Kit," the dog said. "You know, you remind me of him. I sense the same loving nature within you."

Kit smiled. "Can you tell me about him? About your friend?"

"Of course, Kit, but some other time. I have a feeling you're about to be headed home."

"Won't you come with me?"

Midnite looked up at the boy. "I'm afraid I can't," he said. "There's still many more lost souls that need me."

Kit held the dog closer, unable to find anything meaningful to say.

"But," the dog said softly, "even though I can't be with you forever we will always have this moment, and in me you will always have a companion."

Somewhere down the street a woman called Kit's name. It was his mother, and all the frustrations he'd so recently felt were gone. Kit realized that now Midnite was also gone, he'd slipped unnoticed out of the boy's grasp. What never faded was Kit's memory of that day, and the knowledge that, no matter how short their time was together, he and Midnite would always be friends.


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