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Alice in Absinthe

An LGTBIQ+ Short Story

By A.B. ReyesPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

The anticipation of a night out in the city was always palpable, but tonight was different. As Alice and Madeline wandered through the dimly lit streets, their laughter echoed, intertwining with the city's muted whispers. It was in these streets that their friendship had blossomed, and over time, subtle glances and lingering touches hinted at a deeper connection.

Madeline, with her raven-black hair cascading like a waterfall and captivating hazel eyes, had a magnetic pull. Alice, on the other hand, was the curious adventurer with a heart brimming with dreams. Their contrasts only seemed to draw them closer, like two puzzle pieces perfectly fitting together.

They entered the speakeasy, a hidden gem of the city, where amber lights flickered, casting warm, inviting glows. Jazz melodies serenaded the patrons, creating an atmosphere of mystique. As they settled into a corner booth, Alice felt a flutter of nerves. Sensing this, Madeline edged closer, her fingers brushing Alice's, sending a jolt of electricity between them. The world seemed to blur into the background, leaving just the two of them. "Ready to dive into the unknown?" Madeline whispered, her voice husky, as she presented the shimmering green drink.

The absinthe acted as a portal, pulling them into an enchanted realm. Amidst the whimsical chaos, they stumbled upon a serene meadow. Moonlight streamed down, bathing everything in a silvery glow, making the flowers shimmer and the air sparkle with magic. Madeline, unable to resist the ethereal beauty of the moment, drew Alice close. Their eyes met, and in that prolonged gaze, unspoken feelings surged forth. Without any hesitation, Madeline leaned in, capturing Alice's lips in a tender kiss, one that spoke of years of suppressed feelings and longing.

As the two navigated the tumultuous terrains of the Queen of Hearts' domain their bond deepened. Madeline's protective instincts flared, her arms wrapping around Alice in moments of peril. Their shared trials in this otherworldly realm solidified their connection, making their return to reality an exploration of newfound feelings.

Back at the speakeasy, the atmosphere seemed charged. The boundaries between reality and the mystical world they'd just experienced blurred. Finding a secluded spot, Madeline took Alice's hand, leading her to the dance floor. As a slow, sultry tune began, they swayed together, bodies in sync, hearts beating as one. Every brush of fingers, every shared glance was laden with emotion.

Between the shared dances and stolen glances, an unspoken tension built up between the two. As the night deepened and the jazz music played its intoxicating rhythm, Madeline leaned in and whispered to Alice, suggesting they find a more private setting. They made their way discreetly through the murmuring crowd to the restroom.

Inside the dimly lit, spacious room, away from prying eyes, the pent-up feelings and desires couldn't be contained any longer. The cold tiles juxtaposed with their warm bodies as they came together, exploring each other with a passionate urgency. The world outside ceased to exist as they drowned in the depths of their newfound intimacy. The quiet moans and fervent touches spoke of a love long suppressed but now freely expressed.

Madeline, pulling away slightly, looked deep into Alice's eyes. "This journey," she began, her voice tinged with emotion, "as bewildering as it was, it opened my eyes to something profound." Alice waited, her breath caught. "I've always cared for you, but tonight I realized, it's not just care, it's love, profound and deep."

The night wore on, but for Alice and Madeline, time seemed to stand still. Their adventure into the world of absinthe had not just been an exploration of fantastical realms but a journey into the depths of their hearts. Their bond, once that of close friends, had transformed into a passionate romance, promising countless shared adventures in both reality and fantasy.

Short StoryYoung AdultLove

About the Creator

A.B. Reyes

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