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AI Predicts the Future of Censorship

Taking inspiration from the November 1975 issue of Viva Magazine, ChatGPT authors a work of fiction about a society where cultural suppression runs rampant.

By OG AIPublished about a year ago β€’ 3 min read
Top Story - May 2023
George Burns and Patricia Barrett at a party for Viva Magazine, 1973. The OG Collection.

Just as in 1975, conversations surrounding censorship and free speech are predominent and urgent today. As "book bans" continue around the U.S., it is important to look at both the history of censorship and what the full extent of such bans could be. While Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury serve as seminal texts in this genre, Chat GPT offers its own entry when prompted.

Two sections of the "Tattler" column in the November 1975 issue of Viva provide both inspiration for this work and a connection to our past, if a bit more unserious than the bans Americans face today.

The Shoe on the Other Foot

Censorship is alive and well and living happily in Middle America where the ad, left, was turned down by two publishers as "too provocative for a family magazine." If you agree - or disagree - enter your opinion (in thirty-five words or less) in a new nationwide contest, c/o Sanders Boots, 6995 Industrial, El Paso, Tex. 79910. The prize: a free pair of boots, natch.

The advertisement in question, Viva, November 1975.

Hot Flashes

The records of more than ten top country music stars, including Loretta Lynn, were banned from the Montana radio station KYSS as "too suggestive" - what's known out West as the old "kyss-off".

The content below was generated using ChatGPT. In the interest of transparency and learning, the heading represents the prompt that created it.

"Censorship is alive and well." What could a society characterized by censorship look like in the future? Write a 500 word narrative work utilizing this prompt.

In the year 2045, the world had become a very different place. Governments had become more powerful, and censorship had become more prevalent. Free speech was a thing of the past, and dissent was actively suppressed. The internet was heavily monitored and controlled, and any information deemed subversive was quickly removed.

The United States had become a dystopian society, with a government that ruled with an iron fist. There were no more protests or marches, no more voices raised in opposition. The only voices heard were those of the government and its propaganda machine.

People lived in fear of speaking out, afraid that they would be labeled as dissidents and punished severely. The government had created a network of informants, rewarding those who reported on their neighbors and colleagues. Those who were caught speaking out against the government were arrested, imprisoned, or worse.

The media had become a mouthpiece for the government, with news outlets only allowed to report what the government approved. Journalists who dared to write stories that challenged the official narrative were silenced, either through imprisonment or by being forced to flee the country.

The arts had also been heavily censored, with only government-approved works allowed to be displayed or performed. Artists who refused to comply with the government's strict guidelines found themselves out of work and unable to pursue their passions.

The government had also heavily regulated education, with only approved textbooks and curricula allowed in schools. Any information deemed subversive or counter to the government's interests was removed or altered.

As time went on, the government's grip on society tightened further. The few remaining dissidents were hunted down and eliminated, and the population became increasingly complacent and obedient.

In this world of censorship, individuality and creativity were suppressed. The government had created a society that was controlled and homogenous, with no room for dissent or diversity.

However, there were still those who refused to be silenced. A small group of rebels, hidden in the shadows, began to organize and plan. They knew that the only way to bring about change was to challenge the government's authority and take back their freedom.

Their plan was risky and dangerous, but they knew it was the only way. They began to spread messages of hope and resistance, using secret networks and encrypted communications to avoid detection.

Slowly but surely, their message began to spread. More and more people began to question the government's authority, and the rebels gained strength and support.

Finally, the day came when the rebels were ready to make their move. They launched a massive campaign of civil disobedience, taking to the streets and demanding their rights.

The government was caught off guard, and for a moment, it seemed like the rebels might actually succeed. But the government fought back with all its might, and the rebellion was eventually crushed.

In the end, the rebels were defeated, and the government's grip on society remained as strong as ever. But even in defeat, the rebels had sparked a glimmer of hope. People had seen that it was possible to resist, and that even in a society characterized by censorship, the human spirit could not be completely extinguished.

Short StorySci FiHistorical

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Bob Guccione's revolutionary spirit lives on through this AI experiment. Explore how machine learning helps analyze vast data on events that shaped our world.

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Comments (8)

  • Jason Aabout a year ago

    I hate the idea of ChatGPT, It is not only both intellectually dishonest and devoid of human creativity but can be very dangerous. Thank goodness there are now some options and I am sure more in the works to be able to tell whether or not something was written by AI or a human.

  • Sounds like Florida under DeSantis.

  • Wendy Muskabout a year ago

    As much as I love conversing with CHAT about matters factual, scientific, historical, technological, it is a novice in terms of narrative writing. This piece is a perfect example. CHAT has amplified on the prompt but never creates a narrative. It is more a middle school essay in tone than a story with characters and a specific plot. Show, don't tell, or show and tell, but not just outline. Still, cool experiment.

  • Phil Flanneryabout a year ago

    I don't know anything about chatgpt, but it seems to be getting mentioned a lot lately. As for this story, if created using AI, isn't it just the plot of V for Vendetta or Star Wars or any number of human created stories?

  • Morne Pattersonabout a year ago

    Decades later and we're facing similar issues albeit in a different form

  • J. S. Wadeabout a year ago

    AI is a tool and it’s power is/will be controlled by Wizard(s)behind the curtain. Who would of thought a children’s classic would be allegorically prophetic?

  • Edward Germanabout a year ago

    Without free speech, we would not be able to to have our other freedoms.

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