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A robber devil who robs the chastity of farmers

rumored in fearful tones by the firelight in  numerous a  vill.   Zarathar was a altitudinous, assessing figure with skin like molten  gemstone, eyes that glowed like embers, and  cornucopias that twisted towards the  welkin. His presence  transuded an air of dread and temptation, a combination that left indeed the bold of souls  jiggling.   One twilight evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the  murk dragged ,

By vinoth kumarPublished 23 days ago 3 min read
A robber devil who robs the chastity of farmers
Photo by Drew Tilk on Unsplash

In the  thick, ancient  timbers that lay between the sprawling spreads of Villand and the rugged mountains, there lived a notorious devil known as Zarathar. Zarathar was no ordinary demon; he was the Robber Devil,  ignominious for stealing not gold or jewels, but the chastity of  unknowing  growers. His legend had grown over the centuries, 

rumored in fearful tones by the firelight in  numerous a  vill.   Zarathar was a altitudinous, assessing figure with skin like molten  gemstone, eyes that glowed like embers, and  cornucopias that twisted towards the  welkin. His presence  transuded an air of dread and temptation, a combination that left indeed the bold of souls  jiggling.   One twilight evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the  murk dragged ,

a  youthful  planter named Jarek made his way home from the fields. Jarek was known in the  vill of Rivenwood for his hardworking nature and his  unvarying  fidelity to his ffianced, Elara. Their love was a  lamp of stopgap and  chastity in the small, tightly- knit community.  

As Jarek trudged along the path that wound through the edge of the  timber, he felt a  unforeseen bite in the air. The rustling of leaves and the distant cries of  nightly  brutes  sounded to grow louder, more  portentous. He quickened his pace, but it was too late. A thick mist rolled  by, obscuring his vision and  belting the world in a  cloak of argentine. 

" Jarek," a voice  rumored,  satiny and  minatory." Do you not wish for  further than the simple life of a  planter? Wealth, power, desire — all can be yours."   Jarek spun around, his heart pounding in his  casket. Arising from the mist was Zarathar, his eyes burning with  malignant  gaiety . The devil's presence was inviting, a force of nature that demanded attention and submission.  " I'm Zarathar," the devil declared, his voice like the  grumble of distant thunder." I offer you a chance to break free from the chains of your mundane actuality. All I ask is a small price your chastity."   Jarek's mind  contended. He'd heard the tales of Zarathar, of how he'd corrupted  numerous before him, leaving them concave shells of their former characters. He allowed

             of Elara, her gentle smile and kind eyes, and felt a  swell of determination.  " I'll not be swayed by your temptations, Zarathar," Jarek replied, his voice steady." My love for Elara and my commitment to our future is stronger than any  pledge you can offer."   Zarathar's expression darkened, and the air around them  sounded to crinkle with dark energy." You're  stalwart, Jarek, but you underrate the power of desire."   With a  surge of his hand, Zarathar  supplicated an  vision. The mist parted to reveal a vision of Jarek’s deepest fantasies a grand estate, endless wealth, and  innumerous sweeties  toadying over him. The vision was intoxicating, and for a moment, Jarek felt his  resoluteness jiggle.   But  also he flashed back  his father's  training, the values that had been  inseminated in him since nonage. He closed his eyes, shutting out the vision, and took a deep breath.  " No," he said  forcefully, opening his eyes to meet Zarathar's fiery aspect

            ." I'll not betray my love or my principles."   Zarathar snarled, his form  splashing with fury." veritably well,mortal.However,  also I shall take it by force!"  If you won't willingly give me your chastity.  With a  swell of supernatural speed, Zarathar dived  at Jarek. The  planter braced himself, knowing he was no match for the devil's strength. But just as Zarathar's claws were about to strike, a brilliant light erupted from the mist.

   Elara appeared, her presence radiant and pure. She held a amulet, an ancient artifact passed down through generations, said to have the power to banish  wrong. With unwavering courage, she stepped between Jarek and Zarathar, raising the talisman high.  " Begone, foul  critter!" Elara commanded, her voice ringing with authority.   The light from the amulet  boosted,  gulfing Zarathar. The devil screamed in agony as the holy light seared his meat, driving him back into the depths of the  timber. The mist dissipated, and the night returned to its tranquil state.  

Jarek fell to his knees, overwhelmed with relief and  gratefulness. Elara rushed to his side, embracing him tightly.  " You saved me," he  rumored, his voice choked with emotion.  " We saved each other," Elara replied vocally." Our love is our strongest  guard against the darkness."   From that day forward, Jarek and Elara's story came a new legend in Rivenwood, a testament to the power of love and integrity. And while Zarathar's shadow still lurked in the  timber, the  townies knew that their hearts and their chastity were safe as long as they held  presto to their  merits and each other.

Young AdultthrillerShort StorySeriesScriptMicrofictionHorrorFan FictionfamilyClassical

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    VKWritten by vinoth kumar

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