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After all this time? Always.

Do you agree Snape deserved love? if yes, this is for you...

By Kavita RoyalPublished 9 months ago 2 min read

In the ethereal realms of heaven, where time flowed like a gentle river, Severus Snape wandered in the soft glow of eternal twilight. He was no longer the stern Potions Master of Hogwarts but a soul in search of something he had lost in life – his lady love, Lily Evans. The pain of unrequited love had haunted him on Earth, but in this heavenly abode, he hoped to find solace.

One day, as he strolled through the celestial gardens, he saw a radiant figure among the blooming flowers. It was Lily, her auburn hair cascading like a waterfall, and her eyes, as green as emeralds, shimmering with kindness. Severus's heart skipped a beat; he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Lily?" he whispered, his voice barely audible amidst the heavenly serenity.

Lily turned, and her eyes widened in recognition. A smile, warm and familiar, graced her lips. "Severus," she said, her voice like a melodious song. "I've been waiting for you."

Tears welled up in Severus's eyes as he approached her, his heart overflowing with emotions long suppressed. He held out his hand, and Lily took it, their fingers entwining in a reunion that felt like the mending of a broken soul.

In heaven, time was fluid, and moments stretched into eternity. Severus and Lily spent their days exploring the heavenly realms, their laughter harmonizing with the celestial melodies that filled the air. They danced among the stars, their love story woven into the constellations, immortalized for all eternity.

Severus confessed his deepest regrets, the pain of his choices weighing heavy on his heart. Lily, with her infinite compassion, forgave him, her love transcending the earthly misunderstandings that had once driven them apart. They relived the moments of their friendship at Hogwarts, the laughter they shared, and the unspoken bond that had connected their souls.

As they walked through the heavenly gardens, Lily revealed her newfound passion for painting, a talent she had discovered in the afterlife. Severus, ever the supportive soul, encouraged her, and together, they created masterpieces that captured the essence of their eternal love.

In heaven, there was no need for words, for their hearts communicated in a language beyond human understanding. They reveled in the bliss of each other's company, their love story evolving into a tapestry of colors, music, and emotions.

One day, under the silver glow of the moon, Severus took Lily's hand and knelt before her. "Lily Evans," he said, his voice filled with unwavering devotion, "will you be my eternity? Will you be my forever?"

Lily's eyes sparkled with tears of joy as she nodded, her smile illuminating the heavens. "Yes, Severus Snape. I will be your eternity, your forever."

And in that moment, surrounded by the celestial wonders of heaven, Severus and Lily sealed their love with a kiss, a kiss that echoed through the stars, a testament to the power of love that even death could not diminish.

In heaven, they found the peace they had longed for in life, their souls entwined for all eternity, their love story written in the stars, a beacon of hope and redemption for lost souls on Earth.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Kavita Royal

Bookworm with a melody in her heart

Artist & Dreamer

Imagination knows no bounds

Lost in the world of books, music, and art

Dreamer of endless possibilities

Turning dreams into reality one creative endeavor at a time

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