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The Forgotten

By Nicholas M SteinerPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Thinly shined the intensely burning light from the upper window of my cell, albeit it was slightly refreshing as I hadn't seen any type of "sunlight" in literal months. I didn't exactly know when it was, days and months got lost in translation some time ago. After the war humanity turned to it's true animalistic side and ravaged the entire planet for whatever it wanted or could get its hands on.

"John! It's light! I can see the aqueduct!" I shouted to my cellmate. There was a gigantic aqueduct outside of the castle where we were being held by the prestigious people of Gyile. In the late 2100s Gyile was a very progressive city with multiple technological advances, including seamless space travel and amenities that we now take for granted. One of those amenities had been AUTO-FOOD FOREVER MAX. Auto food forever max, or AFFM as we called it was a completely stand-alone AI unit that created and raised crops, cattle, and sustenance for the human race. It was contained underground as a failsafe in case of armageddon. The now waterless aqueduct was retrofitted by AFFM and now used as a transit for all of the drones the system used to deliver supplies and food.

We didn't know for sure, but we were almost positive that everyone else in the supermax prison was dead. Not completely positive, because AFFM may have been keeping other prisoners alive just like us. Gyile was initially made for prisoners, hence a reason why after the war it essentially remained untouched. Gyile was like the box of Christmas decor your mother would collect from 10 to 20 years ago that you didn't even break out for Christmas. Gyile was forgotten, much like my family was. I am Alec Martrox, and this is the story of the Son of Suns.

"Alec, what do you see?" asked John.

"I saw a bright stream of light from across the ground." much of the ground was barren much like a desert, and just as hot. I was right to be excited, we had been in a mostly dark area for months. My eyes adjusted very poorly, but I kept looking like it was the only peace I had in my cement cell.

We heard the ground shake around us and it felt as though the exterior wall of the prison had been breached.

"Holy...!" I shouted

"Mother f.." shouted John

We then heard the crumbling of the walls and the entire ceiling of the prison was being broken apart in the air and contracted into a giant ball of rubble levitating over us.

"What in the?!... " I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was just like slow motion, just as I said something the vortex was taking hold of John.

"Nooo.. ahhhhh shhiiitt!!!" John screamed.

"No! John!"

"Let him go." An unfamiliar voice shouted through the sky. The voice was exceptionally deep sounding and even cut through the sounds of the sky and alarms going off from the prison. The figure then appeared in the open, levitating below the rubble pile in the sky. The figure resembled the sun in brightness, with what seemed to be solar flares mixed with lava orbiting him in a small circle.

"Whooo.. who are you?" I asked as I shielded my eyes.

"I am your brother, Luminatous. The humans tried to take you from us years ago, destroying your memory and even successfully keeping you on their planet. For years we tried to bring peace to the human race, but everything we tried became unsuccessful. We are Elementals from the planet Mars. Just then the figure threw a huge strain of lava towards me.

"Ahhh no!" I screamed as the lava hit my chest, I fell in extreme pain.

"To active your cells you need to survive a fair amount of pain, after which you will turn into solid rock as from the core of the earth; Solid rock that destroys its adversaries and takes what it wants from the galaxy, just as our king and your father Metexeous did." Luminatous continued. "The rest of our brothers will come to visit you soon, for now, you must complete your quest." the figure vanished into the light.

It was dark and cold once again, John was dead within the rubble of our rooms which we were stuck in for nearly a year. Nearly a year in darkness and cold.

"Goodbye, dear friend." I said as I kneeled over the rubble and laid a locket down. The locket was heart shaped and given to me before I came to prison by my late daughter. "You will always be loved."

-Hours Later-

I had been walking since my recent visit thinking and thinking; What if everything that alien said was true? Am I really from Mars?" Some of my skin was healing, but parts of it weren't and remained dirty and torn.

I started to smell water, as if I was coming across a stream or pond; I had no memory of this road and its surroundings so I just stayed close to the pathways around the aqueduct.

"Alek. You're smaller than I would've thought." I ghostly voice stated that came and went as though a whisper in the trenches of the deepest ocean.

"What?" I stated and was soon submerged underwater by an intense sequence of waves and a whirlpool began to develop around me. A figure approached in the deep, dressed in black robes.

"Greetings Alek. It seems as though Luminatous has set you on your quest. Don't stress too much, especially now.

I was submerged and then came the feeling of drowning.

"No." I fought to stay awake.

"A little fight is always good, maybe you are our missing brother." stated the figure. Just as he had said that a hardened rock exterior began to develop around sections of my skin. "Boom! There we go!"

"Let me go." I said underwater.

" Can't do little bro, I'm here on orders from the family. I'm Draxus by the way, conjurer of the deep. I control the oceans, rivers, and winter. Oddly enough, I too was born on mars. I was sent by our loving father to Neptune to develop my skills of water and ice manifestation. Now I live here with the humans." Draxus then released me from the vortex, I dropped to my knees and threw up a massive amount of water.

"Bleeeehhhhh." I vomited. "Love you too, bro!"

"Use this hound as a guide, he'll know how to find our oldest brother." Draxus voice faded in the air. Just then a hound-shaped creature with scales and gills appeared next to me wagging its long tail and panting. "His name is Sharky."

-Hours Later-

Sharky and I had become to like each other, he was extremely fast and was eating small bugs around the path. He was consequently much wetter than your average dog.

"Your journey has just begun, but the transference is almost over brother." A whisper in the dead of night came from the heightened trees. I didn't see anyone as it was darker now and midnight was coming. The only light I had was a flashlight and headlamp I was able to snag from the prison before I left.

"What do you want from me?" I said

"I am your brother Thanatos, conjurer of spirits and keeper of the dead." If you survive my volleys and attacks you will become a member of our family.

"I don't unders.." suddenly a sword with a bone-like handle appeared levitating in front of me.

"Fight me, Alec. Earn your place."

He swung a giant sword shining black and surrounded by shadows and ash. "Swww." The sword echoed through the night. "Not that bad of reflexes." The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity.

"How would it be, Alek?" He shouted "How would it be if everyone you ever loved or cared for remained dead?!" mountains of skeletons and skulls of the dead emerged from the ground. "You don't even realize what that locket has done to you brother!"

"It's made me stronger!" I lunged towards death with no consideration for my life. I lunged at death with nothing but courage.

-Hours Later-

"Swww." He tried to hit me again, this time I grabbed the sword with my now fully developed rock exterior and crushed it with my hand.

"It seems the stress has created a new me."

"HHHIIIIISSSSS" He yelled as he vanished into the night.

The sky cracked like thunder.

"My son, you are ready to join the elementals of Mars." just then a break in the sky happened and blinding light covered the entire ground and the atmosphere. "Let Luminatous take you to our great beyond, oh, and he's got your locket."

"You are truly lucky we found you, conjurer of rock." Smirked Draxus. "I'm taking my dog back as well."

"All the souls of the dead have witnessed a true warrior tonight, brother." stated Thanatos.

"Come with me into the light." Luminatous said as levitated me into the sky. "Alek, your locket was cursed by the humans. It kept you barely alive, and very weak. It was a way for them to poison your mind and keep your true powers at bay."

"Why would they want to do that?"

"Would you not want to keep the gods at bay, Alek?"

-True gods are never forgotten-

-The End-


About the Creator

Nicholas M Steiner

Writer and Artist for Ichor Comics TM.

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    Nicholas M SteinerWritten by Nicholas M Steiner

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